The SAA is a Ruger Blackhawk. You can actually see the Ruger logo on the grips in one of the caps. The M16 appears to be an M16A1 with A2 grips. The AK-47 appears to be a Type 56. --Funkychinaman (talk) 17:00, 17 February 2015 (EST)
Hard to tell but I think the 1911 has a 9mm conversion done on it (the barrel looks smaller than normal and also looks tapered in the one shot showing it firing with the slide back), making me think this might be a so-converted Colt Mk IV Series 70. Also, the 'M16A1s' do have forward assists but also appear to have slab-side lower receivers - In other words, SP1 lowers mated to A1 uppers, with the A2 handguards fitted as pointed out. Essentially the exact same configuration as this -
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt AR-15 Sporter II (SPII) with M16A2 hand guards (M16A1 Barreled Upper receiver with M16A2 Handguards, built on a Full Auto Conversion SP1 Lower receiver) - 5.56x45mm
A couple of them, including the sniper variant, seem to have heavy barrels however, but that too is hard to tell. StanTheMan (talk) 22:30, 17 February 2015 (EST)