The following weapons were used in the video game Perfect Dark:
PLEASE NOTE: Only firearms based on real firearms will be shown here. There is no point to having alien or fictional weaponry.
--ManiacallyChallenged 00:48, 9 January 2010 (UTC)
The Colt Double Eagle appears as the Falcon 2. It is the workhorse handgun of the Carrington Institute, available with a suppressor or a scope, but not both at the same time. The Falcon 2 is almost always given to the player at the start of a mission, in one of the 3 flavors (suppressed, scoped, vanilla). Each flavor comes with a laser aiming module (LAM) attached to the front of the trigger guard. (I believe that the actual weapon the Falcon 2 was modeled after was the Mark 23 albeit a heavily modified one. If I recall, the devs themselves said so.)
The Mag Sec 4 is a large handgun based off of the modified Beretta 93R 'Auto-9' from RoboCop (and many later films) in function. It is carried by security personnel at Area 52. The Mag Sec 4 is able to fire single shots or 3 round bursts from a 9 round magazine. It is noticeably inaccurate, even at short range. In appearance, it has been given some futuristic contours, that don't really disguise the design beneath.
The DY 357 Magnum, based on a stainless Colt Python, is a revolver carried by FBI agents and G5 building guards in the Chicago level. It can only be fired in double action, and there is a fairly long delay between pulling the trigger and the gun actually firing. Trent Easton, the NSA director turned Skedar pawn, carries a custom gold 357 called the "DY 357 LX." It is described as being loaded with frangible bullets that cause an instant kill.
The CMP (combat machine pistol) 150 is a SMG with the secondary function to track targets. Passing the reticule over a target marks them, and the weapon auto tracks them in the order that they were tagged. The CMP is carried by all the rank and file of dataDyne, and local unit commanders seem to enjoy the unique privilege to carry two. The CMP 150 is based on a Steyr TMP, except that the shells eject to the left.
The RCP 120 is the spiritual successor to the RCP 90 of Goldeneye 007. No longer based on the design of the FN P90. The RCP 120 carries in each magazine (guess-how-many) 120 rounds, and can somehow convert it's ammunition into... "cloak." Lastly, it is no longer able to massively over penetrate (steel doors, ten people in a row...), like it could in Goldeneye.
The AR 34 is the Carrington Institute assault rifle, and is pretty much just a really wide FAMAS. Carried usually only by CI guards, at one point in development Joanna was going to get one for nearly every mission. That would have made the game too easy (too fun) so it was decided against. As stated by the game, the bullpup design makes it quite accurate. In easily the most enjoyable scene in the game, Joanna uses an AR 34 to provide covering fire for an escaping friendly dropship and fend off an attack of alien warriors, all in her best party dress.
A dataDyne standard issue rifle, the Dragon has the nefarious capacity to explode violently when stepped on. The secondary fire mode drops the Dragon as a proximity mine booby trap. The Dragon has a big brother in the Super Dragon, which is similar in many respects except it replaces the proxy mine with an under-barrel grenade launcher that loads from a second magazine forward to the first. The Dragon could be based on a Heckler & Koch G36, or maybe something else such as the M41A Pulse Rifle from the 1986 film, Aliens. The debate was part of the reason this page was originally deleted. Do YOU want to be a part of the discussion? Make an account and take it to the discussion page!
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM41A Pulse RifleFile:Dragon Detail.jpgA detail view of the left side of the Dragon. You should be able to see one of the slits in the muzzle brake that gives the Dragon an inverted triangle muzzle flash.File:Dragon Fire.jpgThe upside down triangle spells doom for a few dataDyne guards. Note shells ejecting left.File:Dragon Load.jpgFeed the Dragon. It likes strangely angled magazines. Note the ejection port, on the left side.File:Super Dragon Detail.jpgThe difference between a Dragon and Super Dragon. The left hand is holding a fore-grip.
K7 Avenger
The K7 Avenger is an experimental dataDyne rifle. It can detect explosive ordinance and auto turrets with it's secondary fire mode. Despite being still in "beta," the K7 is carried by high ranking dataDyne and NSA personnel. Though named for the KF7 Soviet, which in turn was named for the AKMS, the K7 Avenger does not resemble any sort of Kalashnikov. General opinion seems to peg this as a real firearm. One theory is that it was based off of the Starship Troopers Morita Mk I Rifle. To the discussion page for further review.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMorita Mk I Rifle.File:K7 Avenger Inventory.jpgA beautifully rendered K7 Avenger. To see this thing spin in slow mo while the light shines off each and every surface... ah. Nice.File:K7 Avenger Fire.jpgWho cares what it is, it looks cool! The guard in the center of the frame finds out for himself just how lethal the K7 is.File:K7 Avenger Load.jpgWhen it is being loaded, you can see how the butt of the weapon slopes down. It would be hard to feed the bullets through an angle like that.
The Shotgun is a slow and inaccurate weapon, but at close range it can be deadly. The primary fire shoots a high-impact shell which at close range can take an enemy down in one shot. The secondary fire blasts two shells back to back for maximum close range stopping power. Cassandra's personal bodyguards use these.
Ah the Sniper Rifle. Anything so imaginatively named must be a Carrington Institute weapon, right? Right! The Sniper Rifle is based on a Walther WA 2000, is silenced and holds eight rounds per magazine.
The basic weapons from Goldeneye 007 are unlockable in Perfect Dark through qualifying at the shooting range. They have had their names changed for legal reasons (one must assume) and their appearances slightly changed to fit Perfect Dark's style.
Walther PPK
The PP7, based on the Walther PPK has been renamed to the PP9i for the express purpose of trying to confuse you with the Walther P99.
The newly leet-speaked "KLO 1313" (named after Ken Lobb, a Rareware employee), is based on the Skorpion sub-machine gun. As in Goldeneye, it can be dual-wielded, though this does little to make up for it's inaccuracy and next to harmless bullets.
The FN P90 appears in the game as the RCP-45. Despite the similar name and function to the RCP 120, it is not the same weapon at all. In Goldeneye it was called the RCP-90, but it has not lost 1/2 of it's power, fear not.