Lost was a television mystery series that followed a group of plane crash survivors who slowly discover the strange phenomenon surrounding the island that they have found themselves stranded upon. The series aired on ABC for six seasons from 2004-2010 and J.J. Abrams served as one of the executive producers as well as directing the pilot episode.
The following weapons were used in the series Lost:
In Season 5's "Dead is Dead", Benjamin Linus (Michael Emerson) uses a SIG-Sauer P6 in his attempt to shoot Penny. The utilitarian takedown lever on the left side of the receiver indicates that the handgun is the rougher West German police version of the P225, the P6.
At least 2 SIG-Sauer P226's are seen in Season 1 in the case of US Marshal Edward Mars. They are seen used by several of the characters throughout the season. In Season 1's "The Greater Good", Shannon Rutherford (Maggie Grace) is seen holding the SIG on Locke. The SIG-Sauer P220 is also supposedly used by Kate and several members of the Dharma Initiative in the 1970's. The P220 was only adopted in service in 1975, which would be make it more believable to be used. However, the weapons used appear to be P226 models. Jin is seen expertly handling a SIG in Season 3's "The Glass Ballerina". In Season 4's "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1", Kate is armed with one. In Season 5's "Because You Left" (S05E01), Sayid (Naveen Andrews) carries one when he gets Hurley from the Santa Rosa mental institution. He also hides one underneath his sink. Sayid also disarms a hitman armed with a suppressed SIG, which is then held by Hugo Reyes (Jorge Garcia). In Season 6's "LA X Part 2", Kate takes a SIG-Sauer P226 from the U.S. Marshal Edward Mars and pulls it on the driver of the taxi with Claire in it.
The M1911A1 is seen in various models in the hands of numerous characters in flashbacks and flashforwards. Jack (Matthew Fox) is seen firing one in Season 5's "The Incident, Part 1" (S5E16). Miles Straume carries one when he first arrives on the island. Richard Alpert (Nestor Carbonell) holds the M1911A1 in Season 5's "The Incident Part 1".
The Beretta 92FS is also a prominent weapon used in the series. It's one of the handguns found in Edward Mars' case and it's given to John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) by Jack (Matthew Fox). It's used by Michael Dawson (Harold Perrineau) to shoot the Dharma shark in Season 2's "Adrift". Ana-Lucia (Michelle Rodriguez) uses one to shoot Shannon (Maggie Grace) by accident. During their time travel back to 1977, many of the characters including Jack, Jin Kwon (Yunjin Kim), Sayid and Juliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell) are seen using the Beretta 92FS, nearly twenty years before this model was introduced!
A "Non Gun" version of the Beretta 92FS is used by Sun to hold Colleen at gunpoint in Season 2. Also, Sayid uses one in the "flash sideways" to kill Keamy and his guard, when he walks with it later, it is a real Beretta 92FS.
Among the weapons found in the case that was carried by US Marshal Edward Mars is a Walther PPK/S. Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan) is seen using the Walther in Season 1.
In Season 1's "Outlaws" (S1E16), Sawyer, while in Australia, purchases a Smith & Wesson Model 19 .357 Magnum with hollow points and Pachmayr grips for his revenge mission. The arms dealer says that a guy that buys a compact .357 Magnum with hollow point rounds is out to kill, not scare or steal.
Kate keeps a Magnum Research Baby Eagle in her house. The Baby Eagle is pretty much a Jericho 941, made by IMI but imported and rebranded by Magnum Research.
In Season 3's "The Glass Ballerina", a Second Generation Glock 17 is used by Juliet to hold Kate at gunpoint. The Glock logo can clearly be seen on the side of the gun. In Season 5's "This Place is Death", Sun (Yunjin Kim) is seen pulling a Glock 17 with a stainless slide on Benjamin Linus. In a promo for season 6, Sawyer is seen with a Glock pistol, it is only seen briefly and not fully.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Generation 2 Glock 17 in 9x19mm. This model added finger stepping and cuts to the backstrap of the frame to make it easier to hold than the Generation 1 model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJuliet Burke (Elizabeth Mitchell) holds Kate at gunpoint with the Glock 17 in Season 3's "The Glass Ballerina" (S3E02).Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn Season 3's "The Glass Ballerina", the Glock that Jin was going to use on Jae Lee lies on top of the dossier.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closeup of the Glock 17 that Sayid used in Season 4's "The Economist" to kill Elsa. Note the LaserMax built in laser under the barrel, it can be turned on and off by pushing the takedown lever in.File:Glock 17.jpgGeneration 3 Glock 17 with stainless steel slide and adjustable sights 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingIn Season 5's "This Place is Death", Sun (Yunjin Kim) is seen pulling a Glock 17 with a stainless slide on Benjamin Linus.
