Les Morfalous (literally The Greedy-Guts, in French argot) is a 1984 French action comedy directed by Henri Verneuil and starring Jean-Paul Belmondo as Sgt. Pierre Augagneur of French Foreign Legion. The story takes place in French Tunisia in 1943 when a platoon of FFL is ordered to convoy gold from a bank in a town which is under German attack.
The following weapons were used in the film Les Morfalous:
A Luger P08 is a personal weapon of German tank officer Cpt. Dieterle (Pierre Semmler). Sgt. Pierre Augagneur (Jean-Paul Belmondo) disarms Cpt. Dieterle several times during the movie and takes his Luger.
Madsen Model 1946 machine guns are seen mounted on the trucks in the opening scene. They are mocked up to resemble belt fed Browning M1919 machine guns by fitting a cosmetic box over the bottom and rear of the receiver, but they can be identified as Madsens by the shape of the top of the receiver and the top loading magazine well visible on the left side of the top of the weapon. In order to make the gun appear to be belt fed the last round on the ammunition belt has simply been hooked into the magazine well, which on the Madsen is coincidentally a shape which easily allows this.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPortuguese Madsen machine gun - 7.92x57mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Madsen machine gun is mounted in the truck.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Madsen is seen near the dead legionnaire. The actual rear of the Madsen in level with the back of the bulge on the top of the receiver, everything heind this point is a cosmetic shroud (including the rear pistol grip which appears to lack a trigger of any sort).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe gunner was shot before he could open fire. Note the the last round on the belt is simply hooked into the (coincidentally correctly shaped) top loading magazine well.
A rocker launcher is seen in hands of French soldiers in the final scene. It is a little blurry and hard to identify. Due to its size it can be M20 "Super Bazooka" or RL-83 Blindicide or some other launcher.