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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Polish Theatrical Release Poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing Poland
Directed by Stanislaw Różewicz
Release Date 1967
Language Polish
Studio P.P. Film Polski
Main Cast
Character Actor
Maj. Henryk Sucharski Zygmunt Hübner
Capt. Franciszek Dabrowski Arkadiusz Bazak
Warrant Officer Jan Gryczman Tadeusz Schmidt
Cpl. Piotr Buder Józef Nowak
Cpl. Bronislaw Grudzinski Tadeusz Plucinski
Capt. Mieczyslaw Slaby Bogusz Bilewski
Sgt. Bernard Rygielski Bohdan Ejmont

Westerplatte is a 1967 Polish war movie directed by Stanislaw Różewicz. It depicts the Battle of Westerplatte in the first days of World War II.

The following weapons were used in the film Westerplatte:


Vis wz. 35

Vis wz. 35 pistols are service sidearms of Polish officers and NCOs.

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Vis wz. 35 - 9x19mm
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An officer holds a Vis.
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A mortally tired Chorazy (Warrant Officer) Jan Gryczman (Tadeusz Schmidt) sleeps with his pistol in hand.
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Porucznik (Lt.) Zdzislaw Kregielski (Andrzej Zaorski) draws a pistol.
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Jan Gryczman carries a Vis tucked at his belt in the final scene.

Luger P08

An SS officer is briefly seen holding a Luger P08 pistol.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm
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The officer with his Luger.

Submachine Guns

Haenel-Schmeisser MP28/II

Some German soldiers are armed with Haenel-Schmeisser MP28/II SMGs. Polish soldiers use captured MP28s.

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Haenel-Schmeisser MP28/II Submachine Gun - 9x19mm
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A German soldier at the right fires an MP28.
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Cpl. Edmund Szamlewski (Józef Nalberczak) with a captured MP28.
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Szamlewski fires his SMG.
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Soldiers examine the MP28.
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Szamlewski shows the proper handling of MP28.
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A SS-man (Lech Grzmocinski) holds an MP28 in the final scene.
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The same character with MP28 on a promotion still.


Karabinek wz. 1898

Most Polish soldiers are armed with KbK wz. 1898 carbines, a Polish version of German Mauser 98AZ Artillery Carbine. They appeared with both bend (early version) and straight (late version) bolt handles.

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Karabinek Wz. 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Version with a straight bolt handle.
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Polish soldiers stand in formation with their Kbk wz. 98 rifles.
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Cpl. Piotr Buder (Józef Nowak) breaks a window with a buttstock of his rifle.
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Cpl. Franciszek Magdziarz (Janusz Mirczewski) aims his KbK 98. This is a version with bend bolt handle.
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Pvt. Marian Dobies (Jerzy Trojan) with a KbK 98, a version with straight bolt handle.
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Soldiers hold KbK 98 rifles with attached bayonets.
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A soldier cleans his rifle.

Karabiner 98k

German soldiers carry Karabiner 98k rifles.

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Karabiner 98k - German manufacture 1937 date - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A German soldier behind Col. Karl Henke (Andrzej Krasicki) on the right is armed with a Kar98k.

Mauser Vz. 33

A German soldier has a Czech Vz. 33 Mauser.

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Czech vz. 16/33 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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An SS soldier at the left aims his Mauser at surrendering Polish officers.

Machine Guns

Browning wz. 1928

Several Browning wz. 1928 machine guns, a Polish version of Browning Automatic Rifle, are used by Polish soldiers. Screen used wz. 28s belong to the late version of this machine gun that has a "fish tail" buttstock, larger cooling fins and a conical flash hider.

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Polish Browning wz. 1928 - 7,92 x 57 mm Mauser.
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A soldier carries a wz. 28 machine gun.
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Soldiers with a wz. 28 machine gun and KbK 98 rifles in ambush.
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A soldier fires a machine gun.
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Another view of the wz. 28 machine gun.
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Cpl. Piotr Buder (Józef Nowak) mans a machine gun.
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Navy Warrant Officer Bernard Rygielski (Bohdan Ejmont) fires a machine gun.

Ckm wz.30

Ckm wz.30 heavy machine guns are also used by Polish soldiers.

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Ckm wz.30 with tripod - 8x57mm IS
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Soldiers carry wz. 30 machine gun and tripod.
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A wz. 30 on position.
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Wz. 30 in action.
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A gunner pours water in the cooling jacket of the machine gun.
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A wz. 30 is mounted on pivot.
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Warrant Officer Jan Gryczman (Tadeusz Schmidt) mans a machine gun.
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A gunner (Andrzej Jurczak) fires the wz.30.

Ckm wz. 30 Mockup

In several scenes Ckm wz. 30 machine guns are substituted with some other machine gun, visually modified.

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A close view of the barrel. Note the different position of the barrel in the cooling jacket.


MG34 machine guns are used by German troops.

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MG34 with front and rear sights folded down - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A German soldier at the left fires an MG34.
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A soldier holds an MG34 in the final scene.

Other Weapons

F-1 Hand Grenades

Polish soldiers use F-1 hand grenades, standing for original Polish wz. 33 grenades.

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F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
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A soldier holds a grenade.
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An NCO gives grenades to his soldiers.
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Soldiers carry grenades on the belts.
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Two grenades are seen near the window.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate

German soldiers use Model 24 Stielhandgranate hand grenades.

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Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
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A soldier at the left carries a grenade at his belt.

81-mm Mortar wz. 31

Polish soldiers use several mortars that appear to be authentic 81-mm wz. 31.

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Mortars in action. Due to the posision of the bipod that is attached nearly in the middle of the barrel these mortars can be identified as Polish wz. 31s.

45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K)

A 45-mm M1937 AT gun is used by Polish soldiers. It stands for original 37-mm Bofors wz. 36 AT gun.

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M1937 (53-K) Soviet anti-tank gun - 45 mm (1.77 in)
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The AT gun on position.
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Polish soldiers use a 75-mm or 76.2-mm field cannon of WW1 pattern.

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The artillerymen move their gun on position.
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A view from the muzzle.
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The cannon in action.