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Hunter - Season 1

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The following firearms were used in the first season of the NBC television series Hunter:

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Hunter - Season 1 (1984-1985)

Hunter screen captures courtesy of


Heckler & Koch P9S

During the first season, LAPD Det. Sgt. Rick Hunter (Fred Dryer) carries a Heckler & Koch P9S with muzzle compensator, also seen during the opening credits. He sometimes refers to it as "Simon". In "The Garbage Man" (1.11), both James "Sonny" Dupree (Christopher McDonald) and his friend Ramos (Nicholas Worth) handle Hunter's H&K P9S before Dupree takes out the magazine and ejects the chambered round to hand it back to Hunter.

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Heckler & Koch P9S - 9mm
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Hunter fires his P9S at the bank robbers trying to make their getaway in the pilot episode.
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Hunter shows Whispering Willie his H&K P9S.
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Hunter firing his P9S in the pilot episode.
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Hunter prepares to kick the door in to McCall's bathroom in the pilot episode.
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Hunter's P9S is knocked to the ground during his fight with Dr. Bolin (Brian Dennehy) in the pilot episode.
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Hunter pushes "Simon" into a thief's stomach in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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One of the mobsters related to Hunter puts his H&K P9S in his drawer in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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In "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04), Coronado Springs, TX Sheriff Jake Cutter (Bo Svenson) looks over Hunter's P9S.
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Hunter walks through a hotel room in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) uses Hunter's P9S after her Beretta is stolen in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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Hunter aims his H&K P9S at Molinas in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14).
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Hunter and McCall aim their sidearms in "The Last Kill" (1.17).

Walther PPK

Hunter's partner Det. Sgt. Dee Dee McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) carries a black Walther PPK during the pilot episode.

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Walther PPK - 7.65x17mm Auto (.32 ACP)
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McCall checks her PPK in the pilot episode while going undercover as a prostitute.
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McCall fires a shot into King Hayes' (Steven Williams) shoulder.
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When Hunter breaks through the door into McCall's bathroom, she aims a PPK at him.
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McCall holds her PPK on the limousine driver in the pilot episode.
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McCall and Hunter hold their guns on a thug in the hospital at the end of the pilot episode.

Walther PPK/S

After the pilot episode, Det. Sgt. Dee Dee McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) carries a Walther PPK/S with white grips during the first four seasons. Hunter describes it as a "police issue .38", possibly suggesting that McCall's PPK/S is chambered in .380 ACP.

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Walther PPK/S - stainless with Pachmayr rubber grips and factory flat bottom magazine - .380 ACP.
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McCall holds her PPK/S on Gus in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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McCall can't bring herself to fire at Gus in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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Sheriff Cutter (Bo Svenson) puts McCall's PPK/S in his office drawer in "A Long Way from L.A." (1.04).
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Hunter and McCall aim their sidearms in "Legacy" (1.05).
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Billy Vincent (Kip Gilman) takes McCall's PPK/S in "Legacy" (1.05).

Beretta Model 90

Hunter's partner, Sgt. Dee Dee McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) uses a nickel Beretta Model 90 with white grips during some first season episodes.

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Beretta Model 90 - .32 ACP.
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McCall aims her Beretta Model 90 at Deakin in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06).
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McCall draws her Beretta in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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McCall announces herself as a police officer before the hotel room door is blown open.
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McCall walks through a hotel room with her Beretta in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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McCall shoots at Gavin in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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McCall with her Beretta aimed at Whitey in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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McCall with her Beretta drawn at night in "The Shooter" (1.10).
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McCall holds her Beretta on Colson in "The Garbage Man" (1.11).
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McCall holds her Beretta on goons inside a bar in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).
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Hunter and McCall make a plan of attack in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).
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McCall aims at Kapano in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).
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Hunter and McCall aim their sidearms in "The Last Kill" (1.17).
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McCall, in disguise, fires her Beretta in "Sniper" (1.19).

Colt Detective Special (1st generation)

LAPD Det. Bernie Terwilliger (James Whitmore Jr.) keeps a first generation Colt Detective Special holstered on his belt. In "Hard Contract" (1.02), a thief (Ezekiel Moss) flashes a Detective Special (an S&W Model 10 Snub in the next shot) to a hot dog vendor. In "Legacy" (1.05), mobster Billy Vincent (Kip Gilman) accosts McCall and kidnaps Sandy Newton with a suppressed Detective Special. In "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06), Benny (Robert Costanzo) holds his Detective Special (an S&W Model 10 Snub in the previous shot) on Hunter and McCall but McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) takes it away from him and carries it during the scene. In "High Bleacher Man" (1.09), ex-con Elton Gavin (Michael Baseleon) uses a Detective Special during a store holdup but is stopped by Hunter. McCall later finds a Detective Special inside the gym bag of mob hood Whitey McFee (Alan Autry), saying the three spent bullets inside were used to shoot at Hunter (even though the gun used in that scene was a S&W Model 19).

