The Gray Man is a 2022 Netflix original film directed by Anthony and Joe Russo and based on The Gray Man novel series written by Mark Greaney. The film stars Ryan Gosling as "Sierra Six", a mysterious CIA operative who goes on the run after he learns the truth behind a botched assassination mission. Chris Evans stars as Lloyd Hansen, a mercenary who is contracted to hunt down Six. The cast includes Ana de Armas, Billy Bob Thornton, and Alfre Woodard. The film premiered on Netflix on July 22, 2022.
The following weapons were used in the film The Gray Man:
A CZ P-09 pistol is seen as the sidearm carried by police during the shootout in Prague. While handcuffed, "Sierra Six" (Ryan Gosling) takes one off an officer.
Glock 17
A 4th Generation Glock 17 appears to be the handgun used by "Sierra Six" (Ryan Gosling). The pistol is also used by mercenaries during the shootout in Prague.
What appears to be an FN MAG heavy machine gun is seen mounted on a police armored vehicle. The FN MAG is mocked up with a synthetic buttstock and heatshield.
An RPG-7 is seen used by a mercenary during the shootout in Prague. The launcher is also used by Dina to take down a helicopter during the final confrontation.