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Work In Progress

This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Sanctuary for current discussions. Content is subject to change.

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Season 1 Cover
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing CAN
Language English
Channel SyFy
Creator Damian Kindler
Genre Science-Fiction
Broadcast 2008 – Present
No. of Seasons 4
No. of Episodes 59 TV Episodes
8 Webisodes
Main Cast
Character Actor
Dr. Helen Magnus Amanda Tapping
Dr. Will Zimmerman Robin Dunne
Henry Foss Ryan Robbins
Kate Freelander Agam Darshi
Bigfoot Christopher Heyerdahl
Ashley Magnus Emilie Ullerup

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Season 2 Cover

Sanctuary is a Canadian Science Fiction television show that currently airs on the Syfy Channel (formerly known as the Sci-Fi Channel). The series premiered in 2007 and was originally a series of 8 webisodes which were sold directly to viewers through the official website. Thanks to its success on the internet, the Syfy channel commissioned a 13 episode series for 2008, with the first 4 webisodes being re-cut and re-shot into the two hour pilot. Since then, two seasons have been shot (season 2 with 13 episodes and season 3 with 20) and talks are currently ongoing for a fourth. The show is groundbreaking in that the majority of the series' backgrounds and sets are virtual. The actors do all of their work on massive green screen sets and nearly nothing that is seen in the show (other than the actors) actually exist outside the parameters of CGI rendering software. The show is also notable as being the first television show in North America to use the RED camera exclusively, with all material being recorded digitally, eliminating tape from the process completely.

The following weapons were used in the series Sanctuary:


Colt Commander

A Colt Commander is the normal side arm of Dr Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping) for the majority of the series. It can be distinguished from a regular 1911 by its slightly shorter barrel, and rounded hammer with a hole through it. It has been used on occasion to fire special tranquilizer bullets.

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Colt Combat Commander - .45 ACP
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Dr Magnus carries her Colt Commander with a suppressor fitted in “Instinct” (Season 1, Episode 11).
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A closer shot of her suppressed Colt Commander from the same episode. In this episode there is also a suppressed modified Jericho, and 2 suppressed Glocks, all of which use exactly the same silencer.
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Dr Magnus' Colt Commander lays on a table in “End of Nights Part 1” (Season 2, Episode 1).
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Dr Magnus aiming her pistol at someone later in the same episodes
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From “Penance” (Season 2, Episode 9).
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From the same episode, this shot allows you to see the rounded hammer of the Colt Commander. The Taurus PT911SS is the pistol carried by Jimmy (Michael Shanks, Tapping's former Stargate SG-1 co-star).
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Whilst posing as bank robbers in “Bank Job” (Season 3, Episode 3), Dr Magnus points her Colt Commander at a bank employee as she forces him to lock the doors. In this profile shot the barrel length and hammer are visible.
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In "Carentan" (Season 3 Episode 18) Dr Magnus' Colt Commander appears to be fitted with a grooved wraparound grip.


A regular Colt M1911A1 is briefly used by Ashley Magnus (Emilie Ullerup) in Fata Morgana (Season 1, Episode 3). Dr Magnus (Amanda Tapping) switches from her Colt Commander to the full size M1911A1 (along with a smaller back up gun) at the start of season 4.

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M1911A1 .45 ACP
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The 1911A1 can be seen on the right of the frame
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Dr. Magnus fires her M1911A1 at Adam Worth after they are transported back to 1898 in "Tempus" (S04E01)
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An M1911A1 is visible in the pile of Dr. Magnus' belongings along with a Walther PPK, butterfly knife, credit card holder and mobile phone (none of which are 1898 appropriate).
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Dr. Watson (Peter Wingfield) marvels at the concept of a detachable magazine in a pistol. Although rare in 1898, this concept would not have been unheard of with the Borchardt C-93 having been invented in 1893.
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Dr. Magnus radioing for help M1911A1 in hand in "Monsoon" (S04E04).
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Dr. Magnus searching the plane wreckage.
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Dr. Magnus and Charlotte Benoit (Sandrine Holt) surrender their weapons.
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Dr. Magnus aiming her M1911A1 in "Resistance" (S04E05).

Custom Jericho 941 R

This heavily modified and customized Jericho 941 R is gold plated with a weighted compensator, and was used by Ashley Magnus (Emilie Ullerup).

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Jericho 941 R (early model) - 9x19mm
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Ashley scans the darkness with a flashlight using the Weaver technique in “Sanctuary for All” (Season 1, Episode 1).
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Ashley points her Jericho at Druitt in “Sanctuary for All” (Season 1, Episode 2).
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A rare well lit shot of Ashley's Jericho in “Folding Man (Season 1, Episode 4).
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A close up of the custom Jericho in “Edward” (Season 1, Episode 8).
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With Suppressor fitted in “Instinct (Season 1, Episode 11).
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Another shot of the suppressed Jericho.