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Colt Detective Special 1st Gen - .38 Special
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The thief in "Hard Contract" (1.02) flashes his Detective Special.
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Terwilliger yells at Hunter for staying on the scene too long in "Legacy" (1.05).
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Billy with his suppressed Detective Special.
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Billy takes Sandy hostage.
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McCall and Hunter take Benny's Detective Special.
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Elton Gavin draws his Detective Special before a store robbery in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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McCall finds a Detective Special with three bullets spent inside Whitey's gym bag.

Colt Detective Special (3rd generation)

Several characters throughout the course of the show use third generation Colt Detective Specials. In the pilot episode, a bank robber (John Diehl), the pimp Whispering Willie (David Labiosa), and Justin Taylor are seen with Detective Specials.

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Colt Detective Special 3rd Gen - .38 Special
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Hunter spots the Detective Special in the bank robber's waistband in the pilot episode.
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Hunter fires his H&K P9S while grabbing the bank robber's Detective Special.
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Whispering Willie has his Detective Special kicked from his hand by McCall.

Smith & Wesson Model 19

The bank guard in the pilot episode has a Smith & Wesson Model 19 holstered, taking it out after he goes with Hunter to chase down the suspects. A mobster uses one when breaking into Hunter's apartment in "Hard Contract" (1.02). Whitey McFee (Alan Autry) uses a Model 19 to shoot at Hunter from his car in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09) but, in a case of gun continuity, the gun found on him later by McCall is a Colt Detective Special. In "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14), both the drug dealer Louie and Vic Terranova's right hand man Tony Boy (Joseph Cali) have Model 19s. Several mobsters in "The Last Kill" (1.17) have Model 19s.

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Smith & Wesson Model 19 Combat Magnum - .357 Magnum
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The bank guard apprehends a suspect with his Model 19 in the pilot episode.
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A mobster enters Hunter's apartment in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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Whitey aims at Hunter in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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Louie aims at Sgt. Molinas in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14).
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Tony Boy surrenders his Model 19 when Sgt. Molinas shows up.
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A mobster fires a Model 19 in "The Last Kill" (1.17).
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Another mobster aims his Model 19.

Star Model B

A thug dressed as a doctor attacks McCall with a Star Model B in the pilot episode, but she knocks it from his hand by knocking him over in her wheelchair.

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Blued Star Model B - 9mm pistol from the movie The Untouchables (1987). This one is a screen used and fired handgun in the movie and was used by Kevin Costner on screen.
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McCall prepares to disarm the thug.
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The thug reaches to pick up his Star Model B. It is differentiated from a 1911 by the visible external extractor on the right side of the slide.

Smith & Wesson Model 10 Snubnose

Benny (Robert Costanzo) reaches for a Smith & Wesson Model 10 Snubnose when Hunter and McCall enter his shop in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06), but it turns into a Colt Detective Special in the next shot. In the same episode, the Mexican drug smuggler (Gary Cervantes) who meets with Deakin has a Model 10 holstered, as does one of his thugs.

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Smith & Wesson Model 10 snub nose revolver - .38 Special.
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The thief in "Hard Contract" (1.02) flashes his revolver, which was, in the previous shot, a Colt Detective Special.
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Benny picks up his Model 10 Snub in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06).
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The Mexican's Model 10 is seen in his holster.
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A drug dealer in "Pen Pals" (1.07), Rosco, drops his Model 10 on the ground during a fight with Hunter.

Colt Python

Policeman-turned-hitman Gus Trancus (David Ackroyd) carries a 6"-barreled Colt Python as his sidearm, using it to wound McCall in "Hard Contract" (1.02).

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Colt Python with 6" Barrel - .357 Magnum
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Gus aims at Hunter and McCall during a car chase in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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Gus with his Colt Python during the hotel shootout.
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Gus holds his Python on McCall.
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Gus approaches a wounded McCall.
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Hunter (Fred Dryer) apprehends Gus with his own Colt Python.
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A close-up of the revolver in Hunter's hand when he disguises himself as a motorcycle cop in "The Shooter" (1.10) shows his S&W Model 586 to be a Python instead.
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Hunter pulls the trigger in "The Shooter" (1.10).

