The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
DVD Cover
Main Cast
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a British 1984-1985 TV series, starring Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes and David Burke as Dr. Watson. Thirteen short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle were adapted into the series.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was followed by three more TV series, also starring Jeremy Brett as Holmes, but with Edward Hardwicke as Dr. Watson: The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1986-1988), The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes (1991-1993), and The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1994), and two feature-length made for TV movies: The Sign of Four (1987) and The Hound of the Baskervilles (1988) . .
The following weapons were used in the television series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984 TV Series) :
Bulldog Revolver
Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett ) uses a Bulldog revolver in "The Naval Treaty" (S01E03) and "The Solitary Cyclist" (S01E04).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Belgian copy of a Webley Bulldog - 32 caliber
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The revolver that Holmes used to "draw" monogram of Queen Victoria on the wall in "The Naval Treaty". Judging by the size of spent ammo, the revolver is chambered in medium caliber, about .38 or .32.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes aims his Bulldog at Williamson (Ellis Dale ) in "The Solitary Cyclist".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The cylinder is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes aims the revolver at Carruthers (John Castle ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes holds the revolver in the scene in Williamson's house.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson (David Burke ) holds Holmes' Bulldog.
Single Action Army Artillery Model
Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett ) uses a Single Action Army Artillery model revolver in "The Dancing Men" (S01E02) and "The Greek Interpreter" (S02E02). Cartwright (Charles Cork ), the leader of gang robbers in "The Resident Patient" (S02E04), has same looking revolver. This gun appears to be some European replica rather than original Colt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Replica Colt Single Action Army Revolver - .45 Long Colt. This is the screen used gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes' revolver on the table in "The Dancing Men".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes holds the revolver at Abe Slaney's head.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A general view of the scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Holmes' revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arrested Slaney under Holmes' and Inspector Martin's (at the left) revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes takes his revolver when he goes after the villains in "The Greek Interpreter".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes checks his Colt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes holds one of the abductors, Harold Latimer, at gunpoint.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartwright holds a Colt in a flashback scene, depicting the robbery of the Worthington Bank in "The Resident Patient".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He fires at bank employee.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The flame bursts of the cylinder, proving that the muzzle of the gun is blocked.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cartwright warns his accomplices about keeping the secret.
Velo-Dog Revolver
Irene Adler (Gayle Hunnicutt ) uses a nickel plated Velo-Dog Revolver with pearl or ivory grips in "A Scandal in Bohemia" (S01E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Velo-Dog revolver with exposed hammer, made circa 1898 in Liege, Belgium - 5.5mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Irene Adler chases two burglars, hired by the King of Bohemia, out of her house under the threat of the gun. The white grip is seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closer view of the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A side view of the Velo-Dog.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Irene Adler with the revolver.
Harrington & Richardson Premier
Hilton Cubitt (Tenniel Evans ) owns a compact top-break revolver in "The Dancing Men" (S01E02). Harrington & Richardson Premier seems to be a decent (though not necessary) guess.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harrington & Richardson Premier 2nd Model, 4th Variation - .32 S&W
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hilton Cubitt takes a revolver from a drawer when his wife is afraid of someone outside the house.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cubitt takes the revolver when he's woken up by suspicious noises in the middle of the night.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The revolver next to dead body of Hilton Cubitt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson examines the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The revolver on table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inspector Martin (David Ross ) holds same looking revolver (most likely same prop reused).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Inspector Martin aims the revolver at arrested Abe Slaney (Eugene Lipinski ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A flashback scene shows the revolver in hand of Elsie Cubitt (Betsy Brantley).
Webley RIC
Carruthers (John Castle ) holds a Webley RIC No. 1 Second Pattern in the climactic scene in "The Solitary Cyclist" (S01E04).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley RIC No. 1 Second Pattern - .442 Webley
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carruthers checks his revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carruthers holds the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carruthers checks his revolver prior the confrontation with Woodley and Williamson. In this scene the primers of the cartridges are definitely spent, unlike the previous scene with this revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carruthers, hiding his face with a fake beard, holds a RIC. In previous moment he was briefly seen with a top-break Webley .455 revolver (see below).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Carruthers fires at Woodley.
Webley .455 Revolvers
Webley .455 pre-Mk VI revolvers are seen in several episodes, used by Carruthers (John Castle ) in "The Solitary Cyclist", by Dr. Watson (David Burke ) in "The Speckled Band" (S01E06) and "The Copper Beeches" (S02E01), and by Blessington (Patrick Newell ) in "The Resident Patient" (S02E04). Very possibly a single prop was used in all these episodes. Several closeups allow to make a guess that the revolver may be a Mk III (less likely), Mk IV or Mk V .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For comparison: Webley Mk IV - .455 Webley
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "The Solitary Cyclist" Carruthers' (John Castle ) Webley RIC switches to a top-break Webley revolver due to a continuty error.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of Watson's revolver in "The Speckled Band". The cylinder to frame lock is of a model that was issued on Mk III.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson holds the revolver when he and Holmes sneak in Dr. Grimesby Roylott's estate.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson holds his revolver in the climactic scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson confronts Jephro Rucastle (Joss Ackland) in "The Copper Beeches".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The cylinder to frame lock looks more like Mk IV or Mk V models.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson fires at the locked door.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson fires at a guardian dog that attacks Rucastle. The front sight matches Mk IV or Mk V models.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deadly frightened Blessington holds a Webley .455 revolver in "The Resident Patient".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the scene. This revolver also seems to be Mk IV or Mk V.