Glock 17

A variety of different generation Glock 17s are used extensively throughout the series by Sanctuary personnel, The Cabal, police officers and criminals. It is the standard side are used by Dr Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne) and Henry Foss (Ryan Robbins). In Sanctuary use they have been used to fire special tranquillizer bullets.

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Glock 17, 2nd generation - 9x19mm
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Ashley dual wields a pair of Glocks in Webisode 5.
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A pair of Old City Police Department officer carry Glocks in “Sanctuary for All” (Season 1, Episode 1).
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A pair of Glock 17s can be seen in a waterproof case in “Requiem” (Season 1, Episode 9). Also visible in the case are a pair of Beretta 92FSs, along with a number of magazines.
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Dr Magnus points one of the Glocks she removed from the case at Will, after being affected by a mind altering parasite.
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Dr Magnus' above Glock on a shelf.
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Will uses a Glock fitted with a Suppressor in “Instinct” (Season 1, Episode 11).
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Will Aiming his Glock in “End of Nights” (Season 2, Episode 2).
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A police office using a Glock in “Fragments” (Season 2, Episode 6)
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The man on the left holding Dr Magnus at gunpoint in “Kali Part 3” (Season 3, Episode 1) is using a Glock.
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Both Will and Abby Corrigan (Pascale Hutton) use Glock 17s whilst searching the sanctuary for someone who is hacking the computer system in "Uprising" (S04E02).
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Nichols (Tora Hylands), one of the criminals in "Monsoon" (S04E04), initially uses a Glock 17.
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Tyler (Charlie Carrick), another of the criminals from "Monsoon" (S04E04), also uses a Glock 17.
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Abby uses a Glock 17 whilst searching the sewers in "Monsoon" (S04E04).

Beretta 92FS

Beretta 92FSs are seen throughout the series, mainly in the hands of criminals or Cabal agents, but occasionally used by police or Sanctuary personnel.

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Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm.
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The leader of the Cabal retrieval team (Peter Bryant) carries a Beretta 92FS in “Fata Morgana” (Series 1, Episode 3).
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Dr Magnus uses a Beretta 92FS fitted with a compensator in “Fata Morgana”.
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A pair of Berettas can be seen in a waterproof case in “Requiem” (Season 1, Episode 9). Also visible in the case are a pair of Glock 17s, along with a number of magazines.
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A henchman can be seen using a Beretta 92FS in “Hero” (Season 2, Episode 4).
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A henchman can be seen using a Beretta 92FS in “Penance” (Season 2, Episode 9).
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A henchman can be seen using a Beretta 92FS in “Kali Part 1” (Season 2, Episode 12).
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Dr Magnus uses a stolen Beretta 92FS in “Kali Part 3” (Season 3, Episode 1).
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The villain in “Hero II” (Season 3, Episode 5) uses an Beretta 92FS with and Inox finish.
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The assassin priest in “Vigilante” (Season 3, Episode 9) uses a Beretta 92FS.
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The police officers in Webisode 1 use Berettas.
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Several of the criminals in "Monsoon" (S04E04) carry Beretta 92FS pistols.
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SCIU (Specified Counter-Insurgency Unit) agents can be seen with Berettas in "Resistance" (S04E05).

SIG-Sauer P228

In some of the earlier episodes, and in the webisodes, Dr Magnus uses a SIG-Sauer P228 rather than her Colt Commander.

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SIG-Sauer P228 - 9x19mm
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Dr Magnus can be seen carrying a P228 in “Fata Morgana” (Season 1, Episode 3).
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Dr Magnus fires her P228.
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Dr Magnus aiming her P228 in Webisode 4.

Unidentified Revolver 1

In the flashback scenes to the Victorian era in Webisode 1, Dr. Magnus carries a revolver which she uses to try and kill Druitt.

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Dr Magnus points her revolver at the camera during the opening credits for the Webisodes.
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Dr Magnus pointing her revolver at Druitt.

Walther P99

A P99 can be seen briefly in "Folding Man" (Season 1, Episode 4).

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Walther P99 - 9mm
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From the shape of the trigger guard and accessory rail, it can be seen that this is a 1st generation, pre 2004 model.

SIG-Sauer P225

One of the main weapons carried by Kate Freelander (Agam Darshi) is a SIG-Sauer P225, and is seen as such in a number of episodes.

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SIG-Sauer P225 - 9x19mm
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Monstrous saliva drips down onto Kate's P225 in “Eulogy” (Season 2, Episode 3).
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Kate holds here P225 and a flashlight using the Weaver technique whilst searching a sewer tunnel.
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Kate aims her P225 at Jimmy in “Penance” (Season 2, Episode 9).

