Michael carries the Beretta 92FS as his sidearm in the 2nd season. Some of Dr. Mars's gunmen in "Falling Ash" carry the 92FS. Division operatives in "Game Change" use the Beretta. A Division Guardian named Patrick Miller uses one in "Guardian". MI6 agents operating in Russia are armed with the 92FS in "Arising". Robby uses one while disguised as a civilian contractor in infiltrating Maxwell AFB in "Crossbow".
Sean is armed with this in Clawback and Fair Trade, serving as his main sidearm throughout the season. Alex uses this to kill a corrupt ICE agent in Russia in the same episode. Michael has this for a sidearm in Origins. An Inox is found in Doublecross.
Ari Tasarov (Peter Outerbridge) is seen removing a Px4 Storm Compact from Sergei Semak's (Peter J. Lucas) desk. A few moments later, Sergei is seen using it to execute a GOGOL official after questioning him. Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) carries one throughout "Origins" after taking it from a GOGOL operative and uses it in the ensuing gun battle. It becomes her main sidearm for the rest of the season.
Nikita uses a Glock 17 in "Game Change" (S2E1) after disarming a mobster. The fake Belarusian president in "Looking Glass" (S2E5) uses a Glock 17 to threaten Alex. In "Guardians" (S2E10), Zürich police officers carry the Glock while arresting a Division Guardian named Patrick Miller and Nikita in Switzerland. In "Rogue" (S2E14), a detective uses one as his sidearm. Dinah uses one in "Power" (S2E18) to execute a DARPA scientist. US Army MPs carry the Glock 17 in "Wrath" (S2E19). Ian Damascus, his bodyguards, and Suffolk Country police officers all carry the Glock 17 in "Shadow Walker" (S2E20). Nikita uses a silenced Glock 17 in "Crossbow". Division personnel mandated for combat/guard duty are armed with Glock 17s as their main sidearm.
In "Falling Ash" (S2E2), a brainwashed ice cream vendor uses a Glock 26 to assassinate a Senator. Alex carries a Glock 26 with and without a suppressor when she goes to Russia in "Guardians" (S2E10) and "Pale Fire" (S2E11). During Nikita's flashback to her drug-addict past in "Rogue" (S2E14), she used a Glock 26 to execute a plainclothes policeman. Birkoff finds a Glock 26 with an extended barrel during the police station battle in "Shadow Walker" (S2E20) and uses it to kill a Division agent.
On several occasions, Zoraki 914 blank firing pistols are used. These pistols are capable of semi automatic and full automatic fire, and are used to substitute for conventional pistols and machine pistols.
Michael carries a Smith & Wesson SW1911SC with a stainless slide, blued frame, and wood grips in "Shadow Walker" (S2E20). He is also seen with it in "Dead Drop" (S2E21). This is presumably his new weapon of choice.
In "Power" (S02E18) Ari Tasarov (Peter Outerbridge) can be with a chrome plated Chiappa Rhino 20DS (2" barreled version) revolver with a fibre optic front sight.
Kelly uses a Colt Python with a 2.5" barrel taken from a Turkish Gendarmerie officer she killed in Partners. Dr. Henderson appears to be armed with the same weapon in Crossbow.
A brainwashed Alice (Julie McNiven) in Falling Ash is armed with a Calico M950 outfitted with a scope when Dr. Mars plays a music file when Owen instructs him to download files for the Regiment.
Division agents are armed with a tactical foregrip in Clawback. CO19 officers in London Calling are armed with the MP5A3 with a tactical foregrip with a flashlight attached. A Division commando team in Dead Drop are armed with the same MP5A3s from Clawback.
An MP5K is seen in "London Calling" in the hands of a Tupolev henchman. Michael uses one in Switzerland in "Guardian". In "Sanctuary", rogue Guardians seize control of an Oversight-owned mansion in rural New Jersey. Percy uses the MP5K in "Rogue". Carla takes one in "Doublecross" after being wounded by Birkhoff. Some of the bodyguards of Ian Damascus in "Shadow Walker" are armed with this. A two-man Division team faces Alex and Sean in "Crossbow".
