Miss Mend (also known as The Adventures of the Three Reporters) is a 1926 Soviet B&W silent three-part adventure movie directed by Boris Barnet and Fyodor Otsep and loosely adapted from the novels "Mess-Mend: Yankees in Petrograd" and "Laurie Lane, Metalworker" by Marietta Shaginyan. The main characters are Vivian Mend (Natalya Gland), an American typist and labour union activist, and her three friends and admirers, a clerk Hopkins (Igor Ilyinsky), a journalist Barnet (Boris Barnet), and newspaper photographer Fogel (Vladimir Fogel). Millionaire Gordon Stern is murdered by the ultra-right conspiracy led by villanous Chiche (Sergey Komarov). Accusing the Bolsheviks in the murder, the conspirators get help from Stern's son Arthur (Ivan Koval-Samborsky) and start the plan to make a biological attack on the USSR. Vivian and her friends accidentally discover the plot and try to stop it, pursuing the conspirators from America to Soviet Russia.
The following weapons were used in the film Miss Mend:
After the shootout in the tunnel, Hopkins' revolver switches to a Nagant M1895. Soviet border guards and Militsiya also use Nagants.
Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless
When Barnet exposes Arthur Stern under the falshe identity, the latter draws a pocket hammerless nickel plated revolver that is most likely a Smith & Wesson Safety Hammerless.
Mauser C96
Mauser C96 pistols are sidearms of the American police (totally inappropriate weapon) during the confrontation with striking workers. In the scene in Leningrad, several of Chiche's henchmen use Mauser C96s.
Mauser C96 "Bolo"
One of Chiche's henchmen holds a short barreled Mauser C96 "Bolo" model. In the climactic scene Fogel's (Vladimir Fogel) FN Model 1900 switches to a Mauser "Bolo" due to a continuty error.
FN Model 1906
In the opening scene, a firing FN Model 1906 pistol is seen. Later Chiche (Sergey Komarov) holds same looking pistol, most likely same prop reused. Chiche's henchmen also use same pocket pistol.
FN Model 1900
When Chiche's pistol in the scene when he threatens the trio is seen close, it switches from a pocket pistol to an FN Model 1900. Later Chiche uses an FN 1900 in several scenes. FN 1900 pistols are also used by Arthur Stern (Ivan Koval-Samborsky), Engineer Berg (the second role of Ivan Koval-Samborsky), Fogel (Vladimir Fogel), Chiche's henchmen and Soviet Militsiya personnel.
In the opening scene the commander of the police unit holds a Luger P08.
Unidentified pistol
In the climactic scene, Fogel's (Vladimir Fogel) pistol several times switch from one model to another. One of the guns that he holds is an unidentified pistol, seen only partially. This is a compact pistol but larger than FN Model 1906 that Fogel also holds in this scene.
Mannlicher M1895
American police use Mannlicher M1895 Stutzen short rifles during the crackdown on striking workers. Fogel (Vladimir Fogel) captures a Mannlicher from a police officer during attempt to save Vivian from arrest.
Mosin Nagant M1891
Soviet border guards in Leningrad hold Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles when they cordon off the plague steamer.
Berdan No.2 Carbine
During the crackdown on striking workers, one of the police officers holds an unidentified carbine. It may be a Berdan No.2 carbine.
Berdan Shotgun
A watchman in Stern's estate holds a Berdan shotgun when the trio makes an attempt to sneak in the estate.