Taurus PT911SS

A Taurus PT911SS is first seen being used by Henry Foss (Ryan Robbins) in “Eulogy” (Season 2, Episode 3), and is also the main weapon used by Jimmy (Michael Shanks) in the episode "Penance" (Season 2, Episode 9).

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Taurus PT911SS - 9mm
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Henry uses a PT911SS whilst searching a sewer tunnel.
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Jimmy and Dr Magnus (Amanda Tapping) take cover with their pistols drawn. Dr Magnus' gun is a Colt Commander.
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Jimmy fires his PT911ss through the broken rear window of a car.
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Henry loading his PT911SS before entering the sewers in "Monsoon" (S04E04).
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Henry covering a stunned abnormal with his PT911SS in "Resistance" (S04E05).

Smith & Wesson Model 29

A Smith & Wesson Model 29 with a 4 inch barrel is Will's sidearm in the post-apocalyptic future portrayed in "Pavor Nocturnus" (Season 2, Episode 5).

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Smith & Wesson Model 29 with 4" barrel.
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Will readies his Model 29 to deal with an infected person.

Beretta Cougar 8000F

Kate uses a Beretta Cougar 8000F in "Fragments" (Season 2, Episode 6).

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Beretta Cougar 8000F - 9x19mm
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Kate holds her Cougar, radio and GPS. Busy girl.
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This shot confirms that the weapon has a slide mounted safety (hence why it is standard F configuration) and the standard heavy slide, rather than the lightened slide of the 8000L.

Colt Python

A .357 Colt Python with a 4 inch barrel is used by "The Duke" (Aleks Paunovic) in "Penance" (Season 2, Episode 9).

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Colt Python Stainless Steel variant with 4" Barrel - .357 Magnum
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A closeup of the muzzle of the Colt python. The distance between the muzzle and the text that reads "PYTHON.357" confirms that this is a 4" barrel.
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"The Duke threatens Jimmy (Michael Shanks) with his Colt Python.

Unidentified 1911 Type pistol

At several points throughout the series, Dr Magnus' Colt Commander changes into an unknown 1911 type pistol, sometimes in the middle of a scene. It seems to have a double stack magazine, stainless steel hammer, front and rear slide serrations and enlarged sights.

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In this image from "Haunted" (Season 2, Episode 11) the front and rear slide serrations, and the different sights are visible. Also, the bottom of the magazine is visible, which appears to be of the double stack variety.
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In this shot from "Bank Job (Season 3, Episode 3) the profile of the pistol is visible, along with the fact that it has a stainless steel hammer.

Jericho 941

Kate Freelander (Agam Darshi) uses a standard Jericho 941 throughout the episode "Bank Job" (Season 3, Episode 3).

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Jericho 941 (early model) - 9x19mm
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"This is a robbery!"
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A bounty hunter uses Kate's Jericho to hold a bank employee hostage.

Ruger Speed Six

A Ruger Speed Six with a 2" barrel and blued finish can be seen in "Trail of Blood" (Season 3, Episode 4).

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Ruger Speed Six with blued finish and 2-inch barrel .357 Magnum
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A close up shot of the muzzle end of the revolver in mid cock. Unfortunately, the manufacturers marks are just out of focus, however there pattern is the same as that of the Speed Six. Furthermore, the shape of the ejector shroud, as well as the hole in the side of it, matches the Speed Six, as does the relationship between the bolt notches and cylinder fluting.

SIG-Sauer P226

A SIG-Sauer P226 is used by one of the hijackers in "Hero II" (Season 3, Episode 5).

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A factory black (K-Kote) SIG-Sauer P226 - 9x19mm
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A hijacker draws his P226 on the Sanctuary personnel.
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The hijacker threatens Will with his P226.

Desert Eagle Mark VII

A Desert Eagle Mark VII is used in "For King and Country" (Season 3, Episode 8). The pistol has either a nickel or gold plated finish, but it is hard to tell which due to the lighting.

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Desert Eagle MK VII with nickel finish - .44 Magnum
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In this shot the safety catch and lack of scope rail are visible, identifying this as a Mk VII.
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Dr Magnus takes the Desert Eagle and turns the tables on her would be captures.

Unidentified Revolver 3

A revolver is briefly seen in the hand of Dr Magnus (Amanda Tapping) whilst searching a warehouse for Dr Jeckyll in "For King and Country" (Season 3, Episode 8).

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Dr Magnus prepares to enter the building after cocking her revolver.

Walther P99QA

The current production model of the Walther P99, the Quick Action, can be seen in several episodes in Season 3, and appears to be the current preferred sidearm of Kate Freelander (Agam Darshi).