Smith & Wesson Model 36

Several characters, including McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) are seen with Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolvers throughout the show. At times, this is also Det. Bernie Terwilliger's (James Whitmore Jr.) sidearm.

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Smith and Wesson Model 36 - .38 Special.
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Det. Terwilliger empties his cylinder during a shootout in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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Michael Vincent (Vincent Baggetta), a mobster in "Legacy" (1.05), draws his Model 36.
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Terwilliger (James Whitmore Jr.) looks at Michael's Model 36.
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The drug buyer (Bert Hinchman) holds his Model 36 on McCall in "Pen Pals" (1.07).
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McCall's temporary replacement partner, Det. Gil Glasglow (Tim Thomerson) aims a Model 36 in "Pen Pals" (1.07).
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Whitey McFee (Alan Autry) draws his Model 36 on Hunter in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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Whitey reaches for a Model 36.
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McCall aims and fires the 36 in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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Parolee James "Sonny" Dupree (Christopher McDonald) holds his S&W Model 36 on Hunter in "The Garbage Man" (1.11).
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Dupree checks the load in his Model 36, seeing five rounds of .38 Short Colt loaded.

Smith & Wesson Model 60

Captain Cain (Arthur Rosenberg) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 60 during the hotel shootout in "Hard Contract" (1.02).

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Classic Smith & Wesson Model 60 - .38 Special
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Capt. Cain is wounded in "Hard Contract" (1.02).

One of the parolees is shown buying a Smith & Wesson Model 60 snubnose in the opening montage of "The Garbage Man" (1.11).

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The pawn shop clerk shows the parolee a Model 60.
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The parolee takes the Model 60.

Smith & Wesson Model 10

Private investigator Manny Roth (Ray Girardin) has a Smith & Wesson Model 10 in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03), using it during the shootout with Crenshaw, Hunter, and McCall in the warehouse. Capt. Danziger (Daniel Chodos) in "Sniper" (1.19) has a Model 10 holstered.

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Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver - .38 Special
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Roth's Model 10 in his shoulder holster in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03).
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Danziger's Model 10 in his holster as he argues with McCall and Hunter in "Sniper" (1.19).

Heckler & Koch P7

In "The Hot Grounder" (1.03), Lance Lane (Sam J. Jones) attempts to draw and fire a Heckler & Koch P7 but is stopped by Hunter.

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Heckler & Koch P7 - 9x19mm
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Lance draws his H&K P7 in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03).
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Lance chambers his H&K P7 before holding it up to Manny.

Detonics Pocket 9

Sgt. Hunter (Fred Dryer) keeps a Detonics Pocket 9 as his backup pistol, handing it to a policeman when he is arrested in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03). In "Pen Pals" (1.07), a hitman named Carbone takes the Detonics from Hunter's apartment, murders a drug pusher named Rosco, and frames Hunter for the murder.

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Detonics Pocket 9 - 9mm
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McCall and Hunter with their backups drawn in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03).
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Carbone chambers the Pocket 9 in "Pen Pals" (1.07).
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Carbone fires the Pocket 9.

Smith & Wesson Model 66

Los Angeles Police Commissioner Larry Crenshaw (William Windom) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 66 in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03). A Coronado Springs, Texas sheriff named Jake Cutter (Bo Svenson) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 66 in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04). In this episode, it often alternates between a Model 66 and Model 67.

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Smith & Wesson Model 66 with 4" barrel - .357 Magnum
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Crenshaw draws his Model 66 on Manny Roth in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03).
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Crenshaw fires his Model 66 at Dee Dee McCall.
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Crenshaw takes cover with his Model 66.
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Cutter aims at Hunter in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04).
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Cutter (Bo Svenson) with his revolver, which is now a Model 66 even though it had been a Model 67 in the previous shot.
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McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) holds Cutter's revolver, a Model 66, on him (even though when she grabbed it, it was a Model 67).

Beretta 950 Jetfire

Det. Sgt. Dee Dee McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) keeps a nickel Beretta 950 Jetfire as her backup gun. Hunter describes it as a "belly gun .25".

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A nickel Beretta 950 Jetfire (.25 ACP‎) as used in The Spirit by Eva Mendes.
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McCall enters the warehouse in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03).
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McCall takes cover with her Beretta Jetfire.
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McCall confronts the corrupt police commissioner.
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McCall gives her backup Beretta to Billy Vincent in "Legacy" (1.05).

Smith & Wesson Model 67

Coronado Springs, Texas Sheriff Jake Cutter (Bo Svenson) carries a Smith & Wesson Model 67 in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04). In a continuity error, this often switches between a Model 67 and a Model 66.

