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Splinter Cell: Conviction
Splinter Cell: Conviction is a Tom Clancy video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. Unlike its predecessors, NPC weapons are wieldable. The following guns appear in the video game:
FN Five-seveN
Sam's main weapon and sidearm like the previous games will be the FN Five-seveN, although this time it has a flat dark earth (tan) frame, a compensator-style suppressor, a LAM, (Laser-Aiming Module) as well as now appearing to be the new USG model. Called the FIVE-SEVEN ingame. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, a laser sight and match grade ammo.
Heckler & Koch Mark 23
The Heckler & Koch Mark 23 is seen in the hands of various enemies in the gameplay trailers. Referred to as the 'MK.23'. Sam's starting weapon and is his default weapon unless he equips another pistol from a weapon stash. Can be upgraded to hold 18 rounds from it's starting 12. Can also be equipped with a laser sight and hollow point ammo.
SIG-Sauer P228
The SIG-Sauer P228 is strangely used the Russian guards in the co-op trailer. Is used by Black Arrow mercenaries as well as Tom Reed and Grim. Called the P228 ingame. Cannot be silenced. Can be upgraded to hold 20 rounds from it's starting 13. Can also be equipped with a laser sight and match grade ammo.
MP-446 Viking
The MP-446 Viking comes with a suppressor. Holds 17 rounds. Can be equipped with a reflex sight, a laser sight and match grade ammo.
Walther P99
Seen in the Story trailer.Exclusively in Extras menu. Every Thursday a new weapon or new content comes out. Can be upgraded with extended magazine, laser sight, and match grade ammo.
Look likes it's a .40 ver. because .40 hold 12 round
Desert Eagle
Seen in a recent trailer in the hands of Fisher. The second weapon you can pick up ingame. Holds an accurate 7 rounds. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, a laser sight and match grade ammo.
Heckler & Koch USP45
Appears in the final game. Holds 12 rounds. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, a laser sight and hollow point ammo.
Machine Pistols
Ingram MAC-11
The Ingram MAC-11 is seen in the hands of enemies in the gameplay trailers. Has been removed from the final game.

SA Vz.61 Skorpion
The 9x19mm version of the SA Vz.61 Skorpion is seen holstered on the back of the Russian agent in the co-op trailer. It is referred as the 'Skorpion'. Can be upgraded with a gun stock for improved accuracy, a reflex sight and hollow point ammo.
SR-2M Veresk
Appears correctly as the SR-2M with the foregrip removed. Can be upgraded with a gun stock, a laser sight and a reflex sight.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
Unlocked with preordered copies. Can be equipped with a reflex sight, match grade ammo, and an extended magazine, giving it 40 rounds from the original 20. In-game, it is considered a machine pistol and therefore: can be fired from ledges and pipes,can be fired while downed, and while holding a human shield.
Heckler & Koch UMP
The Heckler & Koch UMP is seen in many gameplays. Carried by Third Echelon agents. Listed as a .45 but holds 30 rounds like the 9mm version. Can be upgraded with a suppressor, a laser sight and hollow point ammo.
Heckler & Koch MP5N
The Heckler & Koch MP5N is see in most gameplays with a telescoping stock and with Surefire 628 dedicated forend weaponlight. Called the MP-5N ingame. Can be upgraded with a laser sight, a reflex sight and hollow point ammo.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD-N1
The Heckler & Koch MP5SD-N1 will be included in the Limited Collector's Edition. Can also be obtained in the regular edition as well. Can be upgraded with a gun stock, a 2x scope and hollow point ammo.
Seen in Co-op Montage and Lumber Mill video. Also appears in a flashback for Iraq. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, a laser sight and hollow point ammo.
Assault/Battle Rifles
FN F2000 Tactical
A highly modified version of the FN F2000 Tactical will be included in the Limited Collector's Edition. Referred as the 'SC3000'. Carried by several Third Echelon agents in cutscenes. Can be upgraded with a gun stock, a suppressor and hollow point ammo.
Barrett M468
Seen in the hands of enemies and Fisher in gameplays and trailers. Although it appears to be the newer REC7 short-stroke system model, the game refers to it with the old nomenclature, M468. Carried by Third Echelon agents. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, a suppressor and hollow point ammo.
SR-3 Vikhr
Referred to as the 'Vikhr'. Seen in COOP in Kobins hands when hes getting in the cargo plane.
Heckler & Koch G36C
The Heckler & Koch G36C is seen in the hands of guards in the gameplay trailers. Can be upgraded with a 2x scope, a laser sight and match grade ammo.
The FN SCAR-H is seen in the Deniable Ops Gameplay. Can be upgraded with a 4x scope, a laser sight and match grade ammo. Can also be obtained in the main game through U-play.
The FAMAS-G2 is seen in the Story trailer. Upgraded with, 2x scope, laser sight, and match grade ammo.
The AK-47 seen in Lumber Mill Video. Also seen in the "Diwaniya, Iraq" (flashback) level. Can be upgraded with an extended magazine (55 rounds), a 4x scope and match grade ammo.
Benelli M3 Super 90
The Benelli M3 Super 90 shotgun is used by Fisher in the gameplay trailers. Referred as the 'M3'.
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
Another shotgun Fisher is seen with in a recent gameplay and also with a heat shield. Referred as the 'M-500'. Can be upgraded with a laser sight, a reflex sight and match grade ammo.
Franchi SPAS-12
Can be obtained if one preorders the game. Can be upgraded with a gun stock, a 2x scope and match grade ammo.