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Titanfall 2
Titanfall 2 is a science-fiction first-person shooter video game and a sequel to Titanfall. It was developed by Respawn Entertainment and was published by Electronic Arts on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows on October 28, 2016. It was released on Steam on June 18, 2020. Unlike Titanfall, Titanfall 2 features a single-player campaign, where you play as Rifleman Jack Cooper, assigned as Acting Pilot to Vanguard-class Titan BT-7274.
Warning: Plot spoilers ahead. Proceed with caution.
The following weapons appear in the video game Titanfall 2:
Titanfall 2 features more advanced weaponry compared to the original Titanfall, with many weapons returning in an upgraded form (e.g. the G2A4 has been upgraded to the G2A5). These weapons are slightly different cosmetically, but retain the same role in the game. Titanfall 2 also features more weapon customisation in the form of attachments and modifications. Attachments are scopes, while modifications include various abilities such as the ability to shoot while sprinting and quicker reloads. The extra ammo modification does not visually alter the magazine model, meaning all magazines somehow stay the same size with extra rounds in them.
Artwork from the book The Art of Titanfall shows all bullets and grenades (from grenade launchers) used in the Titanfall universe are electronically primed, with electronic firing pins in the weapons instead of physical firing pins and primer inside the casing. Weapons in the game have blue trails to reflect this, and the sound design of most weapons includes an electronic noise when priming the bullet (easily heard on weapons such as the Alternator). The Amped Weapon boost seems to unlock the full potential of the electronic firing mechanism to deal more damage, creating slightly orange trails as the increased energy is almost too much for the heat sink directly behind the electronic firing pin to handle.
"B3 Wingman"
"B3 Wingman Elite"
"Hammond P2016"
The "Hammond P2016" is the upgraded version of the "P2011" from the first game, with a similar appearance that is loosely based on the Springfield XD series of pistols as seen in its grip design, while the segmented slide and trigger guard resembles an Airsoft WE Tech Hi-CAPA 1911-based pistol. Said segmented slide also has some cutouts on the forward-most section, which can't be a muzzle break because they aren't over the muzzle and it can't be a ported barrel because the cutouts aren't in the barrel, making them fairly useless. The pistol has an unusable LAM device mounted underneath the barrel, and has a 12 round magazine which increases to 16 with the extra ammo modification. The magazine itself features an extended baseplate, meaning the default magazine is probably a 10 rounder with a +2 extension. Other attachments include the unique pistol suppressor. Based on the markings on the Titanfall version of the pistol and assuming the updated P-series pistol keeps the same calibre, the weapon is chambered for .45 ACP rounds.
The name "P2016" comes from the year the game was released, 2016.

"RE-45 Auto"
The "RE-45" machine pistol is visually similar to the Heckler & Koch P2000 in the slide and grip, which is missing a hammer. The pistol has a Airsoft WE Tech Hi-CAPA 1911-style muzzle brake, based on the shape of the segmented slide section. A competition G18-style flared magwell is present, loaded with either 20 or 25 round magazines. Attachments include the unique pistol suppressor and a red dot sight, which replaces the standard "irondot" sight (a floating red dot in-built sight). Judging by the name, it fires .45 caliber rounds, most likely .45 ACP.
"Smart Pisol MK6"
The "Smart Pistol MK6" is a high-tech pistol which has the ability to lock on to multiple targets and fire homing bullets at them. It shares the Springfield XD-esque frame of the "P2016", but has its own unique slide assembly, suppressor and underbarrel LAM device, which presumably allows for the bullets to lock on to enemies.
Unlike the previous game, the "MK6" is not a primary or secondary weapon in multiplayer, instead the player can obtain it via a "Boost", a one-use powerup activated at 60% Titan meter. As it is a "Boost" and not a proper weapon, there are no modifications for it. In the final level of the campaign, Cooper gains a unique Smart Pistol, with a green and orange paintjob (the same colour scheme that BT has) from BT's SERE kit (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape). He wields it with a Harris stance in this mission, due to him holding BT's AI core in the left hand.
Submachine Guns
The Alternator, also called the SP-14 Hatchet in concept art, is a new entry into the Titanfall universe. It is a confusing weapon, with two recoiling barrels and two ejection ports for the 10mm rounds it fires. These bullets are fed via 20 round magazines (25 with extended) which appears to be single-stack due to the length of the magazine and the size of the cartridges. The weapon has minimal room for the bolt, which instead appears to fully encircle the cartridge and eject spent shells upwards after firing, acting on a blow-forward principle to open the breech and eject spent cartridges. Due to there being no room for a traditional priming system, the rounds are electronically primed, which is reinforced by the weapon's sounds design. Finally, the weapon has two bolt handles, one on either side, located roughly in the middle of the frame. The Alternator fires the left barrel first, then the right, with each charging handle reciprocating at the same time. Other notable aspects of the weapon includes the purely horizontal recoil and the floating dot reflex sight.
