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Watch Dogs: Legion
Work In Progress This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Watch Dogs: Legion for current discussions. Content is subject to change. |

Watch_Dogs_Legion is a 2020 action-adventure game published by Ubisoft and developed by its Toronto studio for the Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Google Stadia, and Amazon Luna. It is the third installment in the Watch Dogs series, and the sequel to 2016's Watch Dogs 2. Set within a fictionalized representation of a future, dystopian London, the game's story focuses on the hacker group DedSec as they seek to clear their names for a series of bombings they have been framed for, as well as liberate London's citizens from the control of an oppressive private military company known as Albion, which turned the city into a surveillance state following the bombings.
The following weapons appear in the video game Watch Dogs: Legion:
The flagship feature of Watch_Dogs_Legion is the ability to control virtually any NPC found in the open world. These include anyone from civilians, police officers, and even DedSec's enemies. These characters are often recruited and made playable after completing a side mission or series of side missions to gain their support. The player's roster of operatives can be arrested or injured and if the player choses to enable "permadeath" mode, will be removed from their roster permanently should they die in combat or due to accidents.
Every operative can make use of various less-than-lethal weapons that fire electric darts which stun enemies. Only certain characters receive access to lethal firearms and the type of weapon received may be influenced by their occupation.
The FNX-9 appears as the "P9" and is the most common lethal firearm available. It is frequently used by uniformed Albion personnel. A rare suppressed version is used by special Spy NPCs, some Albion contractors, agents of Signals Intelligence Response, and rarely, some civilians.
IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX
The Desert Eagle Mark XIX appears as the "Desert Eagle". It is mainly used by Professional Hitmen NPCs and is available to the player should they recruit one. It can also rarely be found in the inventories of some civilians. While the caliber is not stated, it has a magazine capacity of 9 rounds, indicating the .357 Magnum version.
Colt Python
The Colt Python appears as the "REX 357" and can be infrequently found in the inventories of various civilians. It appears to have an 8" barrel.
Pneu-Dart X-2 CO2 Dart Pistol
The Pneu-Dart X-2 CO2 dart pistol appears as the "LTL Dart Gun".
Benelli M4 Super 90
The Benelli M4 Super 90 appears as the "LTL M1014". It is depicted as a less-than-lethal shotgun with a capacity of 9 rounds. It is found in the inventories of some civilians. The collapsible stock is always fully collapsed.
Mossberg 590
The Mossberg 590 appears as the "M590" and is the sole lethal shotgun in the game. It is used primarily by Albion troops. It appears to have a stainless Mariner finish, heat shield, and aftermarket Knoxx Spec Ops stock. It is incorrectly depicted as semi-automatic. Whenever the weapon is fired, the bolt moves back without any user input and ejects a shell.
Unknown Shotgun
An unknown shotgun referred to as the "LTL SG" appears as a less-than-lethal shotgun that can be used by the player's operatives after purchasing the necessary upgrades. It starts with a capacity of five rounds before being upgraded to seven.
Submachine Guns
Brügger & Thomet MP9
The Brügger & Thomet MP9 appears as a less-than-lethal weapon available to the player's operatives, while an unusable lethal version is frequently used by Clan Kelley thugs. It appears under its real name.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
The Heckler & Koch MP5A3 appears as the "MP5". It is notably featured in the prologue, making it the first firearm usable by the player. A rarer suppressed variant is also available.
Heckler & Koch MP7A2
The Heckler & Koch MP7A2 is another less-than-lethal SMG, found only in the inventories of certain operatives. It appears as simply "MP7".
KRISS Vector
The KRISS Vector is the second lethal SMG available. It has the trigger and the mag well of a Vector Gen I but lacks an opening above the barrel for a SureFire weapon light, like a Vector Gen II. It is called the "Vector .45 ACP", a name used in several previous Ubisoft games. It is used prominently by elite Albion troops.
A less-than-lethal SIG-Sauer MPX can be found in the inventories of some operatives, where it appears as "MPX". No lethal version appears, unusable or otherwise.
The AK-47 appears as the "AK47" and is frequently used by Clan Kelley gang members. It has some elements of the AKM, most notably the ribbed dust cover. It also appears to use 20-round magazines, despite holding 30 rounds in a magazine.
Heckler & Koch G36
The Heckler & Koch G36 is the second lethal assault rifle available and is used by Professional Hitmen characters, along with a Desert Eagle. Some civilians may also have one in their inventory. It is also used by members of the Queen's Guard, rather than the more appropriate L85A2 - although it's possible the G36 is supposed to be the standard British service rifle in the game's fiction, similar to V for Vendetta. It appears under its real name.
Patriot Ordnance Factory P308
The Patriot Ordnance Factory P308 is the primary weapon of some Albion Contractors. It is known as the "P308". It fires in semi-automatic mode and holds 24 rounds.
Patriot Ordnance Factory P416
Available only in less-than-lethal form, the Patriot Ordnance Factory P416 appears as the "Goblin". It is found only on certain recruits. It has a magazine capacity of 21 rounds.
A short-barreled SIG-Sauer MCX is available only as a less-than-lethal weapon, known as the "MCX".
Light Machine Guns
IMI Negev Commando
The IMI Negev Commando is frequently used by members of Clan Kelley and is depicted as being fed by Galil magazines. It holds 70 rounds despite being modelled with a 35-round magazine.
FN M249
The most frequently encountered long gun is the M249 LMG. It appears to be a standard-issue weapon for Albion infantry. For whatever reason, Albion appears to be handing out squad automatic weapons en masse as nearly every Albion grunt is seen using one. It holds 50 rounds in a magazine but is depicted with a 200-round drum magazine.
Grenade Launchers
Brügger & Thomet GL-06
The Brügger & Thomet GL-06 is the only lethal grenade launcher to be available to inventories of several operatives.
M79 Grenade Launcher
A stockless M79 grenade launcher is depicted as a less-than-lethal variant that can be upgraded to fire two rounds.