Check Passed: No Mines (Provereno nema mina)Check Passed: No Mines (Provereno nema mina) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesCheck Passed: No Mines (Provereno nema mina)
Check Passed: No Mines (Yugoslavian title Provereno nema mina; Russian title Provereno - min net) is a 1965 Yugoslavian-Soviet war movie directed by Yuriy Lysenko and Zdravko Velimirovic. In October 1944 Belgrade is liberated from the Wehrmacht troops. Soviet and Yugoslavian soldiers perform mine clearance in the city. A mixed group under the command of Yugoslavian Lt. Rade encounters the presence of Germans in the Belgrade sewers. A prisoner tells that only an hour left before the saboteurs would explode the water reservoir damb that would lead to great disasters all over the city. Having no time to wait for the reinforcements, the group takes the mission to save the city on themselves.
The following weapons were used in the film Check Passed: No Mines (Provereno nema mina):
Lt. Rade's (Branko Pleša) sidearm is the TT-33 pistol. There is a possibility that the pistol is not the original TT but the Yugoslavian Zastava M57 but it isn't seen clear enough to confirm or decline this guess so for the sake of simplicity it is identified as TT.
PPSh-41 SMGs are widely used by Soviet soldiers, notably sappers Shaken (Eskendir Umurzakov) and Demid (Leonid Tarabarinov). Yugoslavian soldier Stevan (Boro Begovic) receives the PPSh instead of his Karabiner 98k rifle for the mission in sewers.
MP40 SMG is Lt. Rade's (Branko Pleša) personal weapon. Yugoslavian soldiers Marko (Miha Baloh) and Ive (Husein Cokic) receive MP40s instead of their Karabiner 98k rifles for the mission in sewers. MP40s are also used by German soldiers in the final scene.
In one scene a Yugoslavian soldier carries what appears to be postwar Zastava M56 submachine gun. It is identified by the combination of slim MP40-style barrel and curved magazine for 7.62x25 mm.
In one scene Stevan's (Boro Begovic) Karabiner 98k switches to a different Mauser rifle that has straight, non-pistol grip stock. Apparently this is a rework Serbian Mauser M1899 with shortened barrel. Such rifles often were results of the repairing of damaged guns by Yugoslav partisan artisans.
Some Yugoslavian soldiers carry Mannlicher M1895 rifles. They appear to be original M95s rather than Yugoslavian 7.92mm M95M version that had shortened barrel.
What appears to be the MG42 is seen in hands of a Yugoslavian soldier. The machine gun can be Yugoslavian postwar Zastava M53 that is nearly identical to MG42.
The Mills Bomb is carried by Stevan (Boro Begovic). Later this hand grenade passes from hands to hands, hold by Alyosha (Oleg Anofriev), Shaken (Eskendir Umurzakov), Demid (Leonid Tarabarinov), and at last used by Lt. Rade (Branko Pleša) to destroy the water lock in sewers.