Reroute is a 2022 Filipino psychological horror-thriller film. Presented in black and white, the film follows struggling couple Dan (Sid Lucero) and Trina (Cindy Miranda) as they take a vacation to Dan's hometown, only for his car to break down. They decide to take shelter in the home of Gemo (John Arcilla) and his wife Lala (Nathalie Hart) while attempting to fix the car. As they continue to stay in Gemo's home, strange events start to happen as the couple realizes that Gemo is not as innocent as he seems. The film was released on distributor Viva Films' Vivamax streaming service in January 21, 2022, with a colored director's cut releasing in November 30 of the same year.
NOTE:All images seen were taken from the original release of the movie unless otherwise stated.
The following weapons were used in the film Reroute:
Dan (Sid Lucero) uses a Glock 17 for self-defense. The pistol is kept in his car's glove box.
Holstered revolver
A holstered revolver is seen on a table in Gemo (John Arcilla)'s house.
Mossberg 500
Gemo (John Arcilla) uses a Mossberg 500 with ghost ring sights in the film's climax.
Karabiner 98k
Gemo (John Arcilla) is seen to be using some kind of Karabiner 98k for hunting. A soldier in the military blockade is also seen holding the rifle, perhaps as a prop.
Airsoft carbine assault rifle
A soldier in the military blockade appears to be holding an airsoft assault rifle, portrayed as a real firearm.