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XIII is a 2003 first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Paris and published by Ubisoft. It is based off the 1984 Belgian graphic novel of the same name, written by written by Jean Van Hamme and William Vance. The game's story is loosely based off the events of the first five volumes of the series. The game is known for it's stylistic comic book-like visuals, utilizing cel-shaded graphics very nicely for it's time.
President of United States has been assassinated by a sniper and later, a amnesic man with roman numeral XIII on right shoulder is found washed up on a shore. The man is soon identified as Steve Rowland - the man whom FBI strongly believe having assassinated the President. To find out the truth, Rowland a.k.a XIII embarks on a quest to recover his memory by tracing his steps. However, his former employers - a conspiracy group of 20 - aim to rectify their mistake and silence XIII once and for all.
English version contains voice talent of David Duchovny, rapper Eve and Adam West.
Much like Perfect Dark, weapons have primary mode of firing, as well as a secondary mode (such as firing the underbarrel grenade launcher, revolver fanning, smacking with rifle butt etc.)
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The following weapons appear in the video game XIII (VG):
Beretta 92 Clone
Beretta 92 clone? appears as "9mm Pistol." Holds 13 rounds and can be dual-wielded, once the dual-wield skill is learned. It comes with a supressor for certain missions/chapters that have major stealth segments.
The gun is accessable on missions 02-10, 13-14, 17-23 and 26-33.
The weapon icon appears to be a Beretta 92FS. However, the in-game model lacks the distinct Beretta open slide design. Also people seem to mistake this gun for a Glock pistol, which is clearly false as the in-game model does have Beretta 92-style frame. It also has slide mounted safety, so it is not Taurus PT908 as previously stated.
Pistol with Silencer
Pistol Akimbo
Colt Anaconda
Colt Anaconda with 8" barrel appears as ".44 Special." It's very strong and appears notably accurate, as it is very easy to make headshots with this thing. It's secondary mode of fire allows fanning - to fire it like an automatic - though in reality, this technique does not work on double-action.
The gun is accessable on missions 02-05, 11-12, 14-16 and 24-25. Often it is the handgun of the chapter if Beretta Cougar is not featured, and just on few missions you can get both guns at same time on your arsenal.
Submachine Guns
Mini UZI
Mini Uzi appears under the erroneous title "MiniGun." Holds 32 rounds and is dual-wieldable.
Late game gun, this gun is accessable on missions 22 and 25-33. It's used by Captain Franklin Edelbright, the boss of Mission 22, and can be aquired for a short time after killing him. Also the final boss - Mongoose - wields two Mini Uzis in the final gunfight (Mission 33.)
Mini Uzi Akimbo
Remington 870 Marine Magnum
The Remington 870 Marine Magnum appears as "Shotgun." Holds 5 rounds. It's secondary fire mode is smacking the enemy with the gun's stock.
It is available very consistently early in the game - from Mission 03/Winslow Bank onwards - but dissappears for a while from Mission 17/SPADS Military Base chapter onwards. It reappears in Mission 25, where it is wielded by the 1st boss of the stage, Jasper Winslow, and can be aquired once player kills him. It's last appearance is in the climactic SSH-1 Military Base chapter of the game (Missions 31-33).
12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun
Generic blued 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun with with Stainless Receiver appears as "Hunting Gun." Holds 2 rounds. Like the pump-action shotgun, it's secondary fire mode is smacking the enemy with the gun's stock.
It only appears in Kellownee Lake missions (Missions 11 & 12)
Assault Rifles
Norinco Type 56
Norinco Type 56 appears as "Kalash." Holds 30 rounds. It's secondary firing mode switches between burst and auto.
It is mainly used Mongoose's henchmen during Mission 2/Brighton Beach Invasion and Missions 15 and 16 in the Plain Rock Canyons & Grand Canyon Valley. It reappears in Mission 25, where it is wielded by the 2nd boss of the stage, Senator Clayton Willard. While Type 56 can be aquired from Willard after killing him, the mission pretty much ends immediately after the fact. It's last appearance is in the Willard's Estate chapter (Missions 26-29), where it's used by some guards, as well as the XX Conspirators dressed as Ku Klux Klan members.
Even though the game implies the gun to be a Russian AK-47, the in-game model has hooded front sight - that of an Chinese Type 56. Also the game claims that it's loaded with 5.56 bullets. This is most likely a mistake by developers - as there are couple other dubious chamberings amongst the game's guns. The gun's magazine is clearly a 7.62x39mm AK-Magazine and thus it isn't Norinco Type 84S.
M16 with M203 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
M16 with M203 underbarrel grenade launcher appears as "AR." Full-automatic weapon with 30 rounds, it's secondary mode of fire is it's underbarrel grenade launcher.
This gun accessable on missions 06-10, 17-24 and 30-33. It's mainly featured in missions/chapters that involve SPADS and/or US Army.
It's presented as a older Vietnam-Era M16 with 20-round magazine, despite in-game gun having 30 round capacity. Not only that, but it seems to have the M203 attached straight to the older style M16 handguard, instead of the handguard that is often required go alongside the M203.
Sniper Rifles
SVD Dragunov
SVD Dragunov appears as "Sniper Rifle." True to it's name, it's ideal for taking out enemies from the distance, and it's powerful enough to kill enemies in mere few hits. It's secondary mode is the scope.
This gun is accessable on missions 05, 09-10 and 13-16. It's generally supplimented by crossbow in the other missions. It appears in the intro cutscene where the assassin uses it to fatally shoot the President of the United States; William Sheridan.
Precariously, the game claims that the SVD is chambered in .50 BMG, which is absurd. By the time the game was released in 2003, there was no known mass-production SVD Dragunov variant that could fire a .50 BMG/12.7×99mm bullet. Even as of 2017, it's still the case. Heaviest chambering for a mass-production Dragunov-type sniper rifle so far has been SVDK's 9.3×64mm 7N33/Brenneke - which entered production in 2006.
Machine Guns
Browning M2HB
The Browning M2HB.
M60 appears by it's own name. One of the strongest weapons in the game. It does big damage and holds 200 rounds. However, it has quite a recoil and player's movement slows down when it's out. It's secondary fire mode switches between burst and auto.
This gun is accessable on missions 12, 19-20, 24 and 31-33. M60 is used by two bosses of the game; Colonel Seymour McCall (Mission 19) and General William Standwell (Mission 31)
Panzerfaust 3
Panzerfaust 3 appears as Bazooka. Fires a straight-flying rocket and it's secondary firing mode allows you to hit the enemy with a fresh rocket (!!)
It's available to the players on missions 15, 16 and 24. In Mission 24, it is the only way to defeat the Helicopter boss at the end of the stage. Some enemies use the Panzerfaust 3 on Missions 5 and 10, but player can't get them on these missions.
Here, the Panzerfaust 3 is depicted as being a reloadable launcher like the RPG-7. In reality, the Panzerfaust 3 is a single-use anti-tank weapon where the main launch tube assembly is discarded after use and only the firing/sighting unit is reused.
Mk2 Grenade
Mk 2 hand grenade appears as Grenade.
Grenades are accessable on missions 05, 08-10, 13-16, 19-24, 26-29 and 31-33.