Future Diary, or better known by the original Japanese title Mirai Nikki, is a 2011 anime series based on the manga of the same name written by Sakae Esuno. Yukiteru Amano lives in his own world and largely dispenses with contacts with his classmates. His only hobby is keeping a diary of all everyday events on his cell phone. His only friend, a god named Deus Ex Machina, only exists in Yuki's imagination. Yuki's life goes crazy when he realizes that his cell phone diary is predicting the future. The enthusiasm quickly fades when his classmate Yuno explains that she too is the owner of a future diary. Yuki's imaginary friend Deus Ex Machina is more real than expected and is planning a cruel game: twelve participants with diaries that predict the future. Twelve people who kill each other. Because in the end, only one can win.
The following weapons were used in the anime series Future Diary:
International terrorist Minene Uryuu's personal firearm is the Walther PPK pistol, that she carries throughout the series in Ep. 10 "Family Plan", Ep 11 "Service Terminated", Ep. 12 "No Service Area" Ep. 16 "Repair",
Heckler & Koch USP
All Japanese SAT officers are equipped with Heckler & Koch USPs in Ep. 12 "No Service Area". In the same Episode, Yukiteru Amano is also seen with a USP during the standoff in the destroyed hospital floor.
P230 JP
In Ep. 12 "No Service Area", Chief inspector Keigo Kurusu is armed with a SIG-Sauer P230 pistol rather than the Smith & Wesson Model 37 revolver as in the previous episodes.
Colt 1908 Pocket
At the one moment in a hospital room in Ep. 12 "No Service Area", Minene's pistol turned into a Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket pistol.
Beretta 92FS
A Beretta 92FS pistol is used by an assassin in Ep. 18 "Crossed Lines". In the next episode, "Clear Data", Yuno Gasai, as well as John Bacchus, use Beretta 92FS pistols many times.
Smith & Wesson Model 37
The standard revolver for the Japanese police is Smith & Wesson Model 37 Airweight, which resembles the Tanaka airsoft model. It is used by Chief inspector Keigo Kurusu in Ep. 02 "Contract Terms", Ep. 09 "Blocking Calls", and Ep. 11 "Service Terminated". Young police officer Masumi Nishijima uses one of these revolvers in Ep. 10 "Family Plan" against Number 3. Many other police officers in the eleventh episode make use of their revolvers in the Sakurami police station. In the same episode, Yuno and Yukiteru get in control of some Model 37s. They both also use these revolvers in Ep. 12 "No Service Area".
Nambu Model 60
Yuki fire the snub Nambu Model 60 revolver at the one episode.
Submachine Guns
Yuno and Yuki are armed with MP5A5 submachine guns in Ep. 20 "Transfer Data".
U.S. soldiers are seen using M16A1 rifles fitted with Aimpoint sights.
Several soldiers are armed with AKM assault rifles.
Machine Guns
Some of the soldiers are armed with RPK light machine guns.
M84 stun grenade
Several M84 stun grenades can be seen in the Minene Uryuu's arsenal. The first M84 is used by her and Police inspector Masumi Nishijima in Ep. 10 "Family Plan" to set up a trap for Number 3. In Ep. 12 "No Service Area", she hands over one to Yukiteru when he was supposed to patrol the hospital corridors. This flashbang is also seen in the hands of an SAT officer and Yuno.
Mk 2 hand grenade
International terrorist Minene Uryuu uses the Mk 2 hand grenade many times.
M18A1 Claymore
Explosion of the M18A1 Claymore result to traumatic amputation Minene's right hand.