Strike Back - Season 4 (also known as Strike Back: Shadow Warfare or Strike Back: Cinemax Season 3) once again stars Philip Winchester as Sergeant Michael Stonebridge and Sullivan Stapleton as Sergeant Damien Scott, members of a top secret British intelligence unit known as Section 20. Rhona Mitra reprises her role as Maj. Rachel Dalton, Section 20's commanding officer. Michelle Lukes returns as Section 20's Sergeant Julia Richmond. Lyne Renée returns Mossad agent Rebecca Levi. Dougray Scott will appear as James Leatherby, a rogue operative. Season 4 focuses on Section 20's pursuit of elusive terrorist Al-Zuhari and his cartel partners across several global locales including Colombia, Beirut and Europe.
Vektor SP1s are occasionally used by terrorists during the episodes filmed in South Africa (S04E01 - S04E04). Leo Kamali (Zubin Varla) uses an SP1 on several occasions.
During the opening of S04E01 one of Sgt. Liam Baxter's kidnappers uses a Tokarev TT-33 in Columbia. Arkady Ulyanov (Marcel Iures) also uses a Tokarev as his sidearm.
A Makarov PM is used by Maj. Rachel Dalton (Rhona Mitra) during the events of the first two episodes of season 4. Major Nina Pirogova (Tereza Srbova) also uses a Makarov as her sidearm.
Various criminals can be seen with Glock 17s. Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) along with other members of Section 20 also use Glock 17s as their sidearms from S04E02 to S04E04. The Glocks used in the show feature 3rd generation railed frames, however in some shots it can be seen that they have a flat 2nd generation extractor (the 3rd generation extractor has a raised portion at the end to serve as a loaded chamber indicator) indicating that there has been mixing and matching of components.
Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) carries a Beretta 92FS as his sidearm in S04E01, before being subsequently replaced with a Glock 17 for the remainder of the episodes shot in South Africa (S04E02 - S04E04). It is also a common weapon used by terrorists in the show, including Leo Kamali (Zubin Varla) who uses it as his sidearm during the episodes shot in Hungary (S04E05 - S04E10).
In S04E04 Maj. Rachel Dalton (Rhona Mitra) carries a Glock 19, as opposed to the full size Glock 17s seen more frequently in the series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGlock 19, 3rd generation - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingVisible in this shot are the slide proportions that help to identify this as Glock 19.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDalton aiming her Glock at Kamali showing the 3rd generation railed frame.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDalton with her Glock whilst following Sofia. Just visible in this shot is the slot in the rail which his very close to the front along with the base of the grip which is slanted as opposed to parallel to the barrel, both of which are features of the Glock 19 as opposed to the 17.
Llama IX-A
Farham (Daniel Ben Zenou) carries a Llama IX-A in S04E04. It is a post 1970 2nd series gun, as indicated by it having 2 vents in the rib (as opposed to the 3 of the 1st series) and the front end of the slide is scalloped (as opposed to the slab sided 3rd series).
Mairead McKenna (Catherine Walker) uses a FEG R78 in S04E05. The pistol has a black/blued frame as opposed to the standard bare titanium-aluminium alloy frame.
Armscor BXPs are seen in several episodes shot in South Africa (S04E01 - S04E04), most notably being used by Rebecca Levi (Lyne Renée) during the bank heist in S04E02.
Several members of the Hungarian Police TEK team who accompany Section 20 in S04E05 carry Heckler & Koch MP5A2s fitted with railed handguards, EOTech sights and flashhiders.
Several members of the Hungarian Police TEK team who accompany Section 20 in S04E05 carry Heckler & Koch MP5A3s fitted with "F" stocks, railed handguards, EOTech sights and flashhiders. MP5A3s without any accessories are also carried by police at the airport.
Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) and Sgt. Damien Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) both carry Heckler & Koch MP5K "Reverse Stretch" submachine guns whilst transporting McKenna in S04E05 and during the attack on the embassy in S04E06. The "Reverse Stretch" is not an actual H&K variant, but is an after-market modification that combines an MP5A3/A5 receiver and stock with an MP5K front end. Both of the weapons that appear in the show also have the same straight magazine used in the unknown MP5 variant used during the airport shootout.
