At the beginning of the film, the Baby's Mother (Ramona Pringle) draws a Walther PPK from her purse and uses it to try and kill the 1st Killer (Wiley M. Pickett). The gun jams on her but luckily Mr. Smith (Clive Owen) is there just in time to save her. After killing 1st Killer with a carrot (I know it's insane), he fixes the malfunctioned gun and uses it for the entire first shoot out before running out of ammo.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWalther PPK - .32 ACP.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Mother fires her Walther PPK at the 1st Killer.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Walther PPK jams on the Mother, although it would appear as if the gun just locked empty. When Smith picks it up to use it, he simply releases the slide, instead of clearing a jam. We can assume the weapons coordinator loaded only one blank in it and later just stuck a loaded magazine in it for the next scene.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMr. Smith fires the Walther PPK at the bad guys.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith rolls out from cover and shoots an oil tank on a nearby truck so he can use it to slide and shoot, another ridiculous logic.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith dispatches multiple bad guys by diving through a window over their cover and landing right in front of them. It doesn't appear as if he is aiming though, more like he is just firing and moving his arm left and right until they are all dead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith opens the title for the film.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith reloads the Walther PPK.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith shoots the baby's umbilical cord (which looks very CG) with the PPK. The muzzle flash is a post production edit as noted by how the hammer stays down and the gun doesn't cycle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe PPK runs empty, but he racks the slide repeatedly like it broke or something. This is indicated for sure by the next line.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"What a piece of crap." Smith throws away the PPK after it goes empty, apparently thinking it broke. This is likely a jab at the fact this is James Bond's sidearm, and Clive Owen was at one point suggested to play this role.
Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX
Mr. Bill Hertz (Paul Giamatti) uses a brushed chrome Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX chambered in .44 Magnum and fitted with a custom muzzle break as his sidearm in the film, which the director chose as his weapon because he improperly believed it to be "the most powerful handgun in the world" and wanted to portray Hertz as a "pussy with a gun in his hand", as quoted in the film.
A notable mistake in the film is during the scene in which Hertz interigates Donna Quintano (Monica Bellucci) or "D.Q" by burning her with the hot barrel of his Desert Eagle, firing it more times increasingly to make it hotter. Smith interupts and Hertz points his Desert Eagle at him, only for Smith to tell him he's "blown his load", claiming the gun is a six-shooter, when infact the .44 Magnum model holds eight shots plus one in the chamber. For that matter, none of the Desert Eagle variants hold six shots, including the largest .50 AE model, which holds seven rounds plus one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMagnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX chrome - .50 Action Express. .44 Magnum is the version used in the film.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRight away we see see what type of person Hertz is when he kills his own man for squirming too much and ruining his shot. For this scene, a low powered blank and protective clothing were used so the actor would not be killed by the round at close range. What made this scene dangerous is that full powered blanks are loaded after that so Hertz could continue firing at Smith. This shot compares the film version to the special features version where we see the CGI blood added in.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHertz fires his Desert Eagle at Smith and the mother.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHertz searches for Smith and the mother with his Desert Eagle at the ready.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith dissarms Hertz of his Desert Eagle and holds it on him.Error creating thumbnail: File missingClose up on the Desert Eagle as Smith holds it on Hertz.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHertz points out to Smith that his Desert Eagle is fitted with a "state-of-the-art" thumb print safety device so only he can fire it. Charles Taylor designed this by adding a lights to the grip, one light blue for the thumb, and one that turned either red or green to confirm authorization of the user. Note the .44 Magnum stamp on the nose of the gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingClose up of the muzzle break as Hertz burns D.Q.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHertz fires his Desert Eagle in the Hammerson factory.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Come on Smith, guns don't kill people -- but they sure help."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Can't talk right now honey, I'm right in the middle of something."Error creating thumbnail: File missingHertz struggles to raise his Desert Eagle at the end of the film.