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Walther P99QA (Quick Action) - 9x19mm. Note the changes in trigger guard, slide and frame (2004+ models).
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Kate Freelander (Agam Darshi) aiming her P99QA in "Hangover" (Season 3, Episode 12). This front view shows the non-proprietary front rail of the QA.
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One of the criminals in "One Night" (Season 3, Episode 13) carries a P99QA. In this shot the rounded rather than horned bottom of the trigger guard, and the full height slide serrations of the post 2004 QA model are clearly visible.
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Kate, Will and the Big Guy prepare to enter a room in "Awakening" (Season 3, Episode 16). Kate is armed with a P99QA whilst Will uses his regular Glock 17.

Luger P08

The Luger P08 is used by both the French Resistance and German forces in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17).

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm
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The French resistance fighter on the right is carrying a P08, as do a number of others.
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Colonel Franz Kobra (Douglas O'Keefe) carries a P08 as his personal side arm.
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The two SS officers flanking Col. Kobra in this shot are both carrying P08s.

Walther PPK

Dr. Magnus (Amanda Tapping) is carrying a Walther PPK as her back up gun (along with a full size M1911A1) when she is transported back in time in "Tempus" (S04E01).

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Walther PPK - .380 ACP
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A Walther PPK is visible in the pile of Dr. Magnus' belongings along with an M1911A1, butterfly knife, credit card holder and mobile phone (none of which are 1898 appropriate).
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Dr. Magnus passes her PPK to Dr. Watson (Peter Wingfield) to destroy (along with all her other modern belongings) to prevent any potential time line altering consequences.
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Dr. Watson holding the PPK, along with the M1911A1.

Single Action Army

When transported back in time to 1898 in "Tempus" (S04E01) Dr. Magnus uses a time period appropriate Single Action Army to replace her Colt M1911A1.

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Colt Single Action Army, 4.75" barrelled "Quick Draw" model - .45 Long Colt
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Dr. Magnus with her newly acquired Single Action Army and Remington 1866 Derringer.
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Dr. Magnus cocking the Single Action Army. Note that the ejector rod housing is flush with the end of the barrel indicating that it is the 4.75" barrelled "Quick Draw" model.
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Dr. Magnus aiming the Single Action Army at Adam Worth.

Cobra Big Bore Derringer

When transported back in time to 1898 in "Tempus" (S04E01) Dr. Magnus uses a Cobra Big Bore Derringer (standing in for the time period appropriate Remington 1866 Derringer) to replace her Walther PPK.

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Cobra CB38 Big Bore Derringer - .38 Special
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Dr. Magnus with her newly acquired Cobra Big Bore Derringer and Single Action Army.
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Dr. Magnus aiming the Remington Cobra Big Bore Derringer at Adam Worth whilst simultaneously enjoying a brandy. Just visible in this shot is the vented rib and the cross bolt safety confirming this is the later Cobra pistol rather than an original Remington 1866.

Beretta Px4 Storm Sub-Compact

Dr. Magnus (Amanda Tapping) carries a Beretta Px4 Storm Sub-Compact in "Monsoon" (S04E04) which is confiscated by Nicholls (Tora Hylands).

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Beretta PX4 Storm Sub-Compact - 9x19mm
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Nichols examines the PX4 admiringly after discovering whislt searching Dr. Magnus.

Walther P99 (Two Tone)

A Walther P99 with a stainless steel slide is used by the leader of the criminals (John Novak) in "Monsoon" (S04E04). At one point is taken by Feodor 'Frank' Glazov (Carlo Rota) during an escape attempt.

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Walther P99, stainless steel slide - 9x19mm
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The thug boss brandishes his P99.
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Frank surrenders his P99 after their escape attempt hits a snag.
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The thug boss threatening Charlotte Benoit (Sandrine Holt) with his P99.

TiSAS Zigana F

Nicholls (Tora Hylands), one of the criminals in "Monsoon" (S04E04), uses a pair of TiSAS Zigana F pistols which are later taken and hidden by Dr. Magnus (Amanda Tapping). These pistols have the F length slide but do not appear to have the railed frame. They also have the earlier version grips with vertical ribbing suggesting that these pistols may be an early variant.

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TiSAS Zigana F, chrome finish - 9x19mm
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Nicholls searching for the escaped hostages with one Zigana in hand and another holstered.
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Nicholls bends down to investigate something on the floor.
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Dr. Magnus carrying both of the Zigannas in one hand before hiding them on a shelf.

Intratec CAT-9

Will (Robin Dunne) can be seen with an Intratec CAT-9 when he is temporarily blinded in "Homecoming" (S04E06)

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Intratec CAT-9 - 9x19mm
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Will drawing his pistol


Winchester Model 1887

One of the fictional stun weapons in the series appears to be a slightly modified version of the triple barrelled Bone Jack originally seen in Blade: Trinity, Stargate: Atlantis and Eureka, which is a heavily dressed up Winchester Model 1887.

