When Eight Bells Toll is a 1971 film starring Anthony Hopkins, Robert Morley, Nathalie Delon, & Jack Hawkins. The screenplay was written by Alistair Maclean, based on his book. Hopkins stars as Philip Calvert, a naval officer working undercover to the catch smugglers who have been hijacking ships containing gold bullion.
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The following weapons appear in the film When Eight Bells Toll:
The smugglers can be seen using Sterling MK. 4 submachine guns. Calvert (Anthony Hopkins) equips himself with a Sterling during the shoot out with the Hijackers at the end of the film . When Calvert enlists the aid of shark hunter Tim Hutchinson (Leon Collins) and his men to confront the smugglers, they arm themselves with Sterlings as well.
FN rifles are used by the hijackers. At one point in the film, Calvert (Anthony Hopkins) is seen with an FN he has taken from a hijacker.The rifles have the flash hider of an L1A1, but the handguards and front sights as would be found on an FN FAL.
When the hijackers try to shoot down the helicopter Calvert is aboard, they are armed with STG-57 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSIG SG 510-1 Battle RifleError creating thumbnail: File missingHijackers armed with STG-57s move into position before firing on the helicopter carrying Calvert.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhen the hijackers are actually shown firing the SIGS they appear to be prop guns with simulated muzzle flash. The most obvious clues being the oversized flash suppressors and the fact that the carrying handles are not workable but molded onto the side of the rifle.