Webley .455 Mk VI
Dr. Watson (David Burke ) uses a Webley .455 Mk VI in "The Red Headed League" (S02E05). Of course, this revolver doesn't fit Victorian era.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley Mk VI - .455 Webley
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson checks his revolver when he and Holmes prepare for the ambush on the burglars.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson with the revolver in hand.
Nagant M1883
A Belgian Nagant M1883 is used by Williamson (Ellis Dale ) in "The Solitary Cyclist" (S01E04) and by John Clay (Tim McInnerny ) in "The Red Headed League" (S02E05). This particular model looks nearly same as the Belgian M1887 but with unfluted cylinder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Belgian Nagant M1883 - 9.4x22mm Nagant
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Reverend" Williamson uses his revolver instead of holy symbol during the secret marriage ceremony between Woodley and kidnapped Violet Smith in "The Solitary Cyclist".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Williamson's revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Williamson threatens Carruthers. Note that the chambers of the cylinder are filled with some white substance, like the greasy putty of cap and ball revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Watson (David Burke ) holds the revolver, surrendered by Williamson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In the climactic scene in "The Red Headed League" John Clay raises his revolver...
Error creating thumbnail: File missing ...but Holmes knocks out the gun with a blow of his hunting-crop.
Adams Revolver (?)
What appears to be a cap and ball Adams Revolver is seen in the scene in "The Crooked Man" (S01E05), describing the memories of Henry Wood about the events of Indian Rebellion of 1857.
File:15254 0026 1 lg.jpg For comparison: Adams M1851 Infantry revolver - .440
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sgt. James Barclay (James Wilby ) gives a revolver to Corp. Henry Wood (Michael Lumsden) who is going with a report from a besieged fortress.
Sharps Pepperbox
A Sharps Pepperbox is used by Wilson Kemp (George Costigan) in "The Greek Interpreter" (S02E02) and by Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett ) in "The Final Problem" (S02E06). The screen gun, perfectly seen in "The Final Problem", is an Uberti replica.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Uberti replica of Sharps Pepperbox - .22 Short
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wilson Kemp aims his Pepperbox at the Greek interpreter Mr. Melas (Alkis Kritikos) who translates Kemp's speech to beaten and bound Paul Kratides in "The Greek Interpreter".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kemp appears second time at Melas and orders him to go under the threat of the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Now the pistol is in hand of Mycroft Holmes (Charles Gray ) who secretly taked it from Kemp.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes' Pepperbox in "The Final Problem".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holmes holds the gun during the visit of Prof. Moriarty.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closeup of the Pepperbox in same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another good view of the gun in the final shots of the series.
Single Shot Pistol
In one scene in "A Scandal in Bohemia" (S01E01) the King of Bohemia (Wolf Kahler ) recalls his past time with Irene Adler (Gayle Hunnicutt ). In this scene Irene shoots a single shot breech loading target pistol, likely a Flobert system.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Belgian Gallery Pistol - .22
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Irene Adler fires a target pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A side view of the pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Irene Adler hands the empty gun to an officer, accompanying the King (at that time the Crown Prince).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Flobert-style hammer can be seen.
A different single shot breech loading pistol is used by Abe Slaney (Eugene Lipinski ) in "The Dancing Men" (S01E02).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Broqua & Scholberg - .44 Russian. Used as an example of single shot breech loading pistol of roughly similar outlook.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A flashback scene shows Abe Slaney holding his pistol.
Rifles and Muskets
Enfield Pattern 1853
In the scenes in "The Crooked Man" (S01E05), describing the memories of Henry Wood about the events of Indian Rebellion of 1857, British soldiers are armed with poorly seen long guns. Enfield Pattern 1853 is a likely guess.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enfield Pattern 1853 - .577 Ball
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Blurry view of long guns in hands of running soldiers.
Enfield Pattern 1856 Cavalry Carbine
What appears to be an Enfield Pattern 1856 Cavalry Carbine is also seen in hands of a British soldier in the scene of Indian Rebellion of 1857 in "The Crooked Man" (S01E05).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enfield Pattern 1856 Cavalry Carbine - .577 caliber
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A soldier aims his carbine.
Percussion Cap Musket
A percussion cap musket, seemingly a hunting rather than a military gun, is seen on the wall in a village pub in "The Solitary Cyclist" (S01E04).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A percussion cap musket is seen on the wall (the one at the bottom).
Various Muskets
A antique carbine with typical Jezail buttstock is seen on the wall in a village pub in "The Solitary Cyclist" (S01E04). It seems to lack any kind of lock and is possibly non-firing decorative "wall-hanger".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An antique carbine is seen on the wall (the one on top).
Full-length muskets, some with typical Jezail buttstocks, are used by Indian rebels in "The Crooked Man" (S01E05).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For comparison: Jezail Musket
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Muskets lean against a tree.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rebels with muskets on march.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A man at the left holds a Jezail.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A barrel is seen.
Double Barreled Shotgun
Double Barreled Shotguns are seen in hands of a Gypsy in "The Speckled Band" (S01E06) and of a traveler in the Alps in "The Final Problem" (S02E06).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing For comparison: Colt Model 1878 reproduction - 12 Gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Gypsy goes on hunt in "The Speckled Band".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the men in a group of mountain travellers holds a double barreled shotgun with exposed hammers in "The Final Problem".
Several cannons are seen in the barracks of a Lancer regiment in "The Crooked Man" (S01E05). Due to "skeleton" carriage, they can be identified as blank-firing signalling cannons, commonly used in Victorian era for military and coast guard duties.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A cannon near the gates.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another cannon.