The Shawshank Redemption is the 1994 feature film adaptation of the short story Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption written by Stephen King. The film focuses on the friendship that develops over twenty years between two prison inmates: a hardened convict (Morgan Freeman) and a former banker (Tim Robbins), who was convicted of killing his wife. The film, while nominated for seven Academy Awards, was not a financial success at the time of its theatrical release, but has since developed a much beloved status upon its subsequent viewings on cable and video outlets. The Shawshank Redemption was directed by Frank Darabont, who would go on to adapt and direct two more of Stephen King's works for film: The Green Mile and The Mist.
The following weapons were used in the film The Shawshank Redemption:
At the film's beginning, Andrew "Andy" Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is seen loading a Colt Detective Special while in a drunken state. During the trial for killing his cheating wife and her lover, he says he didn't do it, but threw the gun in the river, ruining his chance of proving his gun didn't commit the crime. The Colt is a first generation Detective Special based on the grip design and the round front sight.
Colt Police Positive
The District Attorney (Jeffrey DeMunn) that questions Dufresne shows the jury a revolver for props effect, which is a Colt Police Positive in .38 caliber. Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding (Morgan Freeman) also sees a Colt Police Positive in a pawn shop window.
Smith & Wesson Model 10 Snubnose
Warden Norton (Bob Gunton) pulls a Smith & Wesson Model 10 revolver with a 2" barrel from his desk when the police try to break into his office to arrest him. He loads up the gun with the intention of fighting them.
Several Shawshank guards of Shawshank are armed with Winchester Model 12 shotguns.
Winchester 1894
Other Shawshank guards are seen armed with Winchester 1894 rifles.
Captain Hadley (Clancy Brown) uses an M14 Rifle fitted with a scope when Tommy (Gil Bellows) tries to tell the prison warden that he knew the man who really killed Dufresne's wife and lover. It is not likely an M21, since prisons aren't usually outfitted with Marine sniper weaponry. Since at the time this scene takes place, the M14 and M21 rifles were in frontline service with the U.S. Military, it is doubtful they would be issued to guards in some prison in New England.
In any event, close inspection of the rifle also reveals that it lacks the U.S.G.I. M-14's trademark, the fire control selector lug.
M1 Carbine
One of the officers searching for Dufresne after he escapes from prison is armed with an M1 Carbine.
Submachine Guns
M1928 Thompson
A Shawshank guard is seen with a M1928 Thompson when the new inmates are driven in.