Tales from the Crypt was a television horror anthology series based on the EC horror comics of the same name. The series, which featured episodes helmed by such directors as Robert Zemeckis, Walter Hill, Richard Donner, and John Frankenheimer aired for seven seasons on HBO from 1989 to 1996. The series would also spawn several feature films including 1995's Demon Knight and 1996's Bordello of Blood.
The following weapons were used in the television series Tales from the Crypt:
A Colt M1917 is the revolver carried by Lt. Martin Kalthrob (Eric Douglas) in "Yellow" (S3E14).
M1911A1 (Nickel)
A nickel-plated M1911A1 is seen in the hands of Dr. Oscar Charles (John Lithgow) in "You, Murderer" (S6E15).
Walther PPK
A stainless Walther PPK with pearl grips is seen in the hands of Sylvia Vane (Lea Thompson) in "Only Sin Deep" (S1E04).
M1903 Springfield
In "Yellow" (S3E14), US troops are armed with M1903 Springfield rifles. This rifle is also seen held by the Crypt Keeper for the opening of the episode and then activates several rifles at the end.