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Winchester 1887 - 10 Gauge, without modifications
Bone Jack from Blade: Trinity
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Dr Magnus is seen with the weapon in question in "Fata Morgana" (Season 1, Episode 3).

Unidentified Pump Action Shotgun

A pump action shotgun is carried by Ashley in “Fata Morgana” (Season 1, Episode 3)

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A wide shot of Ashley creeping through the tunnels carrying her shotgun.
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There are very few good close up shots of the shotgun in question.

Could it be a Moss 12?

Side by Side Shotgun

A double barrelled shotgun appear in “Edward” (Season 1, Episode 8). It appears to be a short barrelled “coach gun”, which is a legal weapon as opposed to a sawed off shotgun.

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The shotgun in question is seen here on the man's lap, upside down with the trigger facing upwards towards the camera. It can be seen in this photo that the shotgun has a full stock, and it is likely that the barrels are 18” (minimum legal length).
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A close up of the action of the coach gun as it is being loaded, showing that it is of a type with internal hammers.

Submachine Guns

Heckler & Koch MP5A3

A number of Heckler & Koch MP5A3s are seen throughout the series used by all sides. The current variant of the MP5 that seems to be favoured by the armourers on the show is fitted with a UMP style folding stock, a RIS forend with vertical grip and ACOG sight.

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Heckler & Koch MP5A3 - 9x19mm
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MP5 with side folding UMP stock, RIS forend, Aimpoint red dot sight, flashlight and vertical grip - 9x19mm
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MP5s are carried by Cabal agents in “The Five” (Season 1, Episode 7). In this shot is is apparent that there are under-barrel flashlights fitted, however they are not being used and instead a secondary flashlight is mounted to the front sight post.
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A different configuration of MP5 can be seen being used by this female Cabal operative, where the under barrel flashlight is used, and a green laser sight is mounted on the front sight.
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In this shot it can be seen that the MP5 on the left of frame is fitted with a Colt x4 scope, as used by the MP5s on Stargate SG-1.
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An MP5 can be seen at the top of this frame, where it is hung on the wall of the armoury in “Penance” (Season 2, Episode 9).
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Members of the Sanctuary tactical team in "Awakening" (Season 3, Episode 16) carry MP5s fitted with UMP style folding stocks, railed forends, ACOGs, flashlights and vertical grips.
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MP5s are used by the Lotus Defence Corps soldiers guarding the camp in "Into the Black" (Season 3, Episode 20).
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MP5s are used by both the Lotus Defence Corps soldiers and the interred abnormals who took weapons from the guards in "Uprising" (S04E02).

Heckler & Koch MP7

Heckler & Koch MP7s are one of the standard weapons used by the Sanctuary network and are seen on a number of occasions.

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Heckler & Koch MP7A1 with factory magazine and iron sights - 4.6x30mm
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Sanctuary security personnel form up at the front door in “End of Nights Part 2” (Season 2, Episode 2) with their MP7s fitted with C79 Elcan scopes and 40 round magazines.
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A close up of an MP7 as it is being fired, with the empty cases being ejected from the right of the gun, and it can also be seen that a laser is mounted on the left rail.
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Gerald (Colin Cunningham) fires an MP7 in “Fragments” (Season 2, Episode 6), creating an impressive muzzle flash.
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In this side shot it is possible to see that in this case the MP7 is fitted with folding iron sights, and a 40 round magazine.


A MAC-11 is used by one of "The Duke's" henchmen in "Penance" (Season 2, Episode 9).

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RPB Industries M11A1 - .380 ACP
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The henchmen left aims his MAC-11. Not that it would do him much good however, as the bolt is forward and the M11 can only fire from an open bolt.

M1928A1 Thompson

M1928A1 Thompsons can be seen being used by both resistance fighters and US soldiers in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17). It is likely that these were deactivated weapons or non firing props, as for firing scenes these guns change to M1 Thompsons.

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M1928A1 Thompson with 50-round drum magazine - .45 ACP
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James Watson (Peter Wingfield) can be seen carrying a M1928A1 when they first contact the resistance, which later changes to an M1.
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One of the US Airborne soldiers can be seen with an M1928A1 (as noted by the top mounted bolt handle and old style rear sight) when they rescue Nigel Griffin (Vincent Gale).

M1 Thompson

M1 Thompsons are seen multiple times in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17) being used by the main characters.

