Emperor is a 2013 American-Japanese movie directed by Peter Webber (Hannibal Rising). On the orders of General Douglas MacArthur, Japan expert General Bonner Fellers is sent to the devastated Tokyo of the immediate post-war period. There he is to search for Japan's main war criminals and investigate the situation of the Emperor of Japan. Although Emperor Hirohito is highly valued by his people, he is accused of serious war crimes. Fellers should help make a decision of special magnitude: Should the Emperor be brought to justice and sentenced to death?
The following weapons were used in the film Emperor:
Japanese soldiers use Arisaka Type 38 rifles. Especially when MacArthur (Tommy Lee Jones) is greeted by the Atsugi Air Base near Yokohama by a street of 2000 Japanese soldiers on August 30, 1945. During Koichi Kido's (Masato Ibu) flashback IJA soldiers and Imperial guards are seen fighting with Arisaka rifles during the Kyūjō incident. Later boxes full of Arisakas can be seen at the harbor of Tokyo.
Arisaka Type 99
At least, some Arisaka Type 99 are seen at the end of the movie.
M1 Garand
U.S. troops are armed with M1 Garands throughout the film.
M1 Carbine
The M1 Carbine equipped with late WW2 bayonet lug is also used by U.S. soldiers.
Submachine Guns
M1A1 Thompson
The M1A1 Thompson is briefly seen carried by some U.S. troops.