Hawaii Five-0 (2010) - Season 2Hawaii Five-0 (2010) - Season 2 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesHawaii Five-0 (2010) - Season 2
Beginning in "Ua Law Wale" (S2E02), Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett (Alex O'Loughlin) once again carries the SIG-Sauer P226 as his sidearm. It appears that his weapon now is the Navy version of the P226 and not the E2. Steve's mentor, Commander Joe White (Terry O'Quinn) uses a SIG-Sauer P226E2 with taclight (possibly McGarrett's) in "Ha'i'ole" (S2E01).
Detective Lori Weston (Lauren German) later carries a SIG-Sauer P239 as her main sidearm. She notably draws it in "Mea Makamae" (S2E04) and "Maʻemaʻe" (S2E05).
In "Ka Hakaka Maikai" (S02E06), a suppressed Heckler & Koch P7M13 in satin nickel finish is pulled by Wo Fat (Mark Dacascos) in a confrontation with Joe White (Terry O'Quinn). Joe is later seen holding the pistol.
One of the corrupt ex-cops working under Frank Delano is armed with a Beretta 92FS fitted with wood grips and a custom compensator that Kono kicks out of his hand at one point.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe converted Beretta 92FS pistols used in the original Underworld. These particular guns were not, contrary to popular belief, used again in this film; a completely different set of Berettas were used.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA corrupt ex-cop securing the bank while armed with a 92FS with a compensator.
The remnants of an M1911 is found in the sunken wreckage of a World War II-era ambulance in "Mea Makamae", displayed at JPAC.
The Smith & Wesson 5906 is the chief sidearm carried by Lt. Chin Ho Kelly (Daniel Dae Kim) as well as patrol officers of the Honolulu Police Department. In "Haʻiʻole" (S2E01), Steve is given the 5906 after escaping from prison and draws it while after boarding the SS Searcher with Danny.
In "Ua Law Wale" (S2E02), Officer Lori Weston (Lauren German) carries a Glock 19 as her sidearm. After switching out to a SIG-Sauer P239 for a few episodes, she appears to return to the Glock that's fitted with a weaponlight in "Ka Iwi Kapu" (S2E07).
HPD Captain Vincent Fryer (Tom Sizemore) appears to draw a Glock 21 during a hostage situation in "Ma'eme'e" (S02E05). The bore of the handgun appears to be that of .45 instead of the more common 9mm.
In "Ka Hakaka Maikai" (S02E06), what appears to be a stainless model of the Smith & Wesson Model 642 Centennial is found on the floorboard of a jeep by Danno.
HPD Captain Vincent Fryer (Tom Sizemore) carries the Mossberg 500 Tactical shotgun before drawing a Glock 21 during a hostage situation in "Ma'eme'e" (S02E05).
Chin uses the Remington 870 Entry Gun while steering a boat in Season 2's premiere "Ha'i'ole" (S2E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 Police "Entry Gun" with a Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingChin Ho handling the 870 with one hand while using his other hand to steer the motorboat. Note the Surefire dedicated forend weaponlight and Speedfeed stock in "Ha'i'ole" (S2E01).
Remington 870 Police Magnum
A Remington 870 Police Magnum is seen used by HPD officers in "Haʻiʻole" (S2E01). A Remington also is wielded by a cultist in "Ua Lawe Wale" (S2E03).
Danny uses a Heckler & Koch MP5A3 in "Ma'eme'e". The submachine gun appears in "Ka Hakaka Maikai", serving as Danny's main weapon. The same one is used by McGarrett again in a house raid in "Kame'e". Lori uses the same weapon as Danny's in "Ka Hakaka Maikai".
McGarret and Kono are armed with the MP5K-PDW when confronting a home invasion crew during their latest robbery in "Ka Hakaka Maikai" (S02E06). Danny uses one in Lapa'au (S02E08).
In "Kame'e" (S02E03), security personnel at the Naval Situation Room at Pearl Harbor are armed with the M4A1. Navy SEALs armed with M4A1 carbines are seen on a satellite feed raiding the compound of the El Barro cartel in the same episode. Lori Weston and some HPD SWAT officers use M4A1s while responding to the bank robbery in "Ma'eme'e" (S02E05).
McGarrett appears to use the Noveske Rifleworks Diplomat while responding to the bank robbery in "Ma'eme'e" (S02E05). He also uses it in Lapa'au (S02E08)
One of the cultists in "Ua Law Wale" briefly holds Lori Weston (Lauren German) at gunpoint with a Ruger Mini-14 with a black finish and metallic upper receiver.
At the beginning of "Kame'e" (S2E03), Steve McGarrett is seen at the Marine Corps' Ulupa'u Crater Rifle Range firing a M40 Sniper Rifle that once belonged to his father. Joe White is later seen firing the rifle.