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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing Italy
Error creating thumbnail: File missing West Germany
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spain
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Release Date 1970
Language Italian
Studio Tritone Cinematografica
Atlántida Films
Main Cast
Character Actor
Yodlaf Peterson Franco Nero
El Vasco Tomas Milian
Lola Iris Berben
Gen. Mongo José Bódalo
Prof. Xantos Fernando Rey
John Jack Palance

Companeros (original title Vamos a matar, compañeros) is a 1970 Italian-Germanan-Spanish spaghetti western directed by Sergio Corbucci and starring Franco Nero and Tomas Milian. The story takes place during the Mexican Revolution. Swedish arms dealer Yodlaf Peterson (Franco Nero) sells weapons to guerilla leader Gen. Mongo (José Bódalo) but the money that Mongo needs for the deal are locked in an indestructible bank safe. The only man who knows the combination is Prof. Xantos (Fernando Rey) who is held in prison in American town of Yuma. Peterson volunteers to rescue Xantos and bring him to Mongo who orders one of his men, El Vasco (Tomas Milian), to escort Petersen. The events are even more complicated after the involvement of a group of Xantos' loyal followers ("Xantists"), lead by Lola (Iris Berben). Meanwhile Petersen's old companion John (Jack Palance), turned bitter enemy, searches for him.

The following weapons were used in the film Companeros:


Single Action Army

Single Action Army revolvers are used by numerous characters. Both "Artillery" and "Cavalry" models can be seen. The revolvers appear to be Italian-manufactured replicas, as in most Spaghetti Westerns.

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Colt Single Action Army w/ 5.5" barrel known as the "Artillery" model. The most common of the SAA revolvers as it is just the right length. - .45 Long Colt
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El Vasco (Tomas Milian) holds an Artillery revolver.
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Several guerrillas hold SAA revolvers. The one on the foreground appears to be nickel plated/
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A close view of Artillery SAA during the climactic battle.
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El Vasco with a revolver and a bloodstained machete.
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Colt Single Action Army w/ 7.5" barrel known as the "Cavalry" model.
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General Mongo (José Bódalo) fires his Cavalry revolver.
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Peterson (Franco Nero) in ambush with a Cavalry revolver.
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Peterson dual-wields SAA revolvers in the climactic battle.
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A Xantist holds a revolver.
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In the final scene Peterson discharges his revolver, leaving only a single cartridge.

Smith & Wesson Military & Police

Various characters, including El Vasco (Tomas Milian), General Mongo (José Bódalo) and Lola (Iris Berben), carry Smith & Wesson Military & Police revolvers. They appear to be a clone of Spanish origin rather than original Smith & Wessons.

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Smith & Wesson Model M&P Revolver with 5" Barrel - .38 Special
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El Vasco's revolver in holster.
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El Vasco threatens a dealer in gambling house in Yuma.
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Lola carries an M&P revolver, tucked at her belt.
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El Vasco dual-wields M&P revolvers.
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Another view of the same scene.
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El Vasco throws his revolvers on ground.
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Gen. Mongo uses an M&P as a backup gun.

Unidentified top-break revolver

During the encounter in train one of Xantists is armed with a revolver that looks mostly like a Smith & Wesson New Model No.3 but has an unusal feature, a side-mounted ejector rod that isn't common for top-break revolvers. In the final scene El Vasco (Tomas Milian) also carries such revolver.

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Smith & Wesson New Model No.3
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A Xantist aims his revolver at El Vasco.
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A close view of the revolver.
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El Vasco draws his revolver in the final scene.
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He opens and discharges the revolver.

Unidentified revolver

A compact nickel plated revolver is carried by Yodlaf Peterson (Franco Nero) in several scenes.

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Peterson opens his revolver and rotates the cylinder.
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He readies the revolver.
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A view from another side.
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Peterson draws the revolver when Lola and her friends enter the room.

Double Barreled Pistol

In the scene in train Lola (Iris Berben) wields a pair of double barreled pistols, supposedly smoothbore.

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Lola opens the box with two pistols...
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...and draws the guns.
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A close view of the pistols.

Campo Giro

A Campo Giro pistol is another of Yodlaf Peterson's (Franco Nero) handguns. During the encounter in train it is taken from Peterson by a young Xantist.