Nikita carries the MP7 as her primary heavy weapon in Season 2, first seen in "343 Walnut Lane" (S2E6). A MP7 is seen on a table in "Clawback" (S2E7). Nikita and Michael use them again in "London Calling" (S2E8). Nikita is seen with the MP7 in "Shadow Walker" (S2E20) while posing as bank robber. Alex and Sean use MP7s in taking on a two-man Division team in "Crossbow".
Birkhoff (Aaron Stanford) carries a TDI Vector after Sean breaches the safehouse in "Sanctuary" (S2E12). Roan (Rob Stewart) and Patrick carry them during the warehouse battle in "Rogue" (S2E14) and "Doublecross" (S02E016).
In "Guardians" (S2E10), GOGOL agents deployed to Switzerland are armed with AKMs with Picatinny railings and modern furniture. Nikita and Owen use them, taken from dead GOGOL agents. GOGOL agents carry the AKMs again during the gunbattle in "Clean Sweep" (S2E13). The customized AKM seemed to have been modeled on the King Arms AK-74 Tapco airsoft gun, and it is possible some of the rifles seen in the background are in fact airsoft guns.
Nikita uses a Beretta ARX-160 in "Rogue" (S02E14), fighting alongside Michael in the warehouse to save Carla. This is the first appearance of the ARX-160 in a television show. Micheal carries the ARX-160 during the steel mill shootout in "Doublecross" (S2E16).
One of the Division agents in "343 Walnut Lane" carry Colt Law Enforcement Carbines fitted with a telescopic sight. The weapon has also been modified with a number of Magpul accessories, including PMAG with ranger baseplate, a UBR stock and an MOE handguard. The weapon is later picked up and used by Roan (Rob Stewart).
In Falling Ash, Owen uses the Tavor TAR-21 as his main weapon when he and Michael raid Dr. Mar's fake therapy clinic. A few Division operatives uses this in "343 Walnut Lane".
Sean Pierce (Dillon Casey) carries a custom AR-15 in "Sanctuary" (S2E12) and "Clean Sweep" (S02E13). Nikita uses it again in "Dead Drop" (S2E21). It appears to be the same weapon Micheal used in Season 1.
Division operatives sent to kill Nikita and Michael are armed with M4A1s with C-More red dot sights. In a flashback, Roan (Rob Stewart) and a team of Division agents use the rifle while disguised as American soldiers. Michael also uses an M4A1 with Magpul MOE furniture with a C-More Tactical RDS in "Clean Sweep" and a telescopic sight later.
The SIG SG 552 appears to be the stand-issue Division assault rifle and are used by Division personnel with, and without the suppressor and C-MORE sight. In Knightfall, a flashback shows Division guards standing guard behind Ramon with 552s. A uniformed Belorussian Presidential Security Service officer uses one possibly in Looking Glass. Division tactical teams are armed with the SG 552 during a raid in Berlin, Germany in Dead Drop.
Tupolev henchmen were armed with the M70 in "London Calling". In "Guardian", GOGOL agents on patrol around the perimeter of the Semak Estate in Russia are armed with the M70AB2s.
Alex (Lyndsy Fonseca) carries a short-barreled Benelli Nova Tactical version with a dot sight and collapsible stock in "Wrath" (S2E19) and " "Shadow Walker" (S2E20)
An M249 Paratrooper SAW is seen in Nikita's safehouse in "Doublecross" (S2E16). Birkoff briefly picks it up and loads an M16 magazine into the SAW in "Dead Drop" (S2E21)
Division Agent Wyatt (Andrew Hinkson) uses a FIM-43 Redeye surface to air missile launcher in "Doublecross" (S2E16), where it is incorrectly depicted as an unguided rocket launcher.
In Partners, an automated machine gun based from an M4-type rifle with a 100-round magazine was used near the Turkey-Armenia border to "shoot" at Nikita.
Alex was armed with a cane that was actually a firearm in Falling Ash. It was never used since she intervened to save a Senator from being assassinated.