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M1 Thompson with 20-round magazine .45 ACP
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Dr Magnus (Amanda Tapping) and Jeanette Anaise (Erin Lacourciere) both firing their M1s. Note the side mounted bolt handle, differentiating them from the M1928A1s seen prior to this point in the episode.
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A closeup of Dr Magnus firing her M1. Note the simplified unshrouded rear sight, indicating that this is an original M1 rather than an M1A1.
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A wounded James Watson (Peter Wingfield) fires his M1 one handed at approaching German troops.
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Captain Jack Zimmerman (Robin Dunne) uses an M1 Thompson as his primary weapon for most of the episode.

M1A1 Thompson

For one scene in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17) Cpt. Zimmerman's (Robin Dunne) M1 changes to an M1A1 Thompson

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M1A1 Thompson with 30-round magazine .45 ACP
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Cpt. Zimmerman aims his M1A1. Note the triangular shroud on the rear sights which differentiates this weapon to the M1 Thompson he was using earlier in the episode.
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Cpt. Zimmerman firing his M1A1 Thompson.

Sten Mk II (Canadian)

Sten Mk II (Canadian) submachine guns are used by the French resistance in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17).

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Sten Mk II (Canadian) - 9x19mm
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Jeanette Anaise (Erin Lacourciere) firing her Sten Mk II.
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In this shot the wire skeleton stock indicative of the Canadian manufactured Mk II is visible.
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Jeanette Anaise and Nigel Griffin (Vincent Gale) fire their Sten guns back to back in the final firefight.


Several of the German soldiers in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17) carry MP40s.

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MP40 - 9x19mm
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The rear soldier in this shot is carrying an MP40.
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Another MP40 being carried by one of the German soldiers that pile out of a Nazi HQ to respond to an attack.
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A soldier carrying an MP40 is garrotted by a US Airborne soldier.
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A soldier fires his MP40 from cover.

FN P90

The Private Military Contractors in "Carentan" (Season 3, Episode 18) carry FN P90s as their primary weapons.

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Fabrique Nationale P90 - 5.7x28mm
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Intratec TEC-DC9

The leader of the criminals (John Novak) in "Monsoon" (S04E04) uses an Intratec TEC-DC9.

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Intratec TEC-DC9 - 9x19mm
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The thug boss aiming his TEC-9 out of the roof of his jeep whilst recovering the escaped hostages.

Heckler & Koch UMP

SCIU (Specified Counter-Insurgency Unit) agents can be seen with Heckler & Koch UMPs.

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Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP
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Several of the SCIU agents that seize an unconscious abnormal from the Sanctuary team in "Resistance" (S04E05) carry UMPs.
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The two agents on the right have UMPs.
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Henry gathers up a number of UMPs from stunned SCIU agent in "Homecoming" (S04E06).

Assault Rifles

Colt Model 733

A pair of Colt Model 733s can be seen in the Sanctuary armoury in "Penance" (Season 2, Episode 9).

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Colt Model 733 SMG - 5.56x45mm
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The pair of 733s can be seen behind Dr Magnus, on the right of frame. The gun above them is an H&K MP5.

Colt M4A1

What appears to be Colt M4A1s can be seen in the hands of police officers in "Bank Job" (Season 3, Episode 3) fitted with 4 position stocks, slings, and the standard iron sights.

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Colt M4A1 Carbine with 4 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mm
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A police officer takes cover behind a squad car as he aims his M4A1 at the bank.

Norinco Type 56

A Norinco Type 56 is used by one of the hijackers in "Hero II" (Season 3, Episode 5).

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Norinco Type 56 (Imported into the U.S. as the Norinco AKS-47 or AKS-47 Sporter) - 7.62x39mm
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The Type 56 is visible in the middle, where the hooded front sight indicative of the Type 56 is visible, along with the fixed stock.
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A side view of the receiver of the Type 56.

Heckler & Koch G36K

Lotus Defence Corps soldiers use Heckler & Koch G36Ks at the temporary Abnormal camp.

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Heckler & Koch G36K - 5.56x45mm
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A Pair of LDC guards with their G36Ks in "Into the Black" (S03E20)
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The guard on the left is carrying a G36K, as seen in "Uprising" (S04E02).

SIG SG 552

Members of the UN abnormal snatch team in "Untouchable" (S02E03) carry SIG SG 552s fitted with sight rails and 30 round magazines.

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SIG SG 552 - 5,56x45mm
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The team moves in
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One of the team aiming his SG 552 from cover


Some of the rebels outside the Monrovian Sanctuary in "Homecoming" (S04E06) carry AKS-74Us.

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AKS-74U - 5.45x39mm
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Note the folded stock along the left side of the weapon.


Winchester Model 1894

In a flashback scene in "Breach" (Season 3, Episode 7) Dr Magnus (Amanda Tapping) uses a Winchester Model 1894 to shoot Dr Jeckyll/Mr Hyde.