An unknown MP5 variant appears during the shootout at the airport in S04E05. It uses a peculiar straight magazine which is shorter than the "waffle" pattern 30 round magazines but longer than the 20 round ones. Based on the fact that the typical MP5A3 carried by a police officer changes to this variant shortly before a firing scene, it can be surmised that the more typical MP5 variants seen in this episode are replica or Airsoft weapons. It is possible that this weapon is a mock up of some sort or a locally produced copy of the MP5 which uses a different magazine. This weapon is alter used by one of Kamali's "cleanskins" in S04E10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe police officer guarding the customs desk now carries this unidentified variant, despite the fact that he was carrying a typical MP5A3 in the shot before. This is likely because he is about to be shot and his weapon is then picked up by someone else and used in a firing scene.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) firing an MP5 taken from a fallen officer. Note the ejecting cases indicating that this is a genuine blank firing weapon as opposed to a replica with CG muzzle flashes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSgt. Damien Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) also acquires one of these MP5s.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote the hex bolt in the middle of the safety catch, a feature which is not present on a H&K made MP5.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA profile of the weapon showing the non-standard straight magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingQaseem (Philip Arditti) hands out one of these SMGs in S4E10. Note that rather than the traditional MP5 bolt handle, the handle on this weapon is simpler being made from a knurled tube.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA clear view of the side of the receiver. Note the odd pins in the side of the trigger group which are not present on a normal MP5, along with the bolt in the center of the fire selector.
Russian police that arrest Scott and Stonebridge at the start of S04E07 are armed with PP-19 Bizons. It is possible that this is a mock up or replica, as it seems to incorporate features from both the original PP-19 Bizon and the later PP-19 Bizon-2.
A Remington 870 "Witness Protection" with synthetic furniture is used by Miguel "The Jaguar" Gomez (Raoul Trujillo) in S04E02. In a continuity error the shotgun initially has a short barrel, but then has a longer barrel in a later scene.
A highly modified Remington Model 870 is used by Hungarian police in several episodes. The same weapon is also used by a terrorist in S04E09.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington Model 870 with Aimtec Warhammer rail system, FAB Defense stock and pump, MAGPUL Back-Up Sights, and 1st generation Bushnell Holosight - 12 gauge. This is the actual screen-used gun from this series.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Hungarian police officer guarding the British embassy in S04E05 carries this shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe police officer of the far right at the top of the stairs can be seen with this shotgun in S04E06.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis shotgun is used by a terrorist attempting to breach a door in S04E09.
Unidentified AKM Variant
Multiple terrorists in the series can be seen with AKM type rifles during the episodes filmed in South Africa (S04E01 - S04E04). All features match those of the AKM with the exception of the gas tube, which is an earlier pattern perforated one. It is possible that these rifle are a foreign copy that used a different configuration of parts, such as the FEG SA-85M with the furniture changed.
CSA SA vz. 58 Compacts chambered in 5.56x45mm are the standard carbines carries by Section 20 during the episodes filmed in South Africa (S04E01 - S04E04).
Sgt. Damien Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) and DEA Special Agent Kim Martinez (Milauna Jackson) both carry rifles resembling M4A1s in S04E01. However, neither of these rifles appear to be actual M4s but rather mock ups, possibly based on fixed carry handle guns that have had the carry handle machined off and a rail bolted on in its place. Scott's rifle is fitted with an Aimpoint red dot sight and railed handguard, whilst Martinez's has a standard handguard and ACOG. These mockep up M4A1s continue to be used by members of Section 20 for the remainder of the episodes filmed in South Africa (S04E01 - S04E04).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA side view of Scott's rifle showing the differences from a genuine M4A1. Firstly it has a tear drop shaped forward assist plunger which was replaced with a round one long before the M4 was developed. Secondly it can be seen that the rail is a different colour and made from a separate piece of metal bolted on to the receiver. Also visible at the front of the upper receiver is what appears to be the remains of the contouring where the front of the carry handle used to attach to the gun. Scott's rifle appears to be built on an A1 lowerError creating thumbnail: File missingMartinez with her rifle on the boat. Note the presence of a screw head front pivot pin and lack of a front push pin detent housing or magazine fence indicating that the rifle is built on an SP1 lower.Error creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingA side view of Martinez's rifle. Note what appears to be the contouring at the front and back of the upper receiver where a fixed carry handle was possibly previously installed. Also note that her rifle is feeding from a CAA polymer magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMartinez's rifle appears to be fitted with a genuine M4 profile barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote that the contouring of the barrel which makes it superficially resemble an M4 is fake, appearing to be a short metal sleeve slipped over the barrel ahead of the front sight block.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMartinez using her M4 in S04E03.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMartinez with her M4 in S04E04.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe two unnamed Section 20 soldiers who accompany Locke to extract Bravo Team in S04E04 carry M4s. Note the unusual profile of the barrel with the section of the barrel ahead of the front sight being wider than that behind it. This barrel is possibly mocked up to resemble an M4 one by using a cosmetic sleeve on the front section.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLt. Col. Philip Locke (Robson Green) carries an M4 in S04E04.
Custom Shortened FN FAL
Custom shortened FN FAL carbines can be seen being used by one of Martinez's team along with several Columbian Cartel guards in S04E01, and by a PMC in S04E02. They resemble DSA SA58 OSW rifles, however they lack the railed top cover, along with the fact that this American made weapon would be unlikely to appear in a South African filmed production.
