Close Combat: First to FightClose Combat: First to Fight - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesClose Combat: First to Fight
Close Combat: First to Fight (and the Wii port Marines: Modern Urban Combat) is a 2005 video game developed and released by Destineer Studios. The game is set in Beirut in 2006 amid a fictional crisis sparked by the emergency evacuation of the Lebanese Prime Minister and resulting in the Iranian and Syrian-backed local militia taking control of the city streets. As the conflict escalates, United States Marines are inserted into the capital for the third time. In the game, you play as a Lance Corporal in charge of a fire team of four men (ready-team-fire-assist) during the war.
The game is noticeable for two things - the realistic tactics used by the fire team and the psychological model for friendly and enemy AI which can cause rise and drop in morale, as well as the ability to persuade enemy forces to surrender. Also, if one of your Marines dies, the game ends, and if one is severely wounded; he cannot get back into combat but will be replaced by calling for a naval corpsman to retrieve him. If two teammates are severely injured, the mission will also end due to lack of manpower to continue. Retired and active duty US Marines who fought in Fallujah were consulted during development.
The following weapons are featured in the video game Close Combat:First to Fight:
An M16A4 rifle, the main weapon of the United States Marine Corps, is the default load-out for the fire team leader (Team), the rifleman (Ready) and the Assistant Automatic Rifleman (Assist). The fire team leader's M16A4 is fitted with a 4X ACOG scope which can be adjusted for preference and an M203 grenade launcher as mentioned below, whilst the Rifleman and the Assistant Automatic Rifleman use standard ironsights. The M16A4 can be set to fire semiautomatic and in three-round bursts. They are fitted with 30-round aluminum STANAG magazines, but only loaded with 28-rounds, as is typical practice in the USMC.
The main weapon of the Insurgents and the Syrian Army is the AK-74, modeled with a ribbed metal magazine versus the standard smooth plastic magazine. It can be fired in semiautomatic, three-round bursts and full automatic.
The M40A1 sniper rifle is used by the USMC snipers which the player can call for covering fire. It is unusable by the player character. Note that the M40A1 was replaced by the M40A3 shortly before the game is set; it is probably a designer error but it is possible that some units may not have being fully equipped with the A3 in 2005.
The M249 SAW, the standard-issue light machine gun of the United States Military, is carried by the fire team's Automatic Rifleman (fire). It can be used by the player if "Fire" is wounded severely enough to be combat-ineffective.
The standard light support weapon for the OpFor in-game is the RPK light machine gun. It is fitted with a 75-round drum magazine and can be used by the player.
The Browning M2HB heavy machine gun is mounted on enemy Technicals, ememy BMP Tanks, and friendly LAV-25 Armoured Personnel Carriers. It is also used by the OpFor in a stationary mount on an M3 tripod. It can be manned by the player character, who can also order a team member to operate it.
The M1911A1 is occasionally used by enemy OpFor. It can be picked up and used by the player. It is very rare and impossible to find ammunition for, limiting it to only about eight rounds per sidearm, but it is quite powerful. In extended firefights, if your teammates run out of ammunition for their primary weapon, they will pull out an M1911A1.
The infamous RPG-7, fitted with a PGO-7 sight, is used by OpFor forces in-game. It is a nuisance weapon which can cause heavy damage to the Marines if used properly.
The player character carries several M67 hand grenades. They can be either thrown or rolled towards enemy positions. Your fire team will also use them during stack-up operations to clear rooms before breaching.