Now because I'm so nice, I've added screencaps of the Knives and Cars used in the film. Since I know little about either, feel free to add your own knowledge and such. With the cars, I only added the ones used by main characters, random cars passing by weren't a big deal. -GM
Castle takes a butterfly knife off of Joan's ex-boyfriend and uses it through out the film, notably when fighting The Russian, who turns it against him and stabs him in the shoulder. Thomas Jane was taught how to do tricks with the knife, and cleary was taught well, as he flawlessly spins the knife in the film several times.
Some simple kitchens knives are used in the film. Castle Sr. uses one to stab a hitter in the back and Joan is seen holding one when her ex-boyfriend is trying to get into her apartment.
When Harry Heck totals Castle's car, he pulls a Stilleto Knife from his ankle, which Heck remarks, "You are one dumb sonavabitch, bringin' a knife to a gunfight," to which Castle responds by launching the blade from the knife into Heck's throat. While cool in theory, the chance of the blade hitting is far too slim for it to be a conventional weapon.
Howard Saint pulls out a Stilleto knife as he tells Quintin Glass how Jim Bowie used to throw a knife to the ground and fight someone if they declared he was cheating. Accusing Glass of cheating with his wife (which Castle had tricked Saint into believing), he stabs Glass to death with the knife.
Note: I suck with cars, all user input available is requested.
Hey, do you ever post on IMCDB? You should check it out...I bet they could use some of these. -MT2008 15:12, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
Pontiac GTO
Castle uses a Pontiac GTO as his vehicle. The liscense plate reads "Year One", the company who built the car. It does not mean any reference to the fact the film is based on the "Year One" comic.
John Saint drives a Red Ford F-150 1981 Pickup with Dante and Spoon riding in the back and Glass in the passenger's side. He uses it to run over Will and Maria Castle.