Paycheck is a 2003 science fiction thriller directed by John Woo and stars Ben Affleck as Michael Jennings, a reverse engineer who undergoes a procedure to erase his memory of the secret work he performed for a technology company. When he discovers that he has forgone his paycheck in exchange for an envelope filled with seemingly unrelated items, Jennings races to discover what their significance is and why federal authorities and mysterious operatives are chasing him. The film was based on a short story by Philip K. Dick, whose previous works were adapted into the films Blade Runner and Minority Report.
The following weapons were used in the film Paycheck:
FBI Agents, Allcom guards, and Allcom operative are seen carrying the Glock 17. Michael Jennings (Ben Affleck) later picks one up, but it later changes to a Browning BDM.
Glock 17L
The Glock 17L is utilized by an Allcom henchman during the motorcycle chase.
Beretta 92FS (Brigadier Slide)
Wolfe (Colm Feore) uses a Beretta 92FS with a Brigadier slide and a blued barrel throughout the film.
Beretta 92FS Inox
When Allcom henchmen ambush Jennings at the station one of them whips out a Beretta 92FS Inox and shoot out a boys balloon before trying to kill Jennings. Note that the suppressor is crudely screwed on, as it is seen crooked in the closeup shots. This may cause damage to the firearm, the suppressor, and its user.
Beretta 92FS-C Compact
The Beretta 92FS-C is used by Allcom henchmen and Wolfe.
Browning BDM
The Browning BDM is used by various henchmen and later by Jennings (Continuity error from a Glock 17)
CZ 75 Compact
A CZ 75 Compact is used briefly by an Allcom henchman.
Wolfe (Colm Feore) tries to kill Jennings with a Pachmayr Dominator, a strange rifle caliber single shot conversion for the 1911 series. The weapon is also fitted with a suppressor.
SIG-Sauer P229 Sport
Michael Jennings manages to get a SIG P229 Sport away from a henchman and uses it briefly. He later drops the magazine from it and kicks it at an electrified rail to create a diversion to get away.
Springfield Armory 1911 Custom
Rethrick (Aaron Eckhart) keeps a heavily customized Springfield Armory 1911 in his desk and uses it when he and his guards try to take on Jennings.
The Remington 870 is seen in stowed in the front of a Seattle Police Department cruiser during the tunnel chase.
Ithaca 37
The Ithaca 37 shotgun is used by an Allcom Guard as he tries to kill Jennings before he is unrealistically (but cinematically) blown off his feet by shooting the floor.
The M16A2 is seen being wielded by an American Soldier with an M203 grenade launcher attached when Jennings and Rachel look into the future and see the imprisonment of people.
Heckler & Koch G36C
An FBI undercover agent at Allcom uses a Heckler & Koch G36C with a Reflex sight to try and "retire" Michael Jennings.
Several of the FBI SWAT members are armed with M4A1s when they sweep the Allcom Campus.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Heckler & Koch MP5A3s are used by a couple of Allcom guards and the FBI SWAT team. Some of these are fitted with RIS foregrips and C-more sights. Jennings is also seen wielding the weapon.