Taurus PT92 AFS
Smith (Clive Owen) takes a Taurus PT92 AFS off of one of the thugs on the rooftop and uses it for a good 1/4th of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaurus PT92 AFS stainless steel with tactical rails - 9mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe 1st Killer (Wiley M. Pickett) with a Taurus PT92 AFS.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith takes the Taurus PT92 AFS off of on of the thugs on the roof after knocking him out by throwing Hert'z Desert Eagle at his head. Note how the slide clearly reads "PT 92 AFS".Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith fires his Taurus PT92 AFS during the rooftop shootout. With this gun, he takes a sign that says "FAULKLAND TRUCK AND TOOL" and shoots it so it says "FUK U" (the camera ignores the "TOOL" part for another joke later).Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith accidentally drops his PT92 AFS in a dirty toilet while hidding in a bathroom stall, so he takes it to the baby changing station to clean it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith dissasembles the PT92 AFS to clean all the parts, all while The Lone Man (Greg Byrk) nears closer.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith reassembles the gun just in time and chambers it as Lone Man yells through the bathroom door.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn excellent close up of the PT92 AFS when Smith tries to fire it through the bathroom door, only for it to misfire do to wet ammunition. Note how he fires it double action despite chambering it and cocking the hammer seconds before.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs Lone Man tries to stab Smith with a Stilleto knife, he puts the PT92 AFS under a hand drier to dry the wet bullets. The chance of this working is pretty slim.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith fires his PT92 AFS at the playground, using it to shoot the spinning carousel the baby is on so Hertz can't shoot him.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith fires his PT92 AFS some more at the carousel. Once he is about three feet from it, it is questionable as to why he doesn't just spin it with his hand instead of "expend his second cartridge on the playground", as Hertz innaccurately states.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith kills a bad guy in his house with his PT92 AFS before it runs empty.
Glock 17 pistols (both 2nd and 3rd generation) are used by several of Hertz's (Paul Giamatti) thugs throughout the film. At one point in the film, Smith takes a 3rd gen Glock 17 from a dead thug and holds it on Hertz, but Hert tells him the gun has the same thumb print safety as his Desert Eagle (which conveniently fits right in the thumb relief). Smith then reveals the severed hand of the owner and activates the safety just in time to shoot Hertz in the bullet proof vest before he stabs him with a hunk of glass. He then remarks, "Nothing like a good hand-job." We later see him produce a tutone model with a chrome slide in the Hammerson factory, which he tosses away, setting off a trip wire and killing a thug holding a gun on him. This same tutone Glock is used by the Diner Holdup Leader (David Ury) at the end of the film.
During the shootout in his house, Smith grabs a tutone SIG-Sauer P226 with a newer milled slide and uses it throughout the shootout before it runs dry. Smith also uses a K-Kote model taken from a secret service agent to hold up Senator Rutledge (Daniel Pilon) on his plane and uses it during the ridiculous sky diving shootout.
SIG-Sauer P226R pistols (SIG P226s with picattiny rails on the frame nose) are used by several of Hertz's men. Technically these are now the official P226s but on this site we still call them P226Rs for easier categorization.
Aside from the SIG P226 Smith draws off a Secret Serviceman, the other USSS members use SIG-Sauer P228 pistols, despite the fact that the USSS currently uses P229s, not P228s.
Smith (Clive Owen) takes a Heckler & Koch USP-9 with a stainless slide off of a thug in his house after his SIG runs out of ammo. He mainly uses it for the shootout in the Hammerson factory. Smith is also prominently seen armed with two of these tutone USPs on the film's poster.
A tutoneHechler & Koch USP Expert is used by the Diner Hood with Earing (Mike Rad) before Smith (Clive Owen) kicks it from his hand. Because all his fingers were broken and casted, he catches the gun on a carrot held firmly in the cast and uses the carrot as a finger while hitting the gun with his other hand to fire it.
