Dead Island is a survival horror first-person shooter, developed by Techland for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The main weapons in the game appear to be improvised melee weapons à la Condemned, but there are a few firearms scattered about. A sequel entitled Dead Island: Riptide was released in 2013. On May 31, 2016, both Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide were remastered for Xbox One and PS4. Interestingly, some weapon models were replaced with weapons from Dying Light, also developed by Techland.
The following weapons were used in the videogame Dead Island:
A Smith & Wesson Model 15 appears in the game with a 4 inch barrel. Most of the characters operate the weapon purely in Single Action, only rapid firing causes it fire in double action. The character Purna, who carries her own personal revolver fires it almost exclusively in Double Action mode while her "Fury" is activated. It shares ammunition with the other pistol type weapons but cannot be modified.
The Beretta 92FS appears ingame as the "Pistol" with a Legendary counterpart known as "McCall's 9mm" (a reference to Call of Juarez: The Cartel.)
The weapon in the game has a 15 round magazine and somehow shares ammunition with other "Handgun" type weapons such as the Desert Eagle and the two revolvers. Modding the weapon with a certain element type mod (such as Electric or Fire) adds a colored compensator to the end of the barrel that somehow magically allows the gun to fire elemental bullets. States such as "Puny" or "Medium-Speed" refer to it's overall level in power.
The Pistol in Dead Island: Definitive Edition now has the model of the "American 9mm Pistol" from Dying Light which appears to be a hybrid of the Browning BDA 380 and the Bersa Thunder 9.
The Desert Eagle Mark I appears ingame as the "Heavy Pistol".
The weapon in the game has a 9 round magazine and uses the same ammo from other Handguns. Most likely the .357 Magnum variant, modding the weapon with a certain element type mod (such as Electric or Fire) adds a colored compensator to the end of the barrel that somehow magically allows the gun to fire elemental bullets. States such as "Puny" or "Medium-Speed" refer to it's overall level in power and statistics.
The Taurus Raging Bull is called the "Magnum" in-game. In-game it does not have the red safety grips and instead features a wooden grip. Like the revolver it fires in Single Action and also shares the same ammo pool as other pistols.
The Franchi pump-action shotgun appears just as "Shotgun". It appears to be a cross between the similar SAS-12 and PA-8 models (but incorrectly modeled with the SPAS-12 semi-automatic receiver). It carries 8 rounds in-game and is one of the weakest levels of Shotgun.
The "Short Shotgun" is what appears to be a Winchester Model 1200/1300 (judging by the trigger guard and cap at the end of the tubular magazine) with pistol grip, short barrel, and new forearm. Another shotgun variant, it still holds 8 shots like the other Shotguns but is much more powerful at the cost of speed and range.
The "Auto-Rifle" in the original version of the game may appear as variety of different AK rifles. For some reason, they are all modeled with short (approximately 15-round) magazines.
The AKS-74U appears in-game as the "Auto-Rifle", carries 30 rounds a magazine and has a high rate of fire. Different coloured magazines represent elemental bullets and are apart of various elemental weapon mods.
The "Auto Rifle" in the Definitive Edition has all its models replaced with the "Military Rifle" from Dying Light, however the Auto Rifle is depicted with a wooden handguard and stock. An alternate variant of the Auto Rifle using the model of the "Police Rifle" from Dying Light can be found. Like the more common variant in the game, this alternate variant of the Auto Rifle is also depicted with a wooden handguard and wooden stock.
An AR-15 variant appears as the "Single-shot Rifle" in-game. It holds 30 rounds in a 20-round magazine and sometimes has a wire stock or reflex sight. It has a flat top receiver but uses flip-up iron-sights.
In the Definitive Edition, the Single-Shot Rifle now has the model of the "Police Rifle" from Dying Light which was a hybrid of the Bushmaster ACR and SIG-Sauer SIG556.
The M16. Called the "burst rifle" in-game, it fires 4 round bursts or single shots with taps to the trigger. It's modeled with a 20 round magazine yet holds 30 rounds. Sometimes it features a reflex sight. There is also a version with a folding stock, which would be impossible in real life due the M16's buffer tube mechanism in the stock.