Glock 19
The Glock 19 is used by several characters in the series, notably Jack in Season 2's "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2".
In Season 3's "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1", Locke is seen taking a Smith & Wesson Model 10 from the body of deceased Dharma Initiative member lying in the mass grave.
Walther P38s are seen multiple times over the course of the series, starting in season 2. This is one of the only pistols correct for its time period in 1970s scenes. In Season 2's "Three Minutes", Danny (Michael Bowen) carries a P38 when he confronts Michael (Harold Perrineau). In Season 3's "Greatest Hits," Bonnie (Tracy Middendorf) carries a P38 while on the Looking Glass station. In Season 4's "The Beginning of the End," Juliet (Elizabeth Mitchell) takes a P38 at the beach camp and carries it throughout the season. Also in Season 4's "There's No Place Like Home, Part 2," Richard (Nestor Carbonell) shoots Keamy (Kevin Durand) in the back with a P38. In Season 5's "The Variable," Kate (Evangeline Lilly) hands a P38 to Daniel (Jeremy Davies) when she and Jack go to the motor pool to get weapons, he is later seen holding it in the Others camp. In Season 6's "Lighthouse," Kate almost shoots Jack with a P38. In Season 6's "The Candidate," Charles Widmore (Alan Dale) fired a P38 into the air. Please refer to the Discussion section for a more detailed listing of the P38's use in Seasons 2-6.
Desmond Hume (Henry Ian Cusick) threatens Jack and Locke with a Makarov PM while in the Swan Station in Season 2's "Man of Science, Man of Faith". He also contemplated suicide with the pistol in Season 2's "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2". The words, "Makarov", "Arsenal" and "Made in Bulgaria" can be seen on the weapon which denotes that the Makarov pistol in question was made by Bulgarian arms manufacturer Arsenal.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRussian Makarov PM - 9x18mm MakarovError creating thumbnail: File missingIn Season 2's "Man of Science, Man of Faith", a Makarov is seen being held on Locke at the Swan Station.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCloseup of the Makarov held by Desmond in Season 2's "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2". The words, "Makarov", "Arsenal" and "Made in Bulgaria" can be seen on the weapon which denotes that the Makarov pistol in question was made by Bulgarian arms manufacturer Arsenal.
Norinco Type 54 (Tokarev TT-33)
The Norinco Type 54 pistol (Chinese-made version of the Tokarev TT-33) is seen among the guns in the Swan Station's armory and then is among the guns that John was transporting back to the compound in "Further Instructions."
Tom Friendly (M.C. Gainey) is seen with a Luger P08 in Season 3's "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1". He drops it at one point and Juliet picks it up.
In Season 1's "Whatever the Case May Be", one of the bank robbers seen in Kate's flashback is armed with a Remington 870 with a shortened barrel and black furniture.
In Season 4's "The Shape of Things to Come" (S4E09), Benjamin Linus (Michael Emerson) takes from a piano bench an 870 with a pistol grip and shortened barrel when Martin Keamy's mercenaries storm his camp. These shotguns are also seen inside Swan Station's armory.
In Season 1's "Tabula Rasa", Ray Mullen (Nick Tate) is seen in a flashback holding a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun when he awakens Kate. A sawn off version is later used, first carried by "Ceasar" and later stolen by Ben to kill Ceasar. Ben kept the gun under his desk in the Hydra facility.
A Remington 1100 is seen in the hands of Stuart Radzinsky, the DHARMA Initiative Head of Research while escorting Sayid with Jin and Sawyer in "Namaste" and "He's Our You". Mitch, a Dharma Initiative security man that escorts Sawyer and Juliet to the submarine in Season 5's "The Incident Part 1". The shotgun is later seen in the hands of Sawyer in "The Incident, Part 2".
