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Edges of the Lord

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Edges of the Lord
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'DVD Cover
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing United States
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Poland
Directed by Yurek Bogayevicz
Release Date 2001
Language English
Studio Braun Entertainment Group
Komitet Kinematografii
Main Cast
Character Actor
Romek Haley Joel Osment
Priest Willem Dafoe
Gniecio Lipa Olaf Lubaszenko
Manka Lipa Malgorzata Foremniak
Wladek Lipa Richard Banel

Edges of the Lord is a 2001 American-Polish drama about the Polish countryside in WWII starring Haley Joel Osment, Willem Dafoe and Olaf Lubaszenko.

The following weapons are featured in the film General Nil:

Luger P08

Wladek Lipa (Richard Banel) used his father's Luger P08 pistol. Then it passes at Romek (Haley Joel Osment).

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm
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Some German soldiers are armed with MP40 submachine guns.

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MP40 submachine gun - 9x19mm
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Karabinek wz. 29

Mainly German soldiers carry Karabinek wz. 29s.

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Polish WZ29 Mauser - 8x57mm
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Side car of the German motorcycle is equipped with MG34 machine gun.

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MG34 with front and rear sights folded down - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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