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Winchester 1894 - .30-30.
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Dr Magnus aims her Winchester.
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A slightly different angle just before she fires at her target.

M1 Garand

The M1 Garand is the standard weapon of the US 101st Airborne paratroopers in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17).

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M1 Garand with leather M1917 sling - .30-06
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The two soldiers in the background are both armed with M1s. With the exception of Capt. Zimmerman and his Sgt. who are armed with Thompsons, all US soldiers use Garands.
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A pair of paratroopers move into position with their M1s.
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A paratrooper opens fire with his M1.
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A number of Easy company paratroopers can be seen carrying M1s after rescuing Capt. Zimmerman and Fox company.

Karabiner 98k

The Karabiner 98k is the standard rifle carried by German soldiers in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17).

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Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Two German soldiers firing their Kar98k rifles.
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A soldier runs from a building carrying a Kar98k.
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A number of soldiers can be seen carrying Kar98k rifles with bayonets attached whilst searching a barn for resistance fighters.
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A German soldier prepares to fire at Capt. Zimmerman with a Kar98k.

Sniper Rifles

Heckler & Koch SL8-4

An SL8-4 can be seen in Webisode 3, being examined by Ashley when she meets her gun dealer.

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Heckler & Koch SL8-4 - 5.56x45mm
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Ashley looks down the sights of the SL8-4 (Canadian version with standard short G36 rail.)
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From this angle it can be seen that a short, flush fitting magazine is attached to the rifle. ( Double stack magazines are standard on Canadian versions of the SL8.
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A side view, showing the distinctive thumb hole stock.

Remington Model 700

A variant of the Remington Model 700 is used by a police sniper in "Bank Job" (Season 3, Episode 3) fitted with a bi-pod and telescopic sight. From the shape and texturing of the furniture, it appears to be fitted with a Macmillan A4 Tactical Stock, as seen on the M40A3 Sniper Rifle.

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M40A3 - 7.62x51mm NATO
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The rifle in question can be seen being used by the officer on the left.
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A closeup of the rifle, showing detail of the action.

Another Remington 700 rifle in a Choate Super Sniper Stock can be seen in Webisode 3, being examined by Ashley when she meets her gun dealer. This is not a Savage 10FP as previously identified. Note the location and distinctive shape of the bolt handle, and the presence of a bolt shroud behind the bolt handle, a feature the Savage action does not have.

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Remington 700 with Choate Super Sniper Stock 7.62x51mm NATO
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Ashley takes the scope-less Remington 700 from the gun dealer, before trying the SL8 that he is holding in his other hand.

Machine Guns

Unknown Machine Gun

A Machine gun of some description can briefly be seen mounted on the sidecar of a German motorbike as it passes through a checkpoint at the start of "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17). It is only visible from the front, but it doesn't appear to be a German machine gun, but could be a Browning M1919.

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Browning M2HB

The Private Military Contractors in "Carentan" (Season 3, Episode 18) have Browning M2HB machine guns mounted on some of their HMMWVs, fitted with a USGI bolt on flash hider.

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Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG
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An M2HB can be briefly seen on the cupola of a HMMWV as it drives past in an establishing shot.
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The HMMWV on the left of frame is fitted with an M2HB.

Heavy Weapons


In "Kali Part 3" (Season 3, Episode 1) Dr Magnus uses a M72 LAW.

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M72A2 LAW - 66mm
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Dr Magnus prepares to fire the LAW from an RHIB, in order to destroy another ships targeting radar.

Mk 2 hand grenade

Mk 2 "Pineapple" grenades can be seen on the webbing, and being used by, a number of US soldiers in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17)

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Mk 2 "Pineapple" High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade
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Capt. Zimmerman (Robin Dunne) carries a pair of Pineapple grenades on his webbing.
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Capt. Zimmerman prepares to throw a Pineapple grenade at a cluster of German soldiers.

M20 Super Bazooka

An M20 Super Bazooka can be seen being used by an unnamed US Paratrooper to destroy a German tank in "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17).

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M20 "Super Bazooka" - 3.5"
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The soldier moves into position with his Super Bazooka.
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The Super Bazooka is fired at a German tank.

Starstreak HVM

A number of Starstreak High Velocity Missiles MANPADS are used by the Private Military Contractors in "Carentan" (Season 3, Episode 18). Although the launch tube and attached aiming unit match those of the real world Starstreak, the missile has a conventional appearance more akin to an artillery shell, rather than the unusual and distinctive triple sub-munition warhead of the Starstreak. Furthermore, the missile is incorrectly depicted as a stand alone round that is loaded into the launch tube rather than the launch tube being a sealed round in and of itself.

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Starstreak HVM MANPAD
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Other Weapons

Webley Tempest Air Pistol

Webley Tempest air pistols are occasionally used by Sanctuary personnel to shoot tranquilliser darts to capture abnormals.

