La Femme Nikita is the television adaptation of the 1990 film of the same name . It ran in the US from 1997-2001 on the USA Network and starring Peta Wilson as the title character. A 2010 television adaptation simply titled Nikita starring Maggie Q currently airs on the CW Network.
The following weapons can be seen in the television series La Femme Nikita :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing La Femme Nikita (Television Series) 1997-2001
Ruger KP89DC
The standard issue sidearm for Section 1 in most episodes of season 1. Replaced by the Berreta 92 Inox in season 2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruger KP89 Pistol - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Episode 1, Nikita is given a KP89DC.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing This is a "Crime Bill era" gun with 10 round magazines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup from Episode 6. Markings say BUNK'S P96?
Beretta 92FS
Blue 92s are used both with and without silencers or laser sights, throughout the show.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9mm
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Turns into Sig 220 when shown from behind
Beretta Inox
The Inox is used by Section 1 through out the series, becoming standard issue in the second season.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta Inox
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2 different silencers are used, a believable one in the first season and a ridiculously small one after that.
Fake Berreta
Flash paper versions of the onyx are used frequently after season 2, with alot of close up shots. Used ridicously, since the bad guys are using real blank firing guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fake Berreta 92 Inox
Sig 220
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Need pic of euro version too
Both the european and american version are shown
Glock 17
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 17
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Glock 26
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 26 - 9mm
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Operation's CCW.
Occasionally used by Nikita
Fake PPK
Blank firing copy of the PPK, with a 1911 style trigger.
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Best shot of the trigger
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Magically grows a suppressor, despite having holstered it without one
Unknown revolver
Season 1 Episode 2
Unknown pistol
Season 1 Episode 2
Desert Eagle
Blued and stainless, sometimes with a silencer and laser sight
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Desert Eagle
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Browning BDA
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning BDA
Fake S&W 4506
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CZ 52
Error creating thumbnail: File missing CZ 52 7.62x35mm Tokarev
Mik Stopples pistol
Walther P38
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Sobas pistol
Submachine guns
Primary SMG for most operatives.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP5A3
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP5A3 with Surefire forearm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the few times this version is shown
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firing on the move
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP5DS3 with integral suppressor - 9mm
MP5SD5 used when the mission calls for a little stealth.
Most MP5SDs in the show are actually UHC airsoft guns, you can tell by the molded finger swell on the fore grip.
H&K SP89
Error creating thumbnail: File missing H&K SP89
Shown in the opening credits
Mac 10
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Season 1, Episode 8 uses a toy squirt gun as a stand in. Really noticable.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Uzi
Sometimes depicted with Sonics noise suppresor
Mini Uzi
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mini Uzi
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The typical stockless mini Uzi seen through out the series
Micro Uzi
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Micro Uzi Pistol
Shown with red dot scope
Walther MPL
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther MPL
USed in season 2 by holographic enemy in the training simulator
CZ Skorpion
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Scorpion
Tommy Gun
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Seen breifly but not fired.
Sterling SMG
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Assault Rifles
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16a2
M16A1 Carbine
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Has forward assist and no case deflector
Add image
Colt Commando
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AKS 47
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AK-47 rifle - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKS-47
used mostly by the enemy and third world government agents.
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Steyr AUG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr AUG
Nikita showing the recruits the AUG.
Recruit demonstrates his 'skill' with the weapon, having played first person shooter his whole life.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr AUG A2
SA 80
File:Sal8.jpg SA-80
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M60
Mounted on a pintelin the back of a jeep
Rocket Launchers
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M72 LAW
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AT4 (M136)
The AT4 is shown relatively few times throughout the series, most notably in Episode 2, in the hands of a Legion assassin trying to take out a privat jet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AT-4
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Firing a rocket launcher sideways? How gangster!
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing closeup of custom trigger
Error creating thumbnail: File missing view of custom dual pistol grips
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rpg-7
M203 stand alone
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