Battle Royale is the 2000 Japanese feature film adaptation of the controversial 1999 Japanese novel of the same name by Koushun Takami, who later published a 3,000 page illustrated manga version of the story. The premise of the film revolves around "The Program", a government-sponsored event which forces randomly selected junior high school students who are armed with various weapons to eliminate each other until there is one remaining survivor. The film would spawn a 2003 sequel: Battle Royale II: Requiem.
Boy #20 (Kyoichi Motobuchi) is given a Smith & Wesson Model 19 revolver. Upon his demise, it is claimed and used by Boy #5 (Shogo Kawada). He later gives it to Boy #15 (Shuya Nanahara) as a gesture of good faith.
Smith & Wesson Model 19 Snub Nose
Boy #20 (Kyouichi Motobuchi)'s weapon is a Smith & Wesson Model 19 Snub Nose revolver with rubber grips. After his death the gun is used by Boy #5 (Shougo Kawada) and later given to Boy #15 (Shuya Nanahara).
Smith & Wesson Model 66
Girl #2 (Yukie Utsumi)'s weapon is a Smith & Wesson Model 66 . After her death the gun is used by Boy #15 (Shuya Nanahara).
Colt Python
Boy #17 (Mitsuru Numai)'s weapon is a Colt Python revolver. After his death the gun is used by Boy #6 (Kazuo Kiriyama). Shogo Kawada and his girlfriend Keiko are also seen with Colt Pythons during a flashback to one of the previous "games".
Glock 19
Girl #8's weapon is a two toned Glock 19.
Beretta 92FS
In all three versions, Boy #19 (Mimura)’s weapon is a Beretta that appears to be either a nickel plated 92FS or an Inox. It's got a polished shine to it in either case.
Browning Hi-Power
Girl #12 (Haruka Tanizawa) is assigned a Browning Hi-Power pistol. In a continuity error, Girl #10 (Hirono Shimizu)'s M1911 switches to a Browning Hi-Power during her initial appearance.
Colt M1911A1
Girl #10 (Hirono Shimizu)’s weapon is a Colt M1911A1 pistol (though it is initially replaced with a Browning Hi-Power due to a continuity error).
Colt Combat Commander
After Hriono drops her and it is picked up by Mitsuko M1911A1, it suffers from another continuity error and changes again, this time into a Colt Combat Commander.
use by Kitano
Franchi SPAS-12
Boy #5 (Shogo Kawada)'s assigned weapon is a stockless Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun. As with most on-film portrayals of the SPAS-12, the semi-automatic setting is ignored in favor of the manual pump-action setting.
Submachine Guns
Boy #10 (Ryuhei Asagawa)'s weapon is an IMI Uzi submachine gun. After he is killed by Boy #6 (Kazuo Kiriyama), the weapon is used by him.
IMI Micro-Uzi
Girl #16 (Yuka Nakagawa)'s weapon is an IMI Micro-Uzi fitted with a large flash suppressor. It is taken and used against her by Girl #17 (Satomi Noda) before she can ever use it. After she dies, the gun is used by Boy #15 (Shuya Nanahara).
One of the soldiers is seen with a Colt XM177E2 carbine.
Various solders are seen armed with M16A1 rifles throughout the film.
M16A1 (M16A2 Mockup)
Some of the soldiers seen during 3-B's introduction to the BR Program are seen with M16A1s (denoted by their full-auto capability displayed in the scene) outfitted with M16A2 handguards.
A sparce few of the soldiers in the film are armed with Colt M4A1 rifles in lieu of their regular M16s.
M1 Garand
One of the photos of Shinji Mimura's grandfather shows him holding an M1 Garand battle rifle.
Mk 2 hand grenade
Girl #5 (Izumi Kanai) is given several Mk. 2 hand grenades, but is killed before she can use them.