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Smith & Wesson Model 67 - .38 Special
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Cutter holds his Model 67 on Wally.
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Cutter's Model 67 in its holster.
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Cutter draws his Model 67 on Lanie. In the next shot it will be a Model 66.
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McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) grabs Cutter's Model 67.


After the killing of mobster John Vincent in "Legacy" (1.05), Det. Terwilliger (James Whitmore Jr.) shows Hunter and McCall the evidence bag with the murder weapon, a M1911A1 in it, prompting Hunter to tell him to "never pointed a loaded bag" at someone. Hunter then asks how many bullets are remaining in the "clip" (meaning magazine), and Terwilliger tells him four. McCall then interjects that the "clip" (again, meaning magazine) holds eight, meaning 4 rounds had been fired. One of Deakin's henchmen in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06) also has a 1911. Motorcycle policeman Doug Kirkwood (Marc Alaimo) keeps a 1911 in his holster, seen in "The Shooter" (1.10). Drug dealer Snazzy Louis Green (Jason Ronard) has a 1911-carrying bodyguard in "The Beach Boy" (1.15). In "Rape and Revenge, Pt. 2", McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) takes a 1911A1 from a Curaguay soldier. A hand is seen loading an M1911A1 during the fifth season opening credits.

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M1911A1 - .45 ACP.
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Terwilliger shows Hunter and McCall the 1911 in the evidence bag in "Legacy" (1.05).
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Deakin's henchman in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06) with his 1911.
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Deakin's henchman searches for Hunter and McCall before she disarms him.
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A 1911 is inside bounty hunter Jimmy Joe Walker's trunk in "Dead or Alive" between the SAA and a small pistol that is likely a Detonics Pocket 9, like Hunter's backup.
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Doug draws his 1911 in "The Shooter" (1.10).
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Green's dead bodyguard holds a 1911 in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).

Ruger Security Six Blued

Deakin (Anthony Charnota), the drug smuggler, carries a blued Ruger Security Six during "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06). One of Demarest's mobsters uses a Security Six in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09). Dan Colson (Ed O'Neill), the crooked parole officer in "The Garbage Man" (1.11) also has a Security Six. Tommy Largo (Madison Mason) threatens Hunter and McCall with a suppressed Security Six snubnose in "The Last Kill" (1.17).

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Ruger Security Six .357 Magnum, .38 Special (note adjustable rear sights). Standard barrel lengths offered were 2.75, 4, and 6 inches.
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Deakin (Anthony Charnota) threatens a Mexican drug smuggler in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06).
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Deakin gives his thug an order.
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Deakin takes Ruffy Collyer (Marissa Mendenhall) hostage with his Ruger Security Six.
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Demarest's thugs force McCall and Chrissy from the car in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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Dan Colson (Ed O'Neill) with his Ruger drawn inside Dupree's apartment in "The Garbage Man" (1.11).
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Colson draws his Ruger on Mrs. Dupree.

Ruger SpeedSix Snubnose

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Ruger Speed Six with blued finish and 2.75-inch barrel .357 Magnum
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Largo's suppressed Ruger snubnose in "The Last Kill" (1.17).

Single Action Army

Although he never uses it, "cowboy" bounty hunter Jimmy Joe Walker (Wings Hauser) keeps a Single Action Army in his trunk in "Dead or Alive" (1.08). A Single Action Army using .45 Colt silicone bullets, described as "cop killers" by Hunter and McCall, is the sidearm of serial killer Deke Broder (Robert Dryer, no relation to series star Fred Dryer) in "The Shooter" (1.10).

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2nd Generation Colt Single Action Army w/ 7.5" barrel known as the "Cavalry" model - Nickel plated model - .45 LC
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An SAA is visible between the lupara and 1911 in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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The SAA in Broder's holster in "The Shooter" (1.10).
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Broder's SAA after killing Jim the motorcycle cop.
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Broder looks over his SAA.

Desert Eagle

LAPD Sgt. Rick Hunter (Fred Dryer) uses a .357 Magnum Desert Eagle during some episodes of the first season, beginning with "Dead or Alive" (1.08). The Desert Eagle is explained to be a gift from his Mafia father at his graduation, causing McCall to lament that all she received was a set of encyclopedias. However, Hunter had been on the police force since at least the 1970s (and it is stated in the second season that his father was killed in 1971), making it very unlikely that he could have received a Desert Eagle, which weren't produced until 1982, at his police graduation.

