Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 629 (Customized)
The modified Smith & Wesson Model 629 used by Xander Cage (Vin Diesel) in the first XXX makes a return appearance in the sequel. Agent Toby Lee Shavers (Michael Roof) can be seen with it during the raid on the NSA compound before he and Gibbons make their escape using the GTO from the previous film. Darius Stone (Ice Cube) also uses the revolver when he breaks into the xXx headquarters.
Darius Stone (Ice Cube) carries a Beretta 92FS Vertec 1A as his sidearm in the film. The Vertec 1A has an Elite II slide, but a perfectly vertical grip and front of trigger guard of vertec Series. Augustus Gibbons also briefly uses Darius' Beretta inside the Capitol building.
Most of General Deckart's (Willem Dafoe) troops use the Heckler & Koch USP Compact Tactical as their sidearms, including Deckart's right-hand man, Lt. Colonel Alabama Cobb (John G. Connolly). Charlie Mayweather (Sunny Mabrey) also uses one as her sidearm during the attack on the Capitol. General Deckart (Willem Dafoe) uses Lt. Cobb's USP Compact Tactical on the Presidential Bullet Train.
Agent Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) keeps two customized Colt XSE pistols as his sidearms, and most notably wields them during the beginning shootout. Unfortunately, he loses the guns during the firefight, and they are later used to frame Darius Stone (Ice Cube) of a murder.
After Augustus Gibbons loses his customized Colt XSE 1911s, he uses a WWI dated M1911 pistol that he loses (yet, again) after Deckart frames his death.
When Gibbons sneaks into his basement, he opens a stash that contains some files and a stainless Para-Ordnance P-10. He never uses it, though, as he hears noises from upstairs and hides the files and the P-10.
Kyle Steele (Scott Speedman) and the rest of the NSA agents carry SIG-Sauer P226Rs as their sidearms in the film. Most of them can be seen fitted with rail-mounted weaponlights. The cops trying to stop Toby at the bridge after Stone's attack on the NSA base also use regular SIG-Sauer P226s. A SWAT team member also uses one during the raid on Pettibone's mansion. Shavers (Michael Roof) also uses one during the attack on the Capitol. A couple of US Secret Service agents also try to pull SIG-Sauer P226s during the attack on the capitol.
An NSA Agent is briefly seen armed with a SIG-Sauer P228 during Stone's break into the xXx headquarters. A couple of cops at Pettibone's mansion also use SIG-Sauer P228 pistols.
During the attack on the capitol, Charlie (Sunny Mabrey) has a USP Compact Tactical as her sidearm that she is seen wielding. There is a brief continuity error in the next scene, where her USP turns into a Glock 26.
A couple of SWAT officers wield Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns after the attack on the Capitol building.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3 with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight and safe-semi-two round burst trigger group - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingSWAT team member with MP5 (fitted with tactical flashlight) storming the Capitol building.
All of the men under the command of Secretary of Defense George Deckart (Willem Dafoe), including Lt. Colonel Alabama Cobb (John G. Connolly), use Heckler & Koch XM8 rifles as their primary firearms throughout the film. These rifles are actually heavily modified Heckler & Koch G36Cs. Some of the men also have M203 grenade launchers fitted onto their rifles. During the attack on Capitol, Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) picks up one of these rifles, but exchanges it for Stone's (Ice Cube) Mk 46 Mod 0, which he uses for the rest of the scene.
The M16A2 assault rifle can be seen in the hands of the U.S. Army soldiers and Marines throughout the movie. One of Zeke's (Xzibit) thugs also also has one slung over his shoulder during the attack on the capitol.
Some of the NSA agents and some NSA security forces at the xXx headquarters are armed with Colt M4A1 carbines throughout the film. Most of the carbines are fitted with Surefire M500AB forearm weaponlights. A couple of SWAT officers are also armed with M4A1s fitted with C-More red dot sights during the raid on the mansion. Kyle Steele (Scott Speedman) also uses one during the attack on the Capitol, fitted with the aforementioned weaponlight and a Leupold CQ/T scope.
Zeke (Xzibit) carries a Colt M4A1 fitted with a M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun System aka M26 MASS under the barrel. His M4 is also fitted with an AN/PEQ-2 designator. He most notably wields the setup when he, Stone and Steel jack a tank(!) during the attack on the Capitol.
One of Zeke's (Xzibit) thugs holds a Galil MAR, aka "Micro Galil" fitted with tactical equipment as Zeke, Stone, Shavers, and Steele come up with their plan for the Capitol.
A prison guard fires a Remington 700PSS at Darius Stone (Ice Cube) during the prison escape. A couple of SWAT sharp shooters also briefly carry Remington 700PSS rifles during the raid on the Mayweather mansion.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 700PSS with Leupold Mark 4 scope and Harris bipod - .300 Win MagError creating thumbnail: File missingThe prison guard shoulders his 700PSS, only to be interrupted by his superior, noting that there's nowhere for Stone to go. If he only had known better...Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe guard fires his Remington at Stone. In this scene the muzzle flashes are all CGI, as the weapon is depicted as a semiautomatic. In real, this would be impossible, since this particular gun is a bolt-action rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA couple of SWAT officers armed with their Remingtons.
FN Tactical Police
One of the NSA agents wields an FN Tactical Police shotgun fitted with a vertical foregrip, tactical flashlight and a C-More red dot sight during the beginning shootout in the xXx headquarters. Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) picks up the shotgun after the agent is killed and his Colt XSEs run empty.
One of the SWAT officers that storm the Mayweather mansion carries a customized Remington 870 shotgun, fitted with a saddle shell holder and a dedicated forend flashlight.
Darius Stone (Ice Cube) uses the SOCOM version of the M249, the Mk 46 Mod 0 as his primary firearm during the attack on the US Capitol building. Stone later trades the Mk 46 Mod 0 for a Heckler & Koch XM8 with an M203, originally picked up by Augustus Gibbons. The Mk 46 Mod 0 is fitted with a C-More red dot sight and tactical light under the barrel.
Some of the Heckler & Koch XM8 rifles wielded by Deckart' (Willem Dafoe) men have M203PI Grenade Launchers attached to their rifles. Most of the M203 have also vertical grips installed, so that one could use it as a stand-alone grenade launcher. Darius Stone (Ice Cube) detaches an M203 from an XM8 he takes during the attack on the Capitol, and uses it on the Presidential bullet train.
Agent Toby Shavers (Michael Roof) makes Darius Stone (Ice Cube) a custom rocket launcher supposedly out of various car parts. Stone uses the launcher when he blows up one of the barns as a decoy when he infiltrates the xXx headquarters. The launcher is not a real life rocket launcher, as it was made purely for this film.
While onboard the aircraft carrier, Darius commandeers an M2 Bradley armored personnel carrier with an M242 Bushmaster chaingun as its primary armament. In real life, the U.S Marine Corps use LAV-25 amphibious armored personnel carriers instead of Bradleys, but both have similar armament.
The "Stealth Tank" is a prop vehicle resembling a combination of the American M1 Abrams and German Leopard 2 main battle tanks; the armament configuration, with a roof-mounted secondary turret, seems to be based loosely on a T-72 variant fitted with twin AA guns on the sides of the turret. The vehicle was custom built for the production and all weapons on it are fabrications with the exception of the twin Browning M2s on top. The vehicle is apparently a cut-down Freightliner truck chassis fitted with rubber treads from a piece of construction equipment. This tank was modified to become the Decepticon Devastator / Brawl in the film Transformers.