Elephant is a 2003 film directed by Gus Van Sant (Milk) that depicts a day in the life of high school students, two of whom later go on a shooting rampage. The film is based in part on the tragic events surrounding the 1999 Columbine shooting.
The following weapons were used in the film Elephant:
While planning the attack, Alex and Eric mention their arsenal of weapons. Alex mentions that they have pistols. One of these pistols is seen on Eric's right hip. It is never taken out of the holster, used, or even seen closely enough to identify, but it looks like it is possibly a SIG-Sauer P226. Alex also mentions that Eric apparently has a rifle, but it is never seen.
Throughout the film, Alex carries a Bushmaster Carbon 15 R21 semi-automatic carbine. For the rifle, he modifies and tapes two thirty-round magazines together "jungle style". Alex refers to the rifle as a ".223".
An Internet gun sales site appears to offer for sale a shotgun that resembles a Mariner variant of the Mossberg 590 Compact Cruiser. The shotgun seen on the site actually appears to be Photoshopped from several different weapons (most likely to avoid copyright infringement). It has a pump grip, forend and magazine tube of a shortened Mossberg 590, but appears to have the pistol grip and receiver of a Winchester 1300 variant, as well as an atypical left side ejection port.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMossberg 590 Mariner Cruiser, full-size with extended mag tube - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe shotgun as seen on the site. For some reason, it was located in "AK-47" rifle category, claims to include a "free additional magazine", despite the fact that this is a tube-fed weapon, and if you read the description, it claims it to be an "automatic weapon", despite the fact that it is a pump-action (manual) firearm. This could be a lack of knowledge of firearms, but given the weapon description also seemingly promotes shooting "other hunters" with the "ultimate killing machine", it is also possibly satirical. A more notable point is how the two characters - who are likely not old enough to legally purchase firearms in the first place - were able to not only order them from the site but ALSO have them delivered directly to Alex's house (rather than a licensed dealer).
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
Throughout the film, Alex (Alex Frost) carries a Mossberg 500 Cruiser. He refers to it as "the shotty" and keeps it on his back, although he occasionally carries it instead of his rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRPG-7 - 40mmError creating thumbnail: File missingEric plays a first person shooter video game where he shoots at people with a rocket-propelled grenade, which would be referenced later on in the film when we get a first person view of Alex's rifle firing at targets.