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Magnum Research Desert Eagle MK I - .357 Magnum. First model of Desert Eagle put into production.
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Hunter aims at Jimmy Joe Walker in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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Hunter fires at Walker.
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Hunter fires his Desert Eagle at Colson in "The Garbage Man" (1.11).
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Hunter chambers his Desert Eagle in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).

Ruger Redhawk

The "cowboy" bounty hunter Jimmy Joe Walker (Wings Hauser) carries a stainless Ruger Redhawk with a 5.5" barrel in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).In "High Bleacher Man" (1.09), Det. Terwilliger (James Whitmore Jr.) arms himself with a stainless Ruger Redhawk to guard Elton Gavin (Michael Baseleon), who grabs a 7.5" Redhawk from Terwilliger's holster once he is no longer a witness.

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Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum. Stainless steel.
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Walker holds up "Panhandle Pete" (Jimmie F. Skaggs) in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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Walker forces Pete to do as he says.
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Walker fires at Hunter and McCall.
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Gavin takes Terwilliger's Redhawk in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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Gavin asks for a set of car keys and takes Terwilliger hostage.
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McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) hands Terwilliger's Redhawk back to him.

Smith & Wesson Model 586

When Hunter (Fred Dryer) disguises himself as a motorcycle cop to lure out the serial killer in "The Shooter" (1.10), he wears a Smith & Wesson Model 586 in his holster that becomes a Colt Python for close shots of it firing.

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S&W Model 586, .357 Magnum, with 6" barrel
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Hunter draws his S&W Model 586 in "The Shooter" (1.10).

Colt Mk IV Series 70

NYPD Sgt. Jackie Molinas (Dennis Franz), in Los Angeles to pick up Sally "The Snow Queen" LaPone, carries a Colt Mk IV Series 70.

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Colt 1911 Series 70 - .45 ACP
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Sgt. Molinas chambers his 1911 (with a finger on the trigger!) when he takes Sally into a field to execute her in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 1" (1.13).
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Sgt. Molinas points his 1911 at Sally.
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When Hunter and McCall arrive, Molinas raises his hands, including his Colt Mk IV Series 70. For some reason, it is locked open even though Molinas hadn't fired a shot.
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Molinas holds his Colt on the thugs inside the bar in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14).
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Molinas aims at McCall, Sally, Vic Terranova, Tony Boy, and another thug.
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Vic Terranova (Dennis Farina) approaches Sgt. Molinas.
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Molinas pulls back the hammer by Terranova's swimming pool. Since he had just fired the weapon several times, the hammer should already be back.

Smith & Wesson Model 13

NYPD Sgt. Jackie Molinas (Dennis Franz) uses a Smith & Wesson Model 13 when he questions Scully (J.D. Hall) the taxi driver in "The Snow Queen, Pt.1" (1.13). It is presumably a backup or throwaway weapon he obtained so that it wouldn't be traced back to him after killing Scully. One of the drug dealing Chinese thugs killed in the restaurant in "The Beach Boy" (1.15) has a Model 13.

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Smith & Wesson Model 13 - .357 Magnum
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Sgt. Molinas puts his Model 13 to Scully's neck in "The Snow Queen, Pt.1" (1.13).
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Sgt. Molinas pulls back the hammer.
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The Chinese thug fires his Model 13 at Kapano in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).
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The Model 13 in the dead thug's hand.

Beretta 92SB

In "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14), Sgt. Dee Dee McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) pulls out a Beretta 92SB as her personal weapon, kept in a cabinet at home.

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Beretta Model 92SB - 9x19mm (note rounded trigger guard and flat bottom magazine).
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McCall aims at her front door in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14).
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McCall is knocked through a door in her house by Tony Boy as the Beretta sits on her coffee table.

Beretta Cheetah

Quatro, the Chinese drug dealer, fires a Beretta Cheetah at Kapano in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).

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Beretta 84 (earlier version with round trigger guard) .380 ACP
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Quatro fires at Kapano.
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Quatro's Beretta sits in his hand.

Browning Hi-Power

One of the Chinese thugs in the restaurant fires a Browning Hi-Power at Kapano in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).

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Browning Hi Power (Belgian Mfg) - 9x19mm
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A dead Chinese thug with his Hi-Power in his hand.

Röhm RG-24

Tommy Largo (Madison Mason) uses a (unplausible) suppressed .22 RG-24 (described by McCall as a ".22 throwaway") for his first hit committed in "The Last Kill" (1.16).

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Röhm RG-24 - .22 LR
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Largo pulls out his .22.
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Largo approches Dolores with the suppressed .22.
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Largo shoots Dolores.
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Largo places the .22 down.

