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Beaufort (2007)

Beaufort (Hebrew: בופור‎) is a 2007 Israeli war film directed by Joseph Cedar. Set during the Israeli withdrawal from Southern Lebanon in the summer of 2000, the film follows a group of IDF soldiers as they man a combat outpost at the ancient Crusader fortress of Beaufort Castle and the efforts of their commander, Lieutenant Liraz "Erez" Librati (Oshi Cohen), to keep his soldiers alive while they prepare for their eventual departure.

The following firearms are seen in the 2007 film Beaufort:


Colt Model 653

Most of the IDF soldiers, including Lieutenant Liraz, are armed with the Colt Model 653 Carbine. The carbines are mostly seen with two magazines taped together and are fitted with Elbit Falcon or MEPRO 21 reflex sights. Note that the usage of MEPRO 21 is double historic inconsistency. In the period depicted in the film, MEPRO 21 were very rare and used almost exclusively by special forces units. Mass issue of the optic only began in 2002. Secondly, the model shown (with the top encased fibre optic) is the 2nd gen of the model which wasn't introduced until years later... The usage of Elbit Falcon is correct for the time.

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Colt Model 653 "M16A1 Carbine" - 5.56x45mm
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Company first sergeant Oshri (Eli Eltonyo) holds a M653 while waiting for a helicopter to arrive.
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Oshri checks his M653 before meeting the chopper.
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IDF troops take up positions during a patrol. Note that the soldiers are wearing the Miz'nefet helmet cover, intended to break up their outlines while moving.
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Lt. Librati holds a M653 with an attached Mepro reflex sight.
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Soldiers wait in a bunker during a Hezbollah artillery attack.
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A M653 with an ACOG sight hangs off a soldier's back as he embraces his comrades after crossing back into Israel.
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Erez holds his M653 at the conclusion of the film.

Colt Model 653 "Shorty"

Oket'z (special forces canine unit) handler Nadav (Hannan Yishai) holds a Colt Model 653 Carbine with a sawed-off barrel fitted with an IMI compensator while assisting Lieutenant Ziv Faran (Ohad Knoller) in defusing a land mine. Known locally as a "Mekut'zrar", this variant was commonly used by IDF Special Forces units at the time, prior to the introduction of the M4 Commando in later years.

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Colt Model 653 "M16A1 Carbine" with a 13" barrel - 5.56x45mm
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Nadav takes position behind Liraz and Oshri as they spot the land mine.
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The "Shorty" 653 is seen as Nadav releases his dog to go investigate the mine.

Colt M16A1

A few soldiers can be seen with M16A1 rifles fitted with A2 handguards as they are preparing to evacuate the base. Many IDF M16A1 were issued at the time with A2 style handguards replacing the original A1 style ones due to wear and tear.

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M16A1 with A2 style handguards - 5.56x45mm.
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IDF troops with M16A1s board trucks.


A scoped M14 rifle is held by a sniper during the mine defusal scene.

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Hudson M14 with riflescope.
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A sniper holds a scoped M14.

Machine Guns

IMI Negev

The IMI Negev is seen in a few scenes, most prominently when Liraz issues the orders to abandon the outpost.

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IMI Negev with 200-round cloth ammo bag - 5.56x45mm
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The soldier on the left holds a Negev when Liraz announces the pull out.


FN MAG 58 machine guns are seen in the bunkers that surround the outpost. They are also mounted on various IDF vehicles, including Humvees, M113 APCs and Merkava tanks.

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FN MAG 58 - 7.62x51mm NATO
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A FN MAG 58 sits in one of the bunkers.
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A MAG sits next to a RPG-7 launcher.
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FN MAGs with spade grips are mounted on the turret of a Merkava tank.
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A FN MAG is glimpsed as Liraz dashes towards a bunker that was hit by a Hezbollah TOW missile.



A RPG-7 launcher and ammunition backpack can be seen amongst the equipment inside the outpost.

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RPG-7 - 40mm
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A RPG-7 launcher and backpack sit on a crate.

M15 Anti-Tank Mines

Engineers use M15 anti-tank mines to destroy the outpost in order to deny its use to Hezbollah guerrillas.

M15 Anti-Tank mine

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A stack of M15 anti-tank mines are delivered to the outpost for demolitions use.