Custom shortened Heckler & Koch G3 carbines can be seen being used by one of Martinez's team, along with several Columbian Cartel guards in S04E01. They appear to have a chopped down version of the vented handguard which is used on South African G3s and appear with either solid or retractable stocks.
One of the men in Martinez's team in S04E01 can be seen with a Namibian G3A3. Although only the handguard and barrel of the weapon is visible in a single shot, it can be distinguished from the custom shortened G3 variants listed above by the fact that the entire handguard is visible which hasn't been altered, as opposed to the above weapon which has a shortened handguard.
Multiple terrorists in the series can be seen with AKMS type rifles during the episodes filmed in South Africa (S04E01 - S04E04. All features match those of the AKM with the exception of the gas tube, which is an earlier pattern perforated one. It is possible that these rifle are a foreign copy that used a different configuration of parts, such as the FEG SA-85 Underfolder with the furniture changed.
Miguel "The Jaguar" Gomez (Raoul Trujillo) uses a custom AR-15 rifle in S04E02. It appear to be the same rifle that appeared in Season 3, and features a railed handguard, Magpul PRS stock, ACOG, low profile gas block, triangular handguard ring, and an upper receiver resembling that of an SP1 (no forward assist or brass deflector) but with a sight rail. This upper receiver is either a non Colt spec one made by another manufacturer, or it is a standard SP1 upper that has been modified by machining off the carry handle and bolting a rail on in its place. The same rifle appears in S04E04 during the hostage rescue being used by Sgt. Julia Richmond (Michelle Lukes).
A pair of what appear to be AK-47s can be seen in the background of the tape featuring Al Zuhari (Kevork Malikyan) at the end of S04E02. Both of them feature Type III milled receivers, however they vary significantly in their finish an furniture, suggesting that one or both may be replicas or different variants. AK-47s are also used extensively by terrorists during the episodes filmed in Europe (S04E05 - S04E10).
A Vektor R5 mocked up as a short barrelled AK variant is used by Leatherby (Dougray Scott) in S04E03 and S04E04. The rifle is fitted with a side folding Norinco stock with the cheek rest removed, a stamped AKM top cover, black synthetic handguards and an AK-74 muzzle brake. This rifle has previously been seen in both Season 2 and Season 3.
Vektor R5 - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingIn addition to the AK parts this rifle is also fitted with a piece of sheet metal ahead of the magazine well in an attempt to alter the profile of the weapon to make it more closely resemble a normal AK pattern rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLeatherby firing his rifle from the hip to blast through a locked door in S04E04. Note that the Norinco style folding stock appears to have been bent downwards, possibly to allow more clearance for the charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closeup of the side of the rifle giving as a good view of the Vektor's magazine and milled receiver.
Norinco Type 84S
A Norinco Type 84S is used by one of Leatherby's men in S04E04. It has been modified with a Galil side folding stock, an AKS-74 muzzle brake and a rail system.
Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) uses Remington Model 700 SPS fitted with a suppressor and raised scope rail with a night vision mount whilst capturing McKenna in S04E05.
A Heckler & Koch G36C can be seen being used by one of the Hungarian police guards outside the British embassy in S04E05. It is fitted with what appears to be a crane stock, indicating that it may be an Airsoft replica.
Skander (Iván Kamarás) uses what appears to be a custom AMD-65 in S04E06. It has been modified with a railed handguard and an AR-15 style retractable stock, and is fitted with a vertical grip, suppressor and telescopic sight.
CSA SA vz. 58 Carbines are one of the main weapons used by Section 20 during the episodes filmed in Hungary (S04E05 - S04E10). They are fitted with a large variety of accessories including Magpul MOE and CTR stocks, railed handguards, Aimpoint CompM2 and CompM4 sights, Magpul AFGs, AN/PEG-15s and suppressors.
Russian police that respond to the prison riot in S04E07 carry AKMs with black synthetic furniture.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRomanian AKM with black synthetic furniture - 7.62x39mm. The furniture used on the rifles in the show appears to be AK-74M furniture, with a groove running along the stock.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote the black synthetic stocks.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifles are fitted with standard AKM front sight and gas blocks distinguishing them from the modern AK-103 variant which comes as standard with this furniture, but has an AK-74 style front sight and gas block.
Custom Shortened AKM
Several of the police officers that respond to the prison riot in S04E07 carry shortened variants of the AKM. What appears to be the same weapon is also carried by members of the FSB Spetsnaz unit in S04E08.
Several members of the FSB Spetsnaz unit in S04E08 carry AK-74Ms. They do not appear to be used in firing scenes however, being replaced with 7.62x39mm rifles, suggesting that they may be replicas.