Submachine Guns


One of Billy Vincent's mobsters fires an Uzi in "Legacy" (1.05), as Captain Dolan (John Amos) describes to them.

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IMI Uzi 9x19mm
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The mobster fires at Michael.

Heckler & Koch HK94A3 (Chopped & Converted)

One of Demarest's thugs in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09) fires at Hunter and Gavin with a Heckler & Koch HK94A3 carbine chopped and converted to resemble a Heckler & Koch MP5A3.

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Heckler & Koch HK94A3 chopped and converted to resemble MP5A3 - 9mm.
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The thugs approach with an H&K MP5A3, unseen Ruger AC-556, and Remington 870 Folding Stock in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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Demarest's thug fires his H&K MP5A3.
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The thug fires his H&K MP5A3 from behind a car.


A hitman named Tommy Largo (Madison Mason) uses a MAC-10 when he tries to kill Hunter and McCall in "The Last Kill" (1.17).

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Ingram MAC-10 open bolt submachine gun - .45 ACP

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Largo draws his MAC-10 when he hears McCall inside his apartment in "The Last Kill" (1.17).
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Largo raises his MAC-10.
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Largo fires his MAC-10 into his apartment.
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The barrel of Largo's MAC-10.


The main weapon used by Hawaiian hitman Wes Kapano (Brett Baxter Clark) in "The Beach Boy" (1.15) is a MAC-11. In one scene, he has two magazines jungle-taped together.

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RPB Industries MAC-11, .380 ACP
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Kapano puts a magazine into the MAC-11 in his car trunk in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).
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Kapano fires his MAC-11 into the Chinese restaurant.
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Kapano fires a burst at McCall.
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Kapano pulls back the bolt on his MAC-11.


Remington Model 30

Policeman-turned-hitman Gus Trancus (David Ackroyd) has a dismantled Remington Model 30 on his rented office desk when Hunter and McCall pay him an unexpected visit in "Hard Contract" (1.02).

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Remington Model 30
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Gus's disassembled rifle in "Hard Contract" (1.02).
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Hunter spots an elevator button for "13" between two of the rounds for Gus's Remington Model 30.
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What appears to be the same rifle is seen, dismantled, in Jimmy Joe Walker's trunk in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).

Winchester Model 1892

Coronado Springs Sheriff Cutter keeps a Winchester Model 1892 on his rack of guns in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04).

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Winchester 1892 -.32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.
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Cutter walks past his Winchester '92, Winchester shotgun, and double-barreled shotgun, mentioning to Hunter and McCall that Wally had apparently stolen one of his rifles, a ".30-06".
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Hunter and McCall unlock Cutter's gun rack.

Marlin 336C Carbine

Several posse members carry Marlin Model 336C carbine lever-action rifles while searching for Wally in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04).

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Marlin 336C Carbine - .30-30 Carbine. Also chambered in .35 Remington
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A posse member next to Sheriff Cutter with his Marlin.
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A posse member loads his Marlin in front of Hunter.

Unidentified Lever Action Rifle

Several posse members carry other lever-action rifles while searching for Wally in "A Long Way From L.A" (1.04).

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The lead posse member aims his rifle at Wally.

Winchester Model 70

After Hunter and McCall pick up Wally in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04), Sheriff Cutter (Bo Svenson) shoots at them with his Winchester Model 70, which he had previously stated was the .30-06 rifle stolen by Wally for his escape. Hunter (Fred Dryer) fires a shot from it into a barrel, extracting the bullet to prove that Cutter's rifle had killed Wally.

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Pre-1964 Winchester Model 70 - .30-06
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Cutter aims at Hunter's car.
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Hunter looks at Cutter's replaced .30-06.
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Hunter and McCall unlock Cutter's gun rack.

Winchester Model 1866 "Yellow Boy" Rifle

A customized Winchester 1866 "Yellow Boy" Rifle with a large lever loop and the handguard removed is used by the bounty hunter Jimmy Joe Walker (Wings Hauser) in the opening scenes of "Dead or Alive" (1.08).

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Winchester 1866 "Yellow Boy" Rifle - .44 RF.
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Walker attaches the barrel to the rifle in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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Walker prepares his rifle.
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Walker waits outside the cheap hotel with his rifle.
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Walker fires at "The Chief".

Unidentified Sniper Rifle

A hitman hired by Nate Demarest (Richard Romanus) to kill Elton Gavin fires a sniper rifle at his hotel window in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09). (Just a plain hunting rifle with a telescopic sight.)

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The hitman aims at Gavin in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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The hitman shoots at Hunter and McCall.

