Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
The Heckler & Koch USP45 has been seen in single and multiplayer, with unidentified Laser Aiming Module and suppressor. One of the main sidearms of the Russian forces.
Faust carries a Desert Eagle with a laser aiming module attached it. He quickly shoots two local gunmen in a quick draw at point blank then a third who appears behind the van, before shooting at an American TF141 member driving for Roach. Main sidearm of the Brazilian militia. Surprisingly, quite a few Americans use this gun as their preferred sidearm. Dual wield available.
A confirmed weapon classified under the Machine Pistol slot as the M93 Raffica, it's attached with a skeletal stock and what looks like an attachment rail for a flashlight/LAM. In game model has extended mag but still only holds 15 rounds, MP model holds 20 rounds though.
It appears to be a converted 92, by the slide-mounted safety.
Glock 18
The Glock 18 appears in the game under the name of the "G18". It uses an extended magazine holding 33 rounds and is often used by Brazilian militia fighters, who sometimes use is as their "Last Stand" weapons. It is quite hard to control due to the high rate of fire, and therefore should be fired in short bursts. A strange fact is that it fires dramatically slower when using it on a Snowmobile.
This may actually be a converted Glock 17, as evdienced by the lack of selector switch on the slide. The Wierd It 12:40, 14 November 2009 (UTC)
This Swiss-made Steyr TMP variant with the scope rail and folding stock was seen in the Special Ops Gameplay footage. Often seen in singleplayer used by various militia forces, and often dual-wielded (with a fairly realistic drop in accuracy, especially since you lose your ghost-ring ironsights).
Seen in the "Infamy" trailer. Used by militia and Iraqi terrorists. Used near the end of the game in the boat chase scene. Like the P90, this rarely ever has any attachments.
The MP5K with custom Rail Interface System appears in the game. Comes with a foregrip in multiplayr, but in singleplayer this is absent. Just about everybody uses this, mostly with a Red Dot Sight.
Used by US troops, Russian police, and occasionally by the Russian military and Task Force 141. Can be equipped with extended magazines, and is one of the only SMGs to use scopes.
The May 24th trailer shows a brief scene of the TDI Vector being used with it's experimental 26 round magazine and possible Eotech Holographic sight. Used by Russians, and occasionally the task force, in singleplayer. Brazilians rarely ever use this. Usually has a reflex sight, and in some levels has a suppressor.
An FN F2000 Tactical (denoted by lack of optical sight) is seen in the hands of a Brazilian Militia. In singlelayer, this is used by the Russians, most notably in the oil rig, where they use thermal sights.
The IMI Tavor TAR-21 weapon pick-up icon is seen in the new capture the flag video, seen loaded with Full Metal Jacket rounds, and is also seen in the create a class video. It is used by Russian soldiers, and almost always has some kind of optical sight or scope, including the standard MARS sight. (As a result, after the EMP 3/4 of them become junk, though ACOG scopes are still usable)
A note of interest: While you can only fire this weapon in full-auto, the selector switch is modeled on semi-auto.
Seen in the "Infamy" trailer. Correctly depicted as the standard weapon of the National Guard. Like the M4A1, many of these have M203 grenade launchers.
The modern AK-47 variant with what looks to be a variant of the Tapco Intrafuse and T6 furniture sets (polymer magazines, pistol grip and M4 style telescoping stock). Standard rifle of pretty much every foreign military you fight.
Used by Roach in the gameplay demonstration at the E3's Microsoft conference. It is equipped with Remington 6.8x43mm SPC ammunition, a silencer, reflex sight, heartbeat monitor, and a 30 round magazine in the "Cliffhanger" mission. In the Rio mission Roach's Bushmaster is seen with a 40mm M203 Grenade Launcher. Referred as the ACR. One of the standard rifles of the British army.
FN FAL rifle appears in game trailers with an extended 30 round magazine and custom Rail Interface System (similar to R.I.S. on DSArms SA58 OSW). Used almost as often as the AK47. Usually equipped with either an M870 Masterkey or an ACOG scope.
Seen in game trailers and magazines. One of the primary rifles of Task Force 141, and occasionally used by Americans. Note that it's an old 2nd generation model (now available only as airsoft replicas) used ingame, with specific angular stock.
