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The Battle of Neretva

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Battle of Neretva (1969)

The Battle of Neretva (Original: Bitka na Neretvi) is a 1969 Yugoslavian war film in Italian-German coproduction directed by Veljko Bulajic. Movie recounting the largest combat encounters between the fascist occupiers and the guerrillas in the territory of the former Yugoslavia during the WWII. The film was an international cast: Yul Brynner, Orson Welles, Sergey Bondarchuk, Hardy Krüger, Curd Jürgens, Franco Nero and Sylva Koscina.

The following guns were used in The Battle of Neretva:

Hand guns

Luger P08

Commanders of both sides in the film mostly use a Luger P08 pistol.

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Luger P08 9x19mm
Partisan commander Vlado (Yul Brynner) drew his weapon in defense of the bridge.
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Partisan Nikola (Oleg Vidov) (left) aims a Luger P08 pistol at Capt. Michele Riva (Franco Nero).

Walther P38

In the film, will also appear sporadically Walther P38 pistol.

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Walther P38 pistol - 9x19mm
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Wounded partisan pulls his trophy weapon.

Submachine guns

MP40 / MP41

The MP40 or MP41 submachine guns was used by German soldiers and widely also a some resistance fighters, partisans and chetniks.

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MP40 - 9mm.
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German colonel Kranzer (Hardy Krüger) carries a MP40 submachine gun in his hand.
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Partisan Nikola (Oleg Vidov) fires a MP40 submachine gun.
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Partisan Danica (Sylva Koscina) used also a MP40 submachine gun.
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Serbian chetnik armed wit a MP40 submachine gun.
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The MP41 - 9x19mm
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Serbian cetnik on a horse holds a submachine gun in his hand.
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Serbian chetnik fire a MP41 submachine gun.

Beretta Model 38A

Partisans besides German also used captured Italian Beretta M38 submachine guns.

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Beretta Model 38A - 9x19mm
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Commander with a submachine gun in his hand trying to defend the guerrilla in retreat.
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Partisan aims his gun at commander.

Machine guns


German troops and guerrillas had plenty of MG42 machine guns.

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MG42 Machine Gun - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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German soldier fire MG42 machine gun.
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Partisan on motorcycle carry a machine gun on his back.
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Partisan commander Vlado (Yul Brynner) fire a machine gun on the aircraft.
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Partisan gunner Novak (Ljubisa Samardzic) served his machine gun in the fight.


The resistance fighters also captured the MG34 and MG42 machine guns.

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MG34 7.92x57mm Mauser with 75-round ammo drum
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Partisan machine gunner fire a MG34 machine gun.


Karabiner 98k

No battle scene is complete without a Karabiner 98k rifle.

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Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm
Partisans carries a rifles on their schoulders.
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Partisan aims a Karabiner 98k.
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Serbian chetnik fired from the rifle.

Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifle

Ustasa´s military patrol is armed by a Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifes.

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Mauser Gewehr 1898 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Hand grenade

Model 24 Stielhandgranate

German troops and resistance fighters were equipped with Model 24 Stielhandgranates.

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Model 24 Stielhandgranate "Potato Masher" high-explosive fragmentation hand grenade
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Partisan throw a grenades at Ustasa guardists.

Model 39 Eihandgranate

Partisans also widely used Model 39 Eihandgranates.

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Walther P38 pistol - 9x19mm
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Grenades hanging from a belt of the partisans dancer.
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Nadya Rybanská (Zdena Grúberová) pulled at the German officer Mk 2 hand grenade.
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At the belt of dead Nikola (Ljubisa Samardzic) hangs a several hand grenades.


PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle

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PTRS-41 anti-tank rifle 14.5x114mm
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Partisan aims a PTRS-41 rifle at German tank.

82mm BM-37 Mortar

Chetniks deployed against posts occupied by partisans a BM-37 Mortars fire.

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82mm BM-37 mortar
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Flak 88 mm Anti-aircraft gun

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Partisan commander Martin (Sergey Bondarchuk) fire a Flak 88mm on aircrafts.
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Partisans liquidates before a retreated into the mountains their heavy artillery.

76 mm divisional gun M1942 (ZiS-3)

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M1942 divisional gun (ZiS-3) - 76mm
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Partisans fire a 76 mm anti-tank guns.

Tank T-34

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In the German Army was also used the Soviet tank T-34.

Tank M4 Sherman

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American tank M4 Sherman in German colors entered in the mountains.