Ruger AC-556K

Demarest's lead thug in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09) fires an Ruger AC-556K at Hunter and Gavin before running out of ammunition. One of Louie the drug dealer's henchmen fires a Ruger AC-556 at Hunter and Molinas in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14).

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Ruger AC-556K
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The thug fires his Ruger AC-556 at the trailer where Hunter and Gavin are in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09).
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The thugs with their H&K MP5A3, Ruger AC-556, and Remington 870 Folding Stock.
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The thug fires his Ruger AC-556 from behind a car.
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The thug looks at his Ruger AC-556 after it runs out of ammunition.
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The henchman fires at Hunter and Molinas in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14).

Steyr AUG

When he goes after Eddie Marx (Kerry Rossall) in the beginning of "The Beach Boy" (1.15), Hawaiian hitman Wes Kapano (Brett Baxter Clark) has a Steyr AUG.

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Steyr AUG with Black Stock - 5.56x45mm. The pin with the Sling Swivel is ambidextrous. On this model the Sling is set for a left handed carry (though not left handed shooting since the ejection port has not been swapped to the other side (an option for the Steyr AUG))
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Kapano walks through Marx's house with a Steyr AUG in "The Beach Boy" (1.15).
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Kapano's Steyr AUG.
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Kapano fires the AUG at Marx.

M1 Carbine

During the Vietnam flashbacks in "Fire Man" (1.18), several U.S. soldiers are seen with M1 Carbines.

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The Modern Manufactured version of the M1 Carbine, with standard stock, from Auto-Ordnance (affiliated with Kahr Arms and Thomson Arms). Chambered in .30 Carbine
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A soldier's M1 Carbine can be faintly seen.
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Another soldier's M1 Carbine.

M16 (SP1) with A2 handguards

In "Sniper" (1.19), Sgt. Dennis Balzer (Jack Starrett) uses an M16 (recognizable by the slab-side lower receiver and absence of a forward assist button) with Lone Star Ordnance A2 type handguards. At the end of the episode, Hunter (Fred Dryer) also handles this weapon. It is described in dialogue as firing a .223 NATO round and is always seen fired with a twenty round magazine and a scope.

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M16 aka SP1 (flat "slab side receiver") with A2 style handguards used to impersonate the M16A2 - 5.56x45mm
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Sgt. Balzer prepares to kill his first victim in "Sniper" (1.19).
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A round is ejected as Balzer shoots his first victim.
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Balzer prepares to make another killing.
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Balzer loads a twenty round magazine into his M16.
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Again, note the lack of a selector switch.
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Balzer searches for Hunter on the range.
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Hunter stands with Balzer's M16.


Pvt. Brad Wakely (John Sanderford) uses an M16A1 on the practice range in "Sniper" (1.19).

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M16A1 with 30 Round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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Pvt. Wakely takes his turn with his M16A1.
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Wakely fires at the range targets.
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An M16A1 sits on Sgt. Whitlow's desk as Hunter picks up a thirty round magazine.

Ruger Mini-14

While searching for Sgt. Balzer in "Sniper" (1.19), Hunter (Fred Dryer) uses a scoped Ruger Mini-14.

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Ruger Mini-14 Standard Model Semiautomatic Rifle (Pre-2005) with 30 round magazine - 5.56x45mm
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Hunter aims his Ruger Mini-14 at Balzer in "Sniper" (1.19).
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Hunter's dropped Ruger Mini-14.



One of the bank robbers keeps a lupara up his sleeve in the pilot episode. One of the weapons used by "cowboy" bounty hunter Jimmy Joe Walker (Wings Hauser) in "Dead or Alive" (1.08) is a lupara.

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Remington Spartan Sawed Off shotgun - 12 gauge
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The bank robber's lupara aimed at the teller in the pilot episode.
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Walker's trunk in "Dead or Alive" (1.08). The lupara is visible next to the SAA.
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Walker holds his lupara inside a bar in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).
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Walker threatens Uptown Bill Brown (Eddie Zammit) in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).

Smith & Wesson 3000 Shotgun

One of the bank robbers making a getaway in the pilot episode has a Smith & Wesson 3000 Shotgun with the folding stock removed.

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Smith & Wesson 3000 shotgun with black synthetic furniture and folding stock - 12 Gauge.
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Smith & Wesson 3000 shotgun with black synthetic furniture and folding stock - 12 Gauge.
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The bank robbers speeding away from Hunter.
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A bank robber prepares to fire out the window.
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The bank robber fires at Hunter.

Remington 870 Folding Stock

One of Demarest's mobsters who shoots at Hunter and Gavin in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09) uses a Remington 870 Folding Stock with an extended magazine tube.