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Webley Tempest Pistol
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Dr Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping) uses a Webley tempest in “Sanctuary for All” (Season 1, Episode 1).
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Declan MacRae (Robert Lawrenson) and Dr. Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne) both use Webley Tempests in “Hero” (Season 2, Episode 4).

Glock 17 RAM

What appears to be a Glock 17 Real Action Marker (paint ball gun) is used in “Sleepers” (Season 2, Episode 10). It is likely that the reason for this was that the gun was fired very close to an actors head, and the compressed air action of this type of weapon means that the action cycles, recoil is created, and a blast of air is created with minimal risk to the actor due to lack of pyrotechnics.

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Glock 17 RAM
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The gas cartridge can be seen protruding from the bottom of the magazine in this shot, where the blast of air created from firing blows the targets hair.

Advanced Taser M26

One of the hijackers uses a Advanced Taser M26 in the contact mode to stun Kate in "Hero II" (Season 3, Episode 5). Note that this weapon does seem to use a slightly different colour scheme to the regular M26, so it is possible that this is a replica of some sort or has been modified.

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Advanced Taser M26
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Note the absence of the stun cartridge, allowing the M26 to be used in the contact mode, as is the case here.

M230 Chain Gun

A pair of chin mounted M230 Chain Guns can be seen on Dr. Magnus' private jet in "Monsoon" (S04E04).

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Hughes/Alliant Techsystems M230 Chain Gun - 30mm
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The cannons are disables by an EMP device (which looks reminiscent of the "Ghost Trap" from Ghostbusters.

"Tranquillizer Rifle"

SCIU agent in "Resistance" (S04E05) use a tranquillizer rifle to subdue an abnormal. This rifle appears to actually be based on a paintball gun.

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The SCIU agent on the left is carrying the rifle.

Fictional Weapons

Due to the premise of the show (capturing abnormal creatures alive) there are a great number of esoteric, fictional weapons used by the Sanctuary personnel. Normally these are stun weapons of some sort.

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Ashley uses a stun weapon in Webisode 8.
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Another view of the same weapon, showing the emitter dish at the front.
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Dr Magnus is seen with a fictional weapon in "Fata Morgana" (Season 1, Episode 3). This appears to be a slightly modified version of the triple barrelled weapon that is seen in Blade: Trinity, Stargate: Atlantis and Eureka, which is a heavily dressed up Winchester Model 1887.
For reference, the original gun from Blade: Trinity where it was known as the "Bone Jack". It was nicknamed "The Mud-Flap Gun" by the production crew for obvious reasons.
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A stun weapon is used by Henry in "Instinct" (Season 1, Episodes 11) which appears to be an Anti Replicator Gun (ARG) from the Stargate franchise.
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For reference, an ARG as used in Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis.
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In "End of Nights Part 2" (Season 2, Episode 2) Dr Magnus wields a large weapon designed specifically to kill vampire hybrids, which are attacking the Sanctuary.
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A closer view of the same gun
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This stun weapon first appears in "Eulogy" (Season 2, Episode 2) and becomes the standard non lethal weapon for a period, and is used on multiple occasions.
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A good shot of Declan MacRae (Robert Lawrenson) using the weapon in "Hero" (Season 2, Episode 4) showing the barrel arrangement.
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As can be seen here, this weapon was clearly mass produced, and is seen in great numbers.
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In the post-apocalyptic future portrayed in "Pavor Nocturnus" (Season 2, Episode 5) a number of energy weapons are used by the survivors.
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The future Will points one of the weapons at the current day Dr Magnus.
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The same model used to portray the future weapon from "Pavor Nocturnus" is subsequently used to portray a stun gun used by the current day Sanctuary network. Here Henry can be seen tinkering with one in its first appearance in "Haunted" (Season 2, Episode 11) with one of the side panels removed.
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The same gun is used on a number of occasions, such as in "Firewall" (Season 3, Episode 2) where it is used by Henry to help subdue a giant lizard abnormal.
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A number of these stunners can often been seen in Sanctuary team vehicles, such as here in "Monsoon" (S04E04).
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Dr. Magnus and Henry both carry stunners when the infiltrate the SCIU base in "Resistance" (S04E05).
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Also in "Firewall" (Season 3, Episode 2), Dr Magnus uses this large electrified net launcher to capture an abnormal.


Fake German tank

In "Normandy" (Season 3, Episode 17), a dressed-up Russian T-55 tank plays a German tank. It can be recognised by the D-10T 100mm rifled gun.

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T-55 tank with D-10T 100mm rifled gun.
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James Watson (Peter Wingfield) tries to bluff his way past a German checkpoint in his commandeered tank.