Operation Chromite (or, The Battle for Incheon: Operation Chromite) is an Korean War film, directed by South Korean Director, John H. Lee (born; Lee Jae-han). The film covers a fictionalised account of the espionage actions of the X-RAY team with the assistance of the Korean Liaison Office that eventually led to the successful Incheon Landings. The film is notable to Western audiences for co-starring Liam Neeson, who portrays General Douglas MacArthur in the film.
The following guns were used in Operation Chromite (2016):
Members of X-RAY are provided with M1911A1 handguns fitted with sound suppressors by the KLO (Korean Liasion Office) fighters for the extraction mission in the hospital. US and ROK Marines are also seen with standard-issue M1911A1 pistols during the US-South Korean joint raid on Wolmido Island.
Mauser C96 "Red 9"
The Mauser C96 "Red 9" with black grips is seen carried by Korean People's Army Commander Lim Gye-Jin as his personal sidearm. Notably he is only seen reloading his weapon with individual cartridges, not having once seen using stripper clips.
Tokarev TT-33
The Tokarev TT-33 is depicted as the standard sidearm of the KPA forces and also carried by the members of the X-RAY team while disguised as a North Korean inspection crew.
Submachine Guns
M3 Grease Gun
KLO resistance fighters, notably Kim Hwa-young carry M3 Grease Guns. ROK and US Marines also carry M3s during Operation Chromite.
North Korean troops as well as various members of X-RAY carry PPSh-41 submachine guns while disguised as a DPRK inspection crew.
M1 Thompson
KLO resistance fighters and US Marines are seen with the earlier M1 Thompson submachine guns, as noted by the older, more cheaply manufactured L-peep sights.
M1 Carbine
US and ROK Marines are seen using M1 Carbines during their assault on the lighthouse.
M1 Garand
South Korean and American troops are seen using M1 Garands during the execution of Operation Chromite. Several members of X-RAY are also seen with the rifle.
Mosin Nagant M91/30
North Korean troops are equipped with Mosin Nagant M91/30 as their standard service rifle. Several carbine variants are also seen infrequently amongst DPRK troops.
Machine Guns
Browning M1919A4
During the escape from the hospital, the X-RAY operatives unveils a Browning M1919A4 mounted on a tripod hidden in the back of their truck. US and ROK Marines are also seen holding M1919A4s during the landing at Incheon.
Degtyaryov DP
DPRK troops are sometimes seen with the DP-27 machine guns, either carried by infantry or mounted on KPA vehicles, including several Soviet BA-64 armoured cars.
M20A1 "Super Bazooka"
A North Korean soldier is seen brandishing a M20A1 "Super Bazooka" while chasing down fleeing South Korean operatives. While it is possible that the DPRK forces could have captured and used American equipment during the opening stages of the war, the M20A1/B1 model was not introduced untill near the end of the war, making this an anachronism. American troops are also seen carrying such launchers near the end of the film.
M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher
In the climax of the movie, Jang Hak-soo retrieves an M1 Garand fitted with a M7 rifle grenade launcher to fire a flare round in order to signal the US forces. Presumably the rifle was pre-loaded with blank rounds specifically to launch the flare, as it did not see conventional use before or afterwards.
AN/M8 Smoke Grenade
KLO resistance fighters are seen using AN/M8 smoke grenades to cover X-RAY team's extraction by ambushing pursuing DPRK forces.
Mk 2 hand grenades are used as part of an improvised fuel bomb to delay DPRK forces during the hospital chase scene. Jang Hak-soo is seen throwing several Mk IIs from his commandeered assault gun during the climax of the movie.
203mm B-4 Howitzer Mod.1931
North Korean defences at Incheon includes an impressive battery of Soviet-made 203mm B-4 Howitzers to retaliate against the invading American Navy.