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Hunters - Season 1

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing USA
Channel Amazon Prime Video
Genre Conspiracy Drama
Broadcast 2020
No. of Episodes 11

The following weapons were used in Season 1 of the television series Hunters:



In episode 6 Meyer Offerman (Al Pacino) briefly sports a pistol that seems to be ASP. It is only used twice and is only seen clearly once.

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ASP - 9x19mm. This is the firearm used in the production of the film Cobra.
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Offerman levels the pistol. Note that the vertical ridge towards the front of the slide has been worn (or ground) smooth. The massive rear sight block, small size, aggressively forwards tilting trigger guard, light synthetic grip with the corner cut out for the also massive slide stop and the slide mounted safety all suggest the ASP, even though it is never seen perfectly clearly. Despite all of this, the trigger guard isn't an exact match. It could be a lighting issue or it could have been modified, but it could also suggest that this is not actually an ASP.

Beretta Cheetah

Lonny Flash (Josh Radnor) carries a Beretta Cheetah in an FS model. It can be identified as a Cheetah (meaning 80 series) by its size and barrel length, and as an FS model by the squared trigger guard, but it cannot be discerned between the only two Cheetahs that came in the FS models, the Beretta 84FS (double stack magazine) and Beretta 85FS (single stack), because the only time he is seen loading the gun it far too blurred. While he uses it many times, his dramatic waving of it, and its small size make it fairly unidentifiable, save for a few quick shots.

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Beretta 85FS - .380 ACP
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Lonny creeps around a house with his Beretta.

Colt Model 1903

The first weapon seen in the series is Biff Simpson's (Dylan Baker) personal pistol, a blued Colt Model 1903 with pearl grips and a large suppressor. It appears a number of times more in the show, in the hands of him and Travis Leich (Greg Austin).

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Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless Pistol Blued - .32 ACP
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Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless Pistol Nickel with pearl grips - .32 ACP
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Biff Simpson takes off the safety on his 1903.
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Travis takes aim with Biff's 1903.

Colt M1911A1

Joe Mizushima (Louis Ozawa), a Vietnam war veteran, carries with him a Colt M1911A1 and is shown to be extremely proficient with it. Two are seen in Meyer Offerman’s armory. A nickel-plated one appears in Meyer's armory.

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World War II Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP. This was an issued U.S. Army pistol with parkerized finish, thus the official designation of M1911A1
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Nickel Plated Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
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In the third episode, when Jonah is watching the rest of the crew ready up, he sees Joe perform a one-handed brass check.
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In the third episode, Joe performs an impressive quick-draw. Note his technique: his grip and stance correspond to the modern Isosceles technique, and while impressive it wouldn't have been something he'd have learned in Vietnam. It was cutting-edge professional shooting technique in the mid-'80s and wouldn't be taught widely in the U.S. military until the late '80s and early '90s.
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The bottom pistol there is an M1911A1 with the slide back, leaving some barrel sticking out.
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The bottom pistol there is a nickel-plated M1911A1. It is the only pistol in his armory that is in battery with the hammer cocked.

Luger P08

The main weapon seen in nearly every flashback is the Luger P08. In the real world, the Luger was meant to have been phased out in favor of the Walther P38 by the start of the second World War, but its high cost and relatively high accuracy meant that it was a mainstay for officers and SS.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm. This is a blank adapted movie gun.
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Wilhelm Zuchs (Christian Oliver) holds his Luger to young Ruth (Annie Hägg)'s head.
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In episode 3, a guard at Auschwitz II-Birkenau levels his P08 to the head of a man conducting traditional Jewish music.

Springfield M1911-A2 SASS

In the third episode, Sister Harriet (Kate Mulvaney) uses some 1911 derivative fitted with a Springfield M1911-A2 SASS upper conversion kit, with an additional suppressor. However, this kit turns the pistol into a single-shot breech-loaded pistol, but Harriet fires two shots back to back. Because of the way she holds it, the receiver itself can't be seen so the base pistol can't be identified.

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The screen used Springfield Armory M1911-A2 SASS pistol from Léon: The Professional
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Sister Harriet levels the contraption at a security camera. Note that its front sight is missing.

Walther PPK

Like Joe’s M1911A1, the weapon carried most often by Sister Harriet (Kate Mulvaney) is Walther’s PPK, in line with her background with MI6. While they were originally developed for Nazi police inspectors, after the war, Walther relatively quickly became a major supplier for groups all over Europe, and MI6 supposedly used the PPK. She often dual wields them and occasionally uses a suppressor. Her intro card sees her doing both, and the chess piece modeled after her seems to try to emulate them.

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Sister Harriet’s intro card shows her dual-wielding suppressed PPKs.
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Harriet dual wields PPKs in disguise.

Unidentified pistols

Offerman's armory holds two unidentified pistols. The first has two rare attributes: the lower extends all the way out to the muzzle and it has a skinny slightly squared trigger guard that bends down, and one seemingly totally unique attribute: the lower is parallel with the barrel until the last inch or so when it aggressively slants up at an angle.

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The mystery gun on top.
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The other mystery gun.


Colt Detective Special

In episode 8, Jonah (Logan Lerman) wields a Colt Detective Special.

Colt Detective Special 1st Gen with Round Butt - .38 Special
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Jonah holds his Detective Special at low-ready.
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Jonah aims his Detective Special.

Nagant M1895

In episode 3, Travis (Greg Austin) uses a suppressed Nagant M1895. While eagle-eyed viewers crying out "Wait a second! That's a revolver! You can't suppress those!" would be correct in most cases, the M1895 is noted for its unique gas seal, which forced its cylinder forwards, trapping any gasses and allowing it to be suppressed. This came at the cost of a remarkably heavy trigger pull, requiring about 20 pounds in double action.

