Amnesia: The Bunker is the 4th title in the Amnesia series of horror games; it is the first game in the series to feature combat, though Frictional Games' first horror series, Penumbra, did feature melee combat. The Bunker's main antagonistic monster is invincible, with weaponry only stunning it or making it briefly retreat (for how long depending on difficulty), with it promptly returning in an angry, harder to fend off state, making combat more of a last-ditch means to force the monster to retreat to allow the player to find a hiding spot or the saferoom quickly.
The following weapons appear in the video game Amnesia: The Bunker:
The "Gun" is an Mle 1892 Revolver, being given to Henri Clément by an injured French Soldier to end his suffering, however when Henri obtains ammunition for it, the poor soldier is dragged off and killed before Henri can put him out of his misery. The in-game revolver is mirrored, with the cylinder swinging out to the left instead of the right. It can be used both to force the monster to briefly retreat (though the monster will swifly return in an enraged state where it will take 2 shots to force it to retreat if the player doesn't use the monster's retreat to hide/flee to a safe area) and as one of the methods to open locks, at the cost of noise and ammunition.
The Winchester Model 1897 appears as the "Shotgun" as the second and last firearm available to the player. It does more damage than the Mle 1892 Revolver, requiring only a single point-blank blast to force the beast to retreat, but ammunition for the Shotgun is even scarcer than the Revolver. The weapon can obtained from the Tunnels and on New Game+ playthroughs it will appear in one of the lockers allowing the player to obtain it faster.
In a brief encounter in the prologue, Henri finds himself pinned down by 4 German soldiers shooting at him with Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifles; the player is able to fire back and kill the Soldiers while any survivors are killed by his friend Lambert, who also carries this rifle in the prologue.
The "Grenade" appears to be the Mk 1 hand grenade; these are anachronistic (the grenade was not made until 1917) and out-of-place (French forces would be using the F1 instead). Grenades also appear as part of booby traps in the bunker. Notably, grenades can actually destroy doors as a means to open them, though at the cost of one less obstacle for the monster, one less weapon to force the monster to retreat, and the monster itself surely being drawn to the blast.
The Suffocante Mle 1916 appears as the "Gas Grenade". It's effective with dealing with the mutated rats and forcing the beast to retreat but the gas can damage Henri if he doesn't have a gas mask. In the prologue, German soldiers use these grenades to try to gas Henri as part of a scripted event.
Henri can craft Molotov cocktails (named "Petrol Bomb" in-game as the moniker "Molotov cocktail" would be anachronistic) from bottles, cloth, and fuel. They were unusable in the demo due to the lack of a lighter.