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Campo Giro Model 1913 - 9x23mm Largo
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A Campo Giro in holster.
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Peterson with a Campo Giro and El Vasko with a revolver in a Mexican (really Mexican!) standoff.
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A man next to Lola holds an SAA revolver and Petersen's pistol.
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Another view of the pistol.


1893 Spanish Mauser

Mexican government soldiers and some guerrillas are armed with 1893 Spanish Mauser rifles. In the scene in Yuma US Army soldiers also are armed with M1893 rifles, standing for proper M1903 Springfields.

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1893 Spanish Mauser - 7x57mm Mauser
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A soldier holds his rifle in the opening scene.
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A firing squad. Straight bolt handle can be seen at the left.
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A guerrilla fighter holds a Mauser, taked from a slain soldier.
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An American soldier in Fort Yuma holds his rifle.
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Another soldier carries a rifle on sling.
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Mexican soldiers march with their rifles on shoulders.
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A close view of the rifle in hands of a Xantist.

Garate El Tigre

Most guerrillas carry lever-action rifles that appear to be Garate El Tigre, Spanish copy of Winchester Model 1892.

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Garate El Tigre - .44-40 WCF
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Peterson comes across two drunk guerrillas.
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Mongo's men with rifles.
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Lola (Iris Berben) holds a rifle.
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John's henchmen with rifles.
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El Vasco (Tomas Milian) holds a rifle in the night scene.
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A rifle is hanged on a pole.
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Yodlaf Peterson (Franco Nero) aims, using binoculars as a sniper scope.
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Peterson reloads his rifle during the climactic battle.

Remington Rolling Block

In one scene a Xantist carries a long gun that appears to be a Remington Rolling Block.

Remington No. 1 Rolling Block - ..22 rimfire
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A man at the left holds what appears to be a Remington Rolling Block.


Winchester Model 1912

John (Jack Palance) carries a Winchester Model 1912 pump action shotgun.

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Winchester Model 1912 - 12 Gauge
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John rests with a shotgun at hand.
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John holds his shotgun in the ambush on the belfry.
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An FPS view.
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John fires his shotgun.
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A close view of the same scene.

Single Barreled Shotgun

Top-break single barreled shotguns are seen in hands of Mongo's guerrillas and Xantists. In the final scene Xantos (Fernando Rey) himself holds a shotgun.

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A Xantist in straw hat holds a shotgun.
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Mongo's man fires a shotgun at the background.
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Xantos with a shotgun.
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A close view.
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El Vasco (Tomas Milian) opens Xantos' shotgun.

Machine Guns

Maxim 1895

Several Maxim 1895 machine guns are seen in Peterson's boxcar. Later one of them is used by Mongo's men in an attempt to open the safe. During the shootout on the road block a Maxim on a tripod is seen; when Peterson takes it, it switches to a multi-barrelled mitrailleuse (see below). During the climactic battle Peterson also uses a Maxim that appears to be a mockup as it is fired from hands and operated in a very strange way.

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Maxim 1895 on tripod - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Three Maxims and several tripod mountings are seen inside the boxcar.
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Tripods are better seen here.
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Guerrillas fire a Maxim in an attempt to open the safe.
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A Maxim is seen at the background in the scene on the road block.
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Later in this scene a mitrailleuse switches back to Maxim. Here Peterson tries to fix a malfunction.
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Peterson in action in the climactic battle.
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Another view of the same scene. Note that Peterson ignores spade grips, instead holding a side-mounted handle.

Bergmann MG 15

A Bergmann MG 15 machine gun is also seen in Peterson's boxcar.

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Bergmann MG 15nA - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A Bergmann MG 15 is seen at the right.
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Another view of MG 15.

Fake Mitrailleuse Machine Gun

An iconic Spaghetti Western gun, a multi-barrelled, belt-fed mitrailleuse-style machine gun, appears in the scene on the road block. Yodlaf Peterson (Franco Nero) dismounts it from a tripod (in previous moment the gun is a Maxim machine gun) and mows down Mexican government soldiers. This movie prop looks very similar to the one, seen in A Fistful of Dollars and different from the one, hold by Nero in Django.

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Mitrailleuse machine gun. The machine gun in the film appears to be a mockup.
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Peterson grapples the gun.
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A close view of the barrel. The number and position of holes look the same as in A Fistful of Dollars.
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Peterson fires at pursuing soldiers.