The Lone Man (Greg Byrk) uses a stainless steel Smith & Wesson Model 629 with a 6" barrel and Hogue grips as his weapon of choice in the film. According to the director, The Lone Man's attachment to the .44 Magnum is apparently sexual, as he often "cleans" it in the bathroom. Byrk was somewhat embarrassed when he was informed of this fact, unaware of this character trait when he signed on for the role.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith & Wesson Model 629 with 6" barrel and Hogue grips like gun in film - .44 Magnum. The only difference is the front sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Lone Man runs a rag on his Smith & Wesson Model 629 to keep the stainless finish polished.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLone Man fires his Smith & Wesson Model 629 at Smith in the bathroom. He fires six shots but the last gunshot isn't added.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLone Man reloads his S&W Model 629, but the primers are dented, indicating the rounds are empty shells or dummy Model 629 at the ready.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith forces Lone Man to drop his S&W Model 629 by burning his hand on the hand drier. Here we see the gun's Hogue grips and that in the chambers, the gun is loaded with hollow points.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLone Man stroking his Magnum, if you know what I mean. But seriously, Lone Man calls Hertz to tell him he's taken care of the birthing center.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLone Man fires his 629 during the skydiving shoot out, before falling on the rotors of a helicopter.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWe see Lone Man's severed arm lying on the ground, but instead of holding his 629, he is holding the tutone Taurus PT92 seen above.
Para-Ordnance Nite-Tac
Para-Ordnance Nite-Tac pistols in both stainless and black are used by Hertz's men when Hertz (Paul Giamatti) teams up with Hammerson (Stephen McHattie), whom the guns are produced from. The logo by Para-Ordnance is shaved off and Hammerson's logo is added instead with laser engraving and backfilling.
Mr. Bill Hertz (Paul Giamatti) uses a Para-Ordnance Nite-Hawg as his "spare rod" or back up gun. Smith (Clive Ownen) takes this pistol from him at the end of the film and uses it during the final showdown.
Heckler & Koch P7 pistols (not able to confirm them being an M8s or M13s) are seen in the pawn shop when Smith (Clive Owen) goes to buy bullets. It can be assumed that these pistols are CO2 copies or airsoft replicas, as are all the guns in the shop.
A Browning BDM is seen on a pistol rack in the pawn shop. Since it closely resembles the BDM but has some different traits, it is likely a cheap airsoft imitation.
A Colt Double Eagle is seen on a rack in the Hammerson factory. It is likely another cheap and infamous airsoft gun, simply called "Double Eagle" by an airsoft company of the same name.
Quite possibley the dumbest idea ever shown in a film, Smith (Clive Owen) takes bullets from a Para-Ordnance Nite-Tac and holds them between his broken fingers and then sticks his hand in the fireplace, shooting Hertz (Paul Giamatti) eight times. Since we only see four bullets in his hand, we realize they can't even get the capacity of the human hand correct! Some questions are raised: How does he eject the magazine when he can barely pull the trigger? How does he remove the bullets from the magazine with broken fingers? And does having all your fingers broken make your hand numb to all pain?
We should all note a round discharged with no barrel to steady its flight path will hit absolutely nothing. And a fireplace would not set off rounds instantly, he'd have to cook them until the heat finally set them off. There are so many things wrong with this that they can't all be listed!
Mr. Hertz (Paul Giamatti) tries to kill the baby at the playground with a Remington 700 outfitted with a synthetic stock and folding bipod, a heavy stainless barrel, as well as a stainless 3x9 stainless Buschnell scope. Based on the bolt length, it is assumed to be a .308 caliber.
Smith uses several Heckler & Koch MP5A3s with tactical tri-rails as make-shift Rube Goldberg-esque traps to take out Hertz's men in the Hammerson factory.
Several of Hertz's men fire IMI Micro Galils at Smith (Clive Owen) during the car chase shootout. Smith knocks out one of these shooters with the door of his BMW and then takes his Micro Galil, using it to take out the pursuing vehicle.
Several of Hertz's men are seen using Mini Uzis during the assault on Smith's house. Smith takes one of these and uses it to kill several thugs before switching to another gun.
Smith (Clive Owen) takes a Mossberg 590 "Compact Cruiser" off of one of Hertz's thugs and uses it to kill another, which unrealistically sends the thug flying in the typical action movie flair.
Smith uses a Mossberg 500 "Cruiser" with an extended magazine tube as one of his traps, tossing a tutone Glock on a trip wire to kill a thug with it. When the thug is shot, the director imitates the camera blood splatter technique used in videogames.