Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron MaskJourney to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesJourney to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask
Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask (Russian title: Тайна печати дракона; Tayna pechati drakona, Chinese title: 龙牌之谜; Lóng pái zhī mí) is a 2019 cooperative Chinese/Russian/USA fantasy thriller, sequel of Forbidden Empire.
Note: This movie exists in three versions - English, Chinese and Russian. The Russian one is used for the screencaps.
The following weapons were used in the film Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask:
The movie is set in an ambiguous "18th century". However, considering that the British troops wear pattern 1742 uniforms, it is safe to assume that it takes place somewhere around the mid-18th century, the Seven Years' War period most likely. This would be considered when determining whether or not a particular weapon is anachronistic.
Austrian Model 1798 Flintlock Pistol
Miss Dudley (Anna Churina) uses an Austrian Model 1798 Flintlock Pistol during shooting training. The weapon is most likely anachronistic as the movie is set in an ambiguous "18th century" as mentioned above.
While dressed as a sailor, Miss Dudley wields what appears to be a French-made flintlock pistol. It resembles the pistolet modèle An XIII or modèle 1822, though the plate on the left side doesn't match so it might be some kind of generic replica.
The Kolser "Antique Pistol" which is actually a replica of the Indian flintlock pistols from Lucknow made circa 1776 is used by Miss Dudley and is later taken from her by Li Hong. A similar pistol is seen being used by a Russian sailor.
Jonathan Green (Jason Flemyng) continues to use his Augsburg 3-barrel turnover Flintlock Pepperbox replica, until it is taken from him by the brigands. At the film's climax, this gun can be seen tucked intothe belt of a Russian sailor.
Charleville Musket replicas made by Denix are used by British and Russian soldiers. The use of the French muskets by both the British and Russian troops is historically inappropriate. While later Russian muskets such as the M1808 were based on the French M1777 pattern, they would be anachronistic for the mid-18th century setting. Russians of this period would be armed with either M1753 or M1763 Russian muskets.
At least one Russian soldier is armed with the historically inappropriate for 18th century Russians Brown Bess Flintlock Musket.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingModern reproduction "Long Land Pattern" Brown Bess Infantry musket made from 1722-1768 - .75 caliber.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRussian soldier (third man from the left) holds the bayonet attached musket which makes one wonder why the production didn't arm its British troops with the Brown Bess.
Nock Gun
A Nock Gun is seen at one point. The weapon might be anachronistic for the mid-18th century setting as it was designed in 1779 in reality.
Miss Dudley briefly holds what looks like either a French Model 1777/1786/1806 flintlock carbine or the extremely rare Russian M1809 musketoon, but she never fires it. The carbine is fitted with a barrel clamp similar to the one on the Austrian pistol listed above, so this might be some kind of a replica like the Denix replica of the French Flintlock Carbine Model 1806.