Several members of the FSB Spetsnaz unit in S04E08 carry AKS-74s. They do not appear to be used in firing scenes however, being replaced with 7.62x39mm rifles, suggesting that they may be replicas.
In S04E09 and S04E10 both Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester) and Sgt. Damien Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) use custom short barrelled AR-15 variants. They are made from different components and have different accessories.
Stonebridge's Carbine
Stonebridge's carbine is made with an A1 lower (fitted with a Magpul MOE stock, pistol grip and trigger guard), an A4 upper (with a teardrop forward assist plunger rather than the more standard round one), and an older model Daniel Defence Lite railed handguard (identified by the three "bolts" on each side of the handguard where it is attached to the upper receiver). The carbine is fitted with a short KAC style QD suppressor, an EOTech 552 holographic sight, Magpul MBUS sights, CAA MGRIP, SureFire flashlight and visible green laser, and is fed from a CAA polymer magazine.
Scott's carbine is fitted with a different combination of upper component, with there being a gap between the receiver rail and the top handguard rail meaning it has a rail system other than a Daniel Defence one, and a more typical round A2 style forward assist plunger. The carbine is fitted with a long KAC style QD suppressor, an Aimpoint CompM4, Magpul MBUS sights, Magpul MOE stock, flashlight and visible green laser, and is fed from a Magpul PMAG magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingVisible in this shot are some of the markings on the lower receiver of the rifle. The only word that is clearly visible is "DIVISION" at the end of the top line.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote that the suppressor on Scott's rifle is either damaged or incorrectly attached, as it consistently points slightly downwards.Error creating thumbnail: File missingScott searching the train with his carbine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingScott wedges his carbine into the window of a carriage whislt attaching a C4 charge. Visible in this shot is the discontinuity in the top rail between the handguard and the receiver which indicates it is a different variant to Stonebridge's. Also note that unlike Stonebridge's rifle, Scott's AR has an older-style M16A1 pistol grip, indicating that the weapon is built on an M16A1 receiver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA side on view of Scott's carbine from S04E10.
Custom AR-15 Sniper Rifle
Sgt. Julia Richmond (Michelle Lukes) uses a custom AR-15 based sniper rifle during S04E09 and S04E10. It is built from an A1 lower receiver and and A4 upper receiver, has a heavy fluted barrel with a muzzle brake, and is fitted with a Mugpul PRS stock, rupper pistol grip, Hogue knurled aluminum free float forend, telescopic sight, bipod, and a 10 round magazine with a Magpul Ranger Plate.
What appear to be genuine M4A1s (as opposed to the mock ups which are used in earlier episodes which were filmed in South Africa) can be seen in gun racks in "The Crib" during the episodes filmed in Europe (S04E05 - S04E10) and are carried by US soldiers guarding Ramstein Air Base in S04E10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingSeveral M4s can be seen in gun racks in "The Crib" in S04E05.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA pair of guards with M4A1s. Of particular note is that the helmets worn by Ramstein security personnel in the show all appear to be Ops Core FAST helmets, which are typically only used by Special Operations Forces, rather than the Advanced Combat Helmet that is standard issue in the US Army.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA side on view of the M4A1 carries by one of the soldiers accompanying Richmond. Note that it is fitted with an ACOG, Magpul ACS buttstock, and a MIL-STD-1913 rail bolted under the handguard.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeveral M4A1s can also be seen in racks in "The Crib" in S04E10.
Mk. 18 Mod 0
Mk. 18 Mod 0s are used by both US soldiers and "cleanskins" in S04E10.
The attack boat the ambushes the team at the end of S04E01 has a Vektor SS-77 mounted on the roof. It has spade grips fitted in place of the standard buttstock and the mount is fitted with a shield and a brass catcher.
The attack boat the ambushes the team at the end of S04E01 has a Browning M1919A4 mounted on the rear deck. The mount is fitted with a brass catcher under the gun along with a chute to direct the spent belt into the catcher as well.
The rigid-hulled inflatable boats that pursue to team as they make their escape are armed with FN MAG 58 machine guns fitted with 50 round ammunition bags and cloth brass catching chutes.
Miguel "The Jaguar" Gomez (Raoul Trujillo) uses an RPG-7 in S04E01. An RPG-7 reappears in S04E05 being used by a terrorist, and later by Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Philip Winchester).
An unidentfied multi-shot grenade launcher is carried by Lt. Col. Philip Locke (Robson Green) in S04E09. It is a Deftech/Sage Control/Penn Arms type, although it is not seen clearly enough to identify the exact model.
Footage of the trailer mounted variant of the MIM-104 Patriot appears in S04E10 being used to protect Ramstein Air Base. The Transporter/Erector/Launcher (TEL) is only fitted with two missiles rather than the maximum (and more familiar) four.