Overdose 2 (El pico 2) is a 1984 Spanish drama movie directed by Eloy de la Iglesia, a sequel to El pico (1983). The main character of the first film, young heroin addict Paco relocate from Bilbao to Madrid together with his father, a high rank officer of Guardia Civil. Paco is trying to get drug treatment, but after his involvement in a murder in Bilbao comes to light, he is arrested. In prison, Paco returns to drug use. His father, using illegal methods, seeks the release of his son, but upon the release from prison Paco joins a gang engaged in robberies.
The following weapons were used in the film Overdose 2 (El pico 2):
In the scene of the robbery of a jewelry store, committed by Paco and his friends, a store manager (Paco Racionero) fires a Llama Comanche revolver after the getaway car. This is a version with 4" barrel and duty sights. Judging by the gap between the front side of the cylinder and the frame, it is chambered in .38 Special rather than in .357 Magnum, so the revolver may be Llama Martial but the shape of the front sight is more common for Comanche.
Snub nose revolver
When the gang leader "El Lehendakari" (Basque for "The President", commonly in meaning of a leader of some group or organisation) (Jaume Valls) demostrates his guns to Paco and Betty, a snub nose revolver is seen. It is a 6-shot Smith & Wesson style gun. Among the Spanish produced revolvers, Ruby Extra or Llama Scorpio have a similar appearance.
Unknown revolver
During the robbery of the bank van, a revolver is seen in the security guard's holster. This is a large frame gun, supposedly with a 4" barrel. A number of Llama and Astra revolvers have a similar appearance.
Llama I
When El Lehendakari (Jaume Valls) acts under the disguise of a Guardia Civil motorcycle patrolman during the robbery of the bank van, he carries a compact pistol, supposedly a Llama I.
Star Model S
In the final scene Comandante Evaristo Torrecuadrada (Fernando Guillén) is armed with a Star Model S pistol. A similar pistol is used by Lt. Alcántara (Pedro Nieva Parola).
Star Model A Super
Paco (José Luis Manzano) holds a Star Model A Super in a flashback scene (a footage from the previous movie). A Star Model A Super is also used by Paco during the robbery of the jewelry store and during the final confrontation with his father.
A pistol is partially seen in holster of a Guardia Civil patrolman.
Submachine Guns
Star Z-62/Z-70
The prison guards and the Guardia Civil personnel are armed with Star Z-62 or Star Z-70 submachine guns (or maybe a mix of both models).
Sten Mk II
A flashback scene (a footage from the first film) shows the assassination attempt on Comandante Torrecuadrada, when one of the Basque terrorists is armed with a Sten Mk II.
Assault Rifles
The final of the film shows Paco serving in Spanish Army. He holds a CETME Model C assault rifle.