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Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant. This example was dated 1939 manufacture and was a War time issued weapon. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
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Travis plays a game of duck-duck-goose with the M1895.

Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB

In episode 8 FBI agents opposite Offerman's bodyguards wield the heavy-barreled version of the Smith & Wesson Model 10. Later, both Murray and Mindy use one in scenes that cannot be screenshotted without spoiling story elements.

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Smith & Wesson Model 10 HB (heavy barrel) revolver (Post 1950s Model) - .38 Special.
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An FBI agent holds his revolver.

Smith & Wesson Model 66

Special Agent Millie Morris (Rebekka Hinton) carries a snubnosed Smith & Wesson Model 66.

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Smith & Wesson Model 66 Snub Nose with 2.5" barrel - .357 Magnum
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Millie points her service weapon.


Ithaca 37

In episode 6, Travis Leich (Greg Austin) rampages with an Ithaca 37 with rifle sights and an extended magazine tube.

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Ithaca 37 with rifle sights and extended magazine tube - 12 gauge
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Travis has some fun with his extended tube shotgun.
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While an unfortunately blurry screenshot, it's the only time the gun's right side is shown, which displays the lack of an ejection port, confirming it to be an Ithaca 37, which ejects shells through its loading port on the bottom of the receiver.

Sawed-off shotgun

In episode 3, Roxy (Tiffany Boone) poses with a sawed-off shotgun in her intro card. Like almost all instances of double-barreled shotguns in media, it is unidentifiable.

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Photoshopped Sawed-off Savage/Stevens 311A - 12 gauge
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Roxy sports a sawed-off double barrel. The whole thing satirizes Blaxploitation films of the late ‘70s, but the pose itself singles out Cleopatra Jones.

Submachine guns

Micro Uzi

The Micro Uzi is used by a number of Offerman’s unnamed bodyguards, as well as Tobias (Jonno Davies). Whether or not the neo-nazis resorting to cutting-edge Israeli military gear that wouldn’t be available to anyone outside of the IDF was intentional irony or a simple oversight is not totally clear.

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IMI Micro Uzi with bent trigger guard - 9x19mm
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While brief and blurry, the gun is seen for long enough to discern the short front end of the receiver, the barrel length, and the overall size. (And where was he concealed-carrying that entire gun in his tight '70s leather pants?)


In one particular scene, Offerman’s bodyguards can be seen sporting the full-sized Uzi with stocks collapsed.

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IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
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All three of Offerman's bodyguards (on the right) hold Uzis.



In episode 10 Roxy talks to Joe while manipulating an AK-47. It can be identified as such (meaning an original AK-47, and not the more common AKM) by its visible “lightning cut”, indicating a milled receiver, clearly seen when she holds the rifle on its side. In another shot, its pistol grip and stock can be seen, confirming it to be a Type II.

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Type 2 AK-47 - 7.62x39mm
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Roxy holds her AK.

Karabiner 98k

The Karabiner 98k is a mainstay of flashbacks, seen quite often in the hands of Nazi soldiers in the ghetto arresting people, and occasionally in the hands of Auschwitz guards.

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Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser. Manufactured in Germany, 1937.
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A camp guard holds a K98k in the bottom left corner.

M16 rifle

In episode 2, Meyer Offerman has an M16 rifle in the armory in his house. In the intro card for Joe in episode 3, soldiers can be seen carrying them. In both cases, they are too blurred for the upper receiver to be seen clearly, so it can’t be discerned between an M16 with a “slickside” upper (no forward assist) or M16A1 with its standard A1 upper (with forward assist).

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M16 with 20-round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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M16A1 with 20 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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In Joe’s intro card, the soldiers at the bottom of the screen carry M16s.
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To Jonah's right is an M16.

Remington Model 700

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Remington Model 700 (1970s Production) - .308 Winchester

In episode 2, Meyer’s armory also contains a scoped Remington Model 700.

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The rifle is next to the M16.

Steyr AUG A1

In episode 2, Mindy holds a Steyr AUG A1 in her and her husband Murray’s intro card. The AUG A1 was adopted for military use (in Austria) in 1977. It wasn’t sold in the U.S. until civilian models hit the market in the early 1980s. Technically, she could have purchased it off of someone who stole it from Steyr’s factory, but more likely than not, this was an oversight on an anachronistic weapon.

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Steyr AUG A1 - Austrian Army Version - 5.56x45mm
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Mindy holds the AUG.

Machine guns


Also in Joe’s intro card, a soldier is seen carrying the M60 machine gun.

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M60 machine gun with bipod extended - 7.62x51mm NATO
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M60 machine gun with bipod folded - 7.62x51mm NATO
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The M60 can be seen in the hands of the right-most soldier at the bottom.


Weapon Collection

While suiting up for a mission in episode 10, we see Offerman's armory, plus a large collection of additional weapons. They are:
1. An M60
2. An RPG-7
3. An unloaded M1 Carbine
4. An unloaded M14
5. Four M16s
6. An M1911A1
7. Two Smith & Wesson 76 submachine guns (on either side of the number)
8. A 5.56 Valmet M95 that has been refitted with the older folding stock of the Valmet M76F
9. An Olympic Arms K23B (to the right of the number). It appears to be standing in for a more appropriate carbine like an XM177. They craftily gave it the original CAR-15 collapsible stock and A1 upper, but the K23B's unique barrel length and handguard is still quite visible.
10. A later L1A1 SLR with black fiberglass furniture (just below the number). It can be identified as such (and not an original FN FAL) by its unique carryhandle.

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Mk 2 Hand Grenade

In episode 10, a pair of visibly fake plastic Mk 2 Hand Grenades are seen.

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Mk 2 training grenade.
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This angle also confirms the K23B