Baby Driver is a 2017 Edgar Wright-directed genre 'send-up' film in the same vein as his previous features Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. The film stars Ansel Elgort as "Baby", an expert getaway driver who uses music to heighten his skills for various robbery crews. The film was praised for its direction and unique use of sound design. The film's cast includes Kevin Spacey, Jamie Foxx, Jon Bernthal, and Jon Hamm.
The following weapons were used in the film Baby Driver:
A Stainless Kimber Ultra Raptor is seen used by Monica Costello AKA "Darling" (Eiza González) as her personal sidearm. It is later seen used by Baby (Ansel Elgort). The Kimber is also featured on the film's poster.
A SIG-Sauer P250 Compact with a stainless steel slide is used by Jason Van Horn AKA "Buddy" (Jon Hamm). It is his secondary sidearm, shown being used in the gun dealer shootout as well as the diner shootout and the parking garage shootout. It can be identified as a SIG P250 by the slide, the reflection on the metal trigger and the bobbed DAO hammer.
A SIG-Sauer P229R (a newer "E2"-type model with the taller slide serrations) is used by Buddy (Jon Hamm), possibly a continuity error to aforementioned P250 Compact.
Leon Jefferson III AKA "Bats" (Jamie Foxx) carries around a mid-production model Smith & Wesson 4566 with adjustable sights as his sidearm. This was previously identified as a 5906, but this firearm has no double stack bulge and appears to have a larger muzzle, so it's probably a 4566.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith & Wesson 4566 - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingBats reloads his 4566 with a fresh magazine during the warehouse shootout.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBats with his 4566 during the warehouse shootout.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBats with his 4566 during the warehouse shootout.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBats with his 4566 while talking to Darling and Buddy in the warehouse. This shot clearly shows the flat-sided frame, meaning this is a single stack pistol.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBaby struggles to keep Bats from using his 4566 on Debora in the diner. This is the best shot of Bats' 4566 in the film. You can clearly see the ambidextrous safety on the slide, which identifies this for sure as a third generation Smith and not a similar S&W automatic , like a 659. Also note how the "dog ear" rear sight base and protector has been removed, leaving just the rear sight. This could also be a custom adjustable rear sight.
A Heckler & Koch VP9 is seen on the ground after an shootout with the corrupt cops after an illegal arms deal. Presumably used by a cop during the shootout.
Officers of the Atlanta, Georgia Police Department are shown to carry Smith & Wesson M&Ps as their standard-issue sidearms. This is quite accurate, as, in reality, the Atlanta PD carry M&Ps. The M&Ps appear to be 9mm which is not correct for the Atlanta PD as they use the M&P40 in reality.
Inside the pistol cache on the bottom right is what appears to be some kind of 1911A1 variant with thin front and rear cocking serrations, three-hole trigger, rubber Pachmayr grips and (possibly?) a ring hammer. It is entirely possible that this is simply a Colt XSE or a similar variant with Pachmayr grips.
A first-generation Walther P99 is seen in the illegal weapons cache. It is never being seen fired and could just be simply a rubber prop.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFirst-generation Walther P99 - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Walther is seen on the top left. It is noted as a first-generation model by its hooked trigger guard, a feature which was eliminated on second and third-generation models. Also, note that the trigger is in the rearward position, meaning that the gun is in single-action mode.
Glock 26
A third-generation Glock 26 is seen in the illegal weapons cache. It is never being seen fired and could just be simply a rubber prop.
Dual SIG-Sauer MPX Pistols are wielded by Darling (Eiza González). The sound effects imply the MPXs firing in fully-automatic, despite obviously firing in semi-auto.
In addition to his HK45, the off-duty Marine (Clay Donahue Fontenot) is seen hilariously using a Heckler & Koch MP5K during the armored car robbery. Apparently, director Edgar Wright put the submachine gun in the film to inject some more over the top humor into the largely serious scene.
What is strikingly similar to a CAA Tactical RONI-G1 kit to put over a Glock 17 pistol is seen in the illegal weapons cache. It is entirely possible that this is what is seen here.
A SIG SG-552 "Commando" appears to be located behind the CAA Tactical RONI-G1 Glock conversion in the illegal weapons cache. It is not ever fired and could be a rubber prop.
Buddy (Jon Hamm) is seen firing a custom AR-15 throughout the film. It is never seen closely enough to identify specifically, but it appears to have a 10.5" barrel, an aluminum free-floating keymod handguard with rails, a EoTech 551 sight, a Magpul RVG grip, Magpul furniture, a round trigger guard and what appears to be a 4-prong flash hider. Humorously, the firearm appears to fire in full-auto yet the sound effects seem to indicate semi-auto. This is the exact opposite error that Darling's MPX have. The AR is also seen on the film's poster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA similar rifle, Daniel Defense DDM4 SBR with Magpul MOE stock, Magpul PMAG magazine, and KAC vertical foregrip - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAn on-set photo of Jon Hamm with the AR. Note eye protection! This film used authentic live-firing weapons, likely shooting blanks so the set was staffed with professionals and maintained gun safety.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn the top of the illegal gun cache is the custom AR-15 variant which is used by Buddy later on in the film. Since the rifle fires in full automatic and was obtained by an illegal gun dealer, it can be fairly safely assumed that the upper is a civilian AR-15 while the lower was a military model with automatic capability or an illegally converted civilian one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBuddy fires his AR beside Darling.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"This is all your fault." Buddy to Baby while reloading his AR during the parking lot shootout.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBuddy with his AR during the parking lot shootout.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBuddy reloads his AR with a Magpul PMAG during the parking lot shootout.
Two AKMS assault rifles are seen in the Butcher's illegal gun cache, one with wood furniture and one with aluminum rails. The one appears to be Polish by the wood furniture. Bats (Jamie Foxx) later acquires it and uses it during the gun deal shootout.
"The Butcher", the illegal gun salesman (played by Paul Williams in a cameo) offers up a weapons cache for sale. Some of the weapons seen in the cache includes some pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles and grenades.