Danielle also carries the Remington 700 BDL model as well that Sayid is able to get ahold of in Season 1's "Solitary". Desmond is also seen holding a Remington 700BDL when he's confronted by a time-traveling Daniel Faraday in Season 5's "Because You Left".
A Mosin-Nagant M91/30 rifle is used by Mikhail (Andrew Divoff) in Season 3's "Enter 77". Mikhail's M91/30 rifle would later be used by Sayid (Naveen Andrews) in a number of episodes after "Enter 77".
The Ruger Mini-14 is a prominently featured rifle in the series. In several episodes, the rifle is seen in the hands of "The Others". The characters seen carrying the Mini-14 include Sayid (Naveen Andrews), Jin (Daniel Dae Kim), Sawyer, Kate, and Lapidus (Jeff Fahey). Notably seen in the episode "Dead is Dead" as well as the majority of Season 5. In Season 6, numerous followers of Jacob are seen with these rifles. Another notable use by these followers is in Season 6, where one of the followers tries to shoot "Locke"/Man in Black, but the bullets bounce off.
AKM rifles were commonly seen in both flashbacks and on the island itself. The bunker Desmond was living in had a large collection of AKM rifles in the bunker's armory. There is a good possibility that many of the AKM rifles in the Swan Station's armory were Romanian-made WASR-10 semi-automatic rifles.
In Season 1's "Solitary" (S1E09), the AKMS is seen in the hands of the Iraqi Republican Guard during one of Sayid's (Naveen Andrews) flashbacks. The AKMS is also carried by some of the "Hostiles" after the Purge seen in Season 3's "The Man Behind the Curtain".
An M1A is seen carried over the shoulder of an Other in "The Incident." The use of a muzzle brake rather than a flash suppressor (and the lack of a bayonet lug) marks it as an M1A rather than an M14.
The SKS rifle is used by Sayid in raiding the Others camp in one episode. The SKS rifle Sayid used was a Chinese SKS (note the bayonet). John Locke (Terry O'Quinn) also holds an SKS when barricaded inside a house in the episode "The Shape of Things to Come." Mikhail also uses an SKS to shoot at Desmond as he sits in a boat. One of the Jacob followers fires a SKS at the smoke monster but is quickly killed. Kate carried one on an "A-Team" mission to the Flame station and then to the Barracks in an attempt to rescue Jack. In the episode "Recon" (S6E8), Kate brandishes an SKS several times in the episode, including once as a melee weapon with the intention of swinging it by the barrel at an attacker. Several episodes later, in "The Package", the rifle is seen laying next to her.
In Season 4's "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1", Sawyer is seen carrying the L1A1, which is the British-made variant of the FN FAL made by Enfield. He is seen with it until it's thrown from the helicopter as he bails out.
The M4A1 SOPMOD is carried by Martin Keamy and the mercenaries who attack the island in Season 4's "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1" and "There's No Place Like Home, Part 2". Most of the M4's are fitted with scopes, sound suppressors and foregrips. Although never used, Sayid can also be seen carrying one after the Mercenaries were killed off before getting on to the chopper.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 Carbine - 5.56mmError creating thumbnail: File missingIn Season 4's "There's No Place Like Home, Part 2", one of Keamy's mercenaries aims his M4A1 SOPMOD. The M4s have been fitted various scopes, RIS foregrips and M203 grenade launchers. While fitted with suppressors as well, they seem to have no effect on the gun's report.
The M1 Carbine is another one of the common weapons used on the island. Frequently carried by the "Others" as well as the survivors. The characters seen carrying the weapon include Desmond in "Par Avion", Juliet, who fires one at attackers in a boat, the young Ellie (Alexandra Krosney) in "Jughead", Ethan Rom (William Mapother) in Season 5's "Because You Left" and Claire Littleton (Emilie de Ravin) who carries it throughout Season 6.
The Heckler & Koch MP5A2 is used by US soldiers in Sayid's flashback. Also used by Martin Keamy (Kevin Durand) and the mercenaries, notably to shoot skeet on boat. Note the ambidextrous MP5-Navy trigger group.
A Crossman CO2 Air Gun is used as a tranquilizer dart gun are used at various times in the series. A notable use was in an attempt to kidnap and/or kill Sayid in Season 5's "Because You Left." Hugo also uses one to subdue Charlie in the series finale.