A two-tone SIG-Sauer P228 fitted with a Wilcox Industries UITC IR/laser sight is the main handgun used by LAPD officer Parker Barnes (Denzel Washington) in the movie. The P228 used in this film was one of four identical guns built for the production by Ellis Props & Graphics. These custom pistols would later be seen in several other films, including Ghosts of Mars, Money Talks, and Barb Wire.
After killing two LAPD officers dispatched to the home of one of his victims, SID 6.7 (Russell Crowe) carries a Glock 19 taken from one of the officers as his main weapon throughout the movie. It is used most notably when he confronts Barnes in the prisoner transport.
SID 6.7 (Russell Crowe) is seen using a Heckler & Koch USP during the film's opening shootout in the virtual Japanese restaurant. It also appears that the USP is the standard-issue to the LETAC security officers in the movie; Parker (Denzel Washington) takes another USP from a guard when he escapes transport and uses it later in the movie. Along with Clear and Present Danger, Terminal Velocity, Heat and the TV show SeaQuest DSV, Virtuosity was one of the earliest Hollywood productions to feature the USP, which was a new handgun on the American firearms market in 1993 (the movie was filmed in 1994).
Parker Barnes (Denzel Washington) and John Donovan (Costas Mandylor) are seen using Beretta 93Rs with wood grips during the film's opening shootout in the virtual Japanese restaurant.
A Beretta 92FS is used by Barnes during the flashback when he is seen trying to rescue his wife and daughter. Berettas are also carried by most of the police officers in the film.
Another weapon SID 6.7 uses during the shootout in the virtual Japanese restaurant is a Calico M950. Judging by the lack of a flash hider and forward vertical grip, this is a semi-auto M950 pistol that has been converted to full-auto.
Several SWAT officers including the SWAT captain use Heckler & Koch MP5A2's equipped with Surefire dedicated forend weaponlights. Another SWAT officer is seen opening fire on Barnes from a helicopter with MP5A2 fitted with a scope but no Surefire grip.
When Barnes chases SID 6.7 after the club shootout, he asks Madison to pull out his "crowd pleaser" which is a Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun. Notice that in the movie, the SPAS-12 is fired on semi-automatic mode. In most movies prior to Virtuosity, it is customary to see SPAS-12s being fired only in pump-action, because the gas system of the weapon was notoriously unreliable with motion picture blank cartridges. Armorer Steve Karnes at Ellis Props & Graphics set up three SPAS-12s to fire semi-auto in accordance with the script.
When SID 6.7 is confronted by a guard at the Ka-Pow tournament, the guard points a Mossberg 500 Mariner fitted with a pistol grip and a cut-down barrel at him. After SID 6.7 sticks his hand on the barrel, the guard blows his hand off (to no effect, since SID 6.7 is a regenerative cyborg). This is most likely the exact same Mossberg that was used by Dennis Hopper in Speed, since Ellis Props & Graphics supplied the weapons for both Speed and this movie.