Brothers Till We Die (original title La banda del gobbo (("The gang of the hunchback"))) is a 1978 Italian crime movie directed by Umberto Lenzi. Tomás Milián appears in the roles of twin brothers Vincenzo and Sergio Marazzi. Vincenzo is the leader of a crime gang who is persuaded by Commissioner Sarti (Pino Colizzi).
The film is a semi-prequel for Rome Armed to the Teeth: in both films Tomás Milián appears as a hunchback robber but with different names.
The following weapons were used in the film Brothers Till We Die:
Beretta M1951 pistols are used by various characters, including Commissioner Sarti (Pino Colizzi), Commissioner Valenzi (Mario Piave), criminals and police.
During the robbery of the armored van Mario Di Gennaro (Guido Leontini) is armed with a Walther P38 pistol. Later a P38 is used by Romolo (Rosario Borelli), one of Vincenzo Marazzi's henchmen.
In the scene in the night club Vincenzo Marazzi (Tomás Milián) is armed with a compact submachine gun. It appears to be custom weapon, based on the receiver of Beretta Model 38/44. The buttstock of the original gun is removed, the wooden stock is covered with metal plates, the barrel is shortened, the gun is fitted with pistol grip and the magazine well and short (20-rounds) magazine are covered with a wooden foregrip.
Vincenzo Marazzi (Tomás Milián) and some other characters use gas grenades during the robbery of armored van and during the final shootout with police.
In one scene Vincenzo Marazzi (Tomás Milián) loses his firearms, so his girlfriend Maria purchases for his a toy pistol that bears enough resemblance to a real one.