Young Winston is a 1972 British drama based on the early years of Winston Churchill. The film covers Churchill's schooldays, his service as a cavalry officer in India and the Sudan, including the famous cavalry charge at Omdurman, and his participation in the Boer War as a war correspondent. The film's cast includes Simon Ward, Edward Woodward, Robert Shaw, and was directed by Richard Attenborough.
The following weapons are seen in the movie Young Winston:
Webley "WG" Army Model revolver is a personal weapon of Lt. Winston Churchill (Simon Ward) during his service in North-West India. These revolvers are also seen in hands of other British officers.
Mr. Howard (John Woodvine), in whose house Churchill had knocked after his escape from Boer captivity, is armed with a compact revolver that looks like Webley Bulldog. Later he gave his revolver to Churchill.
Mauser C96 pistol is a personal weapon of Lt. Winston Churchill (Simon Ward) during his service in Sudan, especially in the charge of the 21st Lancers, and during the Boer War.
During Churchill's service in the frontier region of British India, most of the 35th Sikhs soldiers are armed with Lee-Enfield rifles. There are at least two different models: one of them is Lee-Enfield Mk.I (or maby even Lee-Metford - its front sight looks more like Lee-Metford), the other is Lee-Enfield Mk.I*, which can be identified by the loading bridge for stripper clips (this model appeared in 1908). The events took place in 1897 so Lee-Metford rifles are more suitable for this place and time. British soldiers of the Boer War are also armed with Lee-Enfield Mk.I and/or Lee-Metford rifles.
During the parade in Royal Military Academy Sandhurst the cadets are armed with rifles that are not seen completly. The bayonets look old-fashioned so the rifles could be Snider-Enfields or even Brown Bess.
On the stock footage of Yalta Conference (February 1945) the Soviet Army guards of honor are armed with STV-40 rifles. They can be identified by the sword bayonets that were used only with SVT-40 of all rifles of Soviet Army of that time.
The Pashtun tribesmen in North-West India are armed with traditional Jezail muskets. Jezails are also seen in hands of Mahdists in the Battle of Omdurman.
During the Boer attack on British armored train a Maxim on a large artillery-style wheel mount is seen at distance. This machine gun can be of rifle caliber or 1-pounder 'pom-pom'. Another Maxim is seen on the border post.