Batman: Gotham Knight is a six-part anime anthology film released in 2008. The movie consists of six animated shorts (each from a different director, writer, animation studio and art style) that together form a single narrative set between the events of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight and fills in some of the gaps in Bruce Wayne's backstory.
See Also: The Animatrix, another anime anthology film from a Warner Brothers franchise.
The following firearms are used in the anime anthology Batman: Gotham Knight:
In "Field Test", "The Russian" is seen using a Stechkin APS.
Makarov PM
In "Field Test", a Russian gangster who gets shot carries a Makarov PM.
Smith & Wesson Model 686
In "Working Through Pain", one of the weapons that Batman finds in the sewer is a Smith & Wesson Model 686.
Unidentified Revolver
The mugger who kills Bruce Wayne's parents is seen using an unidentified 5-shot revolver.
Walther P99
In "Working Through Pain", one of the guns that Batman finds is a Walther P99.
Walther P38
One of the guns that Batman finds in "Working Through Pain" is a Walther P38.
MP-446 Viking
Most of the Russian mobsters in "Field Test" use MP-446 Viking pistols.
Several Glock pistols are seen throughout the movie. While most appear to be full-sized variants, none of them are shown clearly enough to determine the exact model and caliber.
Fox's Handgun
In "Field Test", Lucius Fox demonstrates the mechanics of a "force field" device that he has developed by shooting at it with an unidentified handgun.
Submachine Guns
Several Gotham P.D. officers are seen with Heckler & Koch MP5A5 submachine guns.
Thompson M1928
Maroni's men in "Crossfire" use Thompson M1928 submachine guns.
The Russian mobsters in "Crossfire" carry PPSh-41s.
In "Crossfire", Maroni is seen dual-wielding two MAC-10 machine pistols. Another MAC-10 is seen in "Deadshot" in the bag of guns that Bruce brings back to Wayne Manor.
Deadshot's Wristgun
Deadshot is seen using a wrist-mounted weapons system that consists of two medium-caliber submachine guns that he uses to fire at Batman.
Deadshot's Rifle
In "Deadshot", the title character uses a custom-built sniper rifle. He is shown carrying it disassembled in a foam-lined case.
In a flashback during "Working Through Pain", a soldier is seen with a generic AK-47.
Other Weapons
In "Crossfire", "The Russian" breaks out a RPG-7 during the firefight with Maroni's men.