File:2fff2537c0.jpgFN SCAR-H CQC (third generation) - 7.62x51mmFile:PrestigeMW2.pngRobert Bowling showing the artbook of the prestige edition. Also note that the digital pattern returns to the second sequel of Modern Warfare. Also noted at top of page is a tan/snow FN SCAR-H, which means there may be newer camouflage patterns to customize weapons from.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN SCAR-H, fitted with an ACOG sight. Note the forward folding front sight .File:MW2-Scar-1.jpgThe FN SCAR-H in action during the video of Flag Runner mode.
Heckler & Koch G3A4
Appears in trailers and early screenshots, but appears to have been dropped.
This firearm is an M14 featuring a SAGE EBR stock, Harris Bi-pod, and vertical front grip, however, it is fitted with a Magpul CTR stock instead of the standard telescoping SAGE stock. This seems to be the weapon of choice for Captain MacTavish, and is very rarely found in singleplayer without a scope attached. It is the last sniper rifle to be unlocked in multiplayer.
A Steyr AUG H-Bar is under the light machine gun class in multiplayer, where it uses a bipod, but is used in an A2-like assault rifle configuration for single player. Used mainly by Russians.
Seen in the "Afganistan" MP gameplay footages. Only appears once in the entire game, during the defense of the safehouse. Confirmed as an A1 by the round charging handle.
Seen in game trailers.Used by US and British soldiers. Often seen with a heartbeat sensor (resemblence to the motion sensors from Aliens is entirely coincidental... yeah right).
The RPD light machine gun known as the "RPD" is used in multiplayer of this game and seen in the trailer by an Russian Ultra Nationalist. Used by Brazilians and some Russians.
An unknown brand of double barrel shotgun is shown as the "Ranger" ingame. It can be dual-wielded to make up for its 2-round capacity. Used by some Brazilians.
Used by a terrorist assaulting a Russian airport, it seems to have a reflex sight. Also used by many Russian soldiers, who also like to use it with a reflex sight.
Used in pump-action mode by both the Russians and some Americans, usually with no attachments. An interesting point is that in singleplayer,you can see the empty shells ejecting when the gun is cycled, but you can't see the shells in multiplayer.
Seen in the Special Ops mode gameplay footage. It has an olive drab colored frame in single player. Referred to as the M1014 ingame. Used by Americans and several Brazilians.
Seen in the multiplayer trailer in use by the player, fitted with the 8-round box magazine. Used by the Russians. Also appears outside the obstacle course in the first level once the player has run through it once.
The M136 AT4 unguided rocket launcher has been seen in a official multi-player video and some other confirmed videos as well. In one multi-player video it appears they named the launcher a "AT4-HS". "HS" most likely is abbreviated for "Heat-Seeking" and is also how it was able to guide it's way to a moving aircraft but can still be counter measured by flares.
A Javelin Launcher seems to be another available launcher for use in Multiplayer. While the multiplayer version has limited ammo, the singleplayer version has infinite ammo. Unlike the real thing (and the MW1 version) the Javelin is able to lock on to helicopters.
I believe the Javelin has a direct fire mode that can be used to engage low flying helicopters (same fire mode was used in War of the Worlds and Cloverfield). However, in the game, the player still use top attack mode on the Mi-28s, which is incorrect I believe.--Wildcards 19:16, 16 November 2009 (UTC)
The 'Masterkey' shotgun is frequently seen mounted to rifles as an underslung shotgun like the M203. It is mostly attached to the FN FAL or SCAR-H assault rifles, but is sometimes seen on other weapons. Carries 7 shells (most likely impossible to hold in such a small weapon) in the tubular magazine, and is unlocked for assault rifles after 20 M203 kills in multiplayer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM69 training grenade - an inert version of the M67 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade. The real live version has a more brownish color and has painted factory markings on the body.File:MW2TR2.jpgBrazilian militia with a M67 fragmentation grenade on his chest.
GE M134 Minigun
GE M134 Minigun's are mounted on Humvees and is used by the player. In the "Wolverines!" level and in multiplayer, it is the platform for the M5 sentry gun auto-turret. Several dismantled ones can be found in the Afghanistan safehouse, and some are mounted (like M249 SAW's were in the original game) in some multiplayer maps.
A lone Mark 19 Mod 3 automatic grenade launcher is seen on the ground next to a Humvee under repair in the "S.S.D.D." level, but is not usable in-game.
Seen mounted on a Brazilian Technical truck during the levels where Brazilian Militia are encountered. Can be used in one instance of killing the former users but is near suicidal to do so. Like many mounted weapons, it will overheat on continuous fire.