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Remington 870 Police Folder with extended magazine tube - stock extended - 12 Gauge
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The thugs approach with an H&K MP5A3, unseen Ruger AC-556, and Remington 870 Folding Stock.
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Demarest's thug fires his Remington 870 Folding Stock.
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The thugs with their H&K MP5A3, Ruger AC-556, and Remington 870 Folding Stock.

Franchi SPAS-12

Hunter (Fred Dryer) keeps a Franchi SPAS-12 in his car. Sometimes, McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) fires the weapon out the window as Hunter drives.

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Franchi SPAS-12 12-gauge with optional screw-on choke
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Hunter fires his Franchi SPAS-12 through the windshield of his car in the pilot episode.
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Hunter watches Lance Lane and Manny Roth in the junkyard in "The Hot Grounder" (1.03).
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Hunter aims at Lance Lane's tires.
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Hunter and McCall arrest Manny Roth.
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McCall fires Hunter's Franchi SPAS-12 out the car window in "The Shooter" (1.10).
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Hunter and a suspect struggle with Hunter's Franchi SPAS-12 in "Guilty" (1.16).

double barreled shotgun

Brian Carmichael (Ron Karabatsos), keeps a Double Barreled Shotgun behind his bar, the Irish Rose, in "Hard Contract" (1.02). Several posse members carry Double Barreled Shotguns while searching for Wally in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04). In the same episode, Sheriff Cutter has one on his gun rack. A bank robber named David Blackfoot, or "The Chief", uses one to defend himself while hiding out in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).

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Carmichael leaps over the bar with his shotgun in "Hard Contract" (1.02). Hunter (Fred Dryer) then takes it and hands it to McCall (Stepfanie Kramer) who holds it on the suspects.
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Cutter walks past his Winchester '92, Winchester shotgun, and double-barreled shotgun, mentioning to Hunter and McCall that Wally had apparently stolen one of his rifles, a ".30-06".
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A posse member loads up his shotgun in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04).
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Several posse members are seen with double barreled shotguns.
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A posse member aims his shotgun at Wally.
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Hunter and McCall unlock Cutter's gun rack.
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"The Chief" picks up his shotgun in "Dead or Alive" (1.08).

Winchester Model 1897

Coronado Springs Sheriff Cutter keeps a Winchester Model 1897 on his rack of guns in "A Long Way From L.A." (1.04).

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Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun 12 gauge
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Cutter walks past his Winchester '92, Winchester shotgun, and double-barreled shotgun, mentioning to Hunter and McCall that Wally had apparently stolen one of his rifles, a ".30-06".
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Hunter and McCall unlock Cutter's gun rack.

Mossberg 500 Cruiser

One of Deakin's thugs in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06) carries a pistol-gripped Mossberg 500 Cruiser. One of the thugs attempting to rob the grocery store in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 1" (1.13) also has a pistol-gripped Mossberg shotgun, which Hunter (Fred Dryer) takes and fires.

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Mossberg 500AT Shotgun with pistol grip and adjustable choke(Poly-Choke?)- 12 gauge version in show does not have the choke
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The thug fires at Hunter in "Flight on a Dead Pigeon" (1.06).
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Deakin and his shotgun-toting thug in Mexico.
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The thug holds his shotgun.
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Hunter takes the shotgun from the would-be robber in "The Snow Queen, Pt.1" (1.13).
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The shotgun fires into a wall of potato chips.
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Hunter fires the shotgun.

Mossberg 500

The policemen in "High Bleacher Man" (1.09) guarding witness Elton Gavin, including Det. Terwilliger (James Whitmore Jr.) have older Mossberg 500 shotguns.

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Mossberg 500AT Shotgun - 12 gauge
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In "High Bleacher Man" (1.09), Terwilliger holds his Mossberg as Hunter grabs for his Ruger, asking if he expects to run into a bunch of elephants.
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Terwilliger in the hotel with his Mossberg 500.
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A pump shotgun sits on the table of weapons confiscated from the boat of Louie the drug dealer in "The Snow Queen, Pt. 2" (1.14).


harpoon gun

Sandy Newton (Mary-Margaret Humes) aims a harpoon gun at Hunter and McCall before believing that they are police officers in "Legacy" (1.05).

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Sandy with her harpoon.

M2 Flamethrower

Gene Byrd/Donnie Warrick (Robert Desiderio) uses a homemade flamethrower during his rampage in "Fire Man" (1.18).

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Gene sets a warehouse on fire.
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Gene with the flamethrower.