In the first parts of the movie, Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson) shows a pre-recorded TV presentation of "Chicks Who Love Guns" to Louis Gara (Robert De Niro) being played on a TV.
The show features 5 guns in the following order :
A TEC-DC9 can be seen in the hands of Sidney. The information claims the gun uses a 32 round "clip" instead of the proper term "magazine". When firing the gun, she's pretty much shooting the ground yet everything she aims at is destroyed.
The final chick Tammy Jo uses a Mossberg 500 with a skeletal stock and a heat shield in the video, and accidentally shoots the camera man with it. She claims the gun has a "standard choke" barrel, but it isn't fitted with a choke. Note that this chick doesnt appear in the actual movie.
In the film itself, Max Cherry (Robert Forster) opens his gun cabinet and retrieves a "stun gun". A Mossberg can be seen in the cabinet as well as some other shotguns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMossberg 500 with heat shield - 12 Gauge."It's made in America, just like me."She says the gun holds 5 rounds in the magazine tube, which is correct, but she's pointing at the ejection port.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Mossberg shotgun sits in Cherry's gun cabinet.
Mossberg 500 Sawed Off
In the actual film, Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson) bends down into the trunk of a car and pulls out a sawed off Mossberg 500 pump action shotgun with ventilated barrel ribbing that Beaumont Livingston (Chris Tucker) shall use for a job in Koreatown - at least he's told so. Beaumont reluctantly takes it and lays in the trunk.
Ordell (Samuel L. Jackson) pulls a Smith & Wesson Model 10 out of his glove compartment to kill Beaumont. The script's description of the scene: "Inside the Oldsmobile, Ordell reaches into the glovebox and pulls out a five-shot .38 snubby."
ATF Agent Ray Nicolette (Michael Keaton) keeps his Smith & Wesson 5906 in both a shoulder holster and a belt holster, drawing and firing it during the confrontation in Cherry's office.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingEarly Model Smith & Wesson 5906 - 9x19mm. The early model 5906 pistols had the finger step trigger guard, but they changed it to the rounded trigger guard for 'ease of production'.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInside the office, Dargus and Nicolette question Jackie Brown, with Nicolette looking at his holstered S&W 5906 on the desk.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNicolette approaches Ordell on the floor in Cherry's office with his S&W 5906 drawn after shooting him. Behind him, Dargus approaches with his Glock 19.
Colt Detective Special
When Max Cherry (Robert Forster) picks up Jackie Brown from jail, he had to leave his Colt Detective Special at the entrance. He later returns it back into his glovebox in his car where Jackie Brown (Pam Grier) discovers it while checking for cigarettes inside. Without Max knowing it, she "borrows" it for later use and gives it back to Max the next day. In the final scene of the movie in Max's office, she again gets a grip on it as it is deposited in a drawer of Max's desk.
Ordell (Samuel L. Jackson) takes a nickel Beretta Jetfire from his car when he goes to confront Jackie Brown (Pam Grier) after Cherry drives her home. Jackie takes it from Ordell after disarming him and presumably keeps it as she tells Cherry the next day she has her own gun.
Louis Gara (Robert De Niro) draws and fires his nickel M1911A1 twice in the mall parking lot. Ordell (Samuel L. Jackson) later takes it from him and uses it throughout the rest of the film. The script had called for Gara to be armed with a Beretta 92FS instead.