Concept art of the weapon depicts it with the stock extended (it stays permanently folded during gameplay, folding flush against the rear of the weapon). It lacks many things that make it a normal SMG, like a usable stock or a ergonomic frame, however the compact size lends itself to one-handed use, paired with a melee weapon. The Hatchet name comes from its devastating performance in CQB, but the heavy recoil and low ergonomics prevent use outside of roughly 25 metres, meaning it is likely intended to be used as a last ditch personal defence weapon in dire situations, such as the death of the Pilot's Titan.
Recoiling barrels are real, as seen with the Barrett M82 and other .50 caliber rifles, and the Alternator was likely designed with recoiling barrels in order to reduce recoil, given the weapon's diminutive size. Double-barrelled weapons also exist, the most common type being double-barrel shotguns, but double-barrelled weapons that feed from a single magazine do not exist (the closest thing would be the AF2011-A1, which cheats by gluing two magazines together and calling it one magazine).
"C.A.R. SMG"
The "C.A.R. SMG" (which stands for "Combat Advanced Rounds") returns from Titanfall and is unlocked at level 1. The weapon has been updated from the previous game, with a new stock conjoined to the pistol grip. The angled magazine is similar to the "R-201" and its derivatives, and also bears a resemblance to the KRISS Vector. The ambidextrous charging handle is the same design as the R-201, drawing more parallels between the two weapons. In-universe, the CAR is manufactured by "Wonyeon Defence," not "Lastimosa Armory" like the R-201.
The CAR's magazine holds 30 rounds, increasing to 36 with the "Extra Ammo" modification. Unlike the successor in Apex Legends, the weapon cannot take full advantage of its design and switch ammo types on the fly.
"EVA-8 Auto"
The "EVA-8" returns from Titanfall 1, with a slightly different name, suffixed with "Auto" instead of "Shotgun". The weapon is different visually but stays the same performance wise, firing in semi-auto and cocked with a pump handle, which, combined with the magazine tube underneath the barrel, implies the EVA is a modular shotgun. The large drum only holds 8 shells (compared to TF1's 6), which, as the marking on the weapon indicate it is a 12 gauge, is a very under-loaded drum. Underneath the 12 gauge markings are more markings indicating the "EVA" can use both standard 2.75mm or 3mm Magnum shells. Other weapon markings include a HK-style pictogram fire selector, with the options of single-shot or semi-auto (represented, curiously, by two bullets as opposed to one, which would logically imply a 2 round burst mode the weapon does not actually have), and the serial number of "1979527". All of these markings appear on the TF1 version of the weapon in the same places.
Other differences from TF1 includes the folding stock, inspired by the Defiance M4 stock, which replaces the collapsible stock. Smaller changes includes the rails on top being more flush with the receiver and the lack of top-mounted rails, the square trigger guard instead of the uncomfortable angled one from TF1, the shorter barrel and longer magazine tube and the angle of the drum magazine. Finally, the weapon has been updated with ammo-counting rear sights, like most of the weapons in Titanfall 2.
As for real-world inspiration, the EVA-8 again appears to be mostly inspired by the Chinese QBS-09 shotgun, with more inspiration from tactical-rail equipped Saiga-12 or Fostech Origin-12 shotguns, which also lent the weapon its detachable magazine functionality. The magwell appears to be inspired by prototype AK-12 based shotguns, albeit shorter. Curiously, the drum magazine looks too short to reach all the way to the chamber when inside the shotgun.
The weapon is still pumped when drawing it and when reloading from empty, despite the presence of a left-side charging handle. This might indicate some sort of in-universe mechanism to use the weapon as a pump-action for low-pressure rounds, much like the SPAS-12 in real-life, however in-game it is always semi-auto.
The acronym "EVA" stands for "Extra Vehicular Activity", as the weapon is designed for use in both "conventional and exo-atmospheric conditions" (i.e. on a planet or in the vacuum of space).
"M1901 Mastiff"
"SA-3 Mozambique"
The "SA-3 Mozambique" is a new weapon to the series. It is a triple-barrelled energy shotgun pistol, firing three separate energy projectiles from its three offset barrels. The weapon fires three projectiles at once, a much lower projectile count than a traditional shotgun. However, the weapon is clearly designed specifically in-line with a real-world shooting technique - the Mozambique Drill, also known informally as the "two to the body, one to the head." The middle barrel is higher than the two on the side, seemingly so that it is more likely to hit the head, while the side barrels hit the chest.
As the weapon fires energy projectiles, the projectiles have a very long range and travel without drop for a significant distance, making it fairly accurate for a video-game shotgun at range. However, they travel slower than traditional ammunition, which somewhat hinders its effectiveness at range. The projectiles are similar in appearance to the projectiles of the "Mastiff" shotgun.
The weapon feeds from an en-bloc clip that stores 6 shots, with three batteries that line up with the three barrels. The reload is achieved by the front section of the weapon detaching from the main body and extending forwards, in order to allow the en-bloc clip to eject upwards with a sideways flick from the wrist. A new clip is inserted, followed by the front section of the weapon retracting and locking back into place. The tan sections of the weapon open up while firing, presumably to vent excess heat from the weapon. The "Extra Ammo" mod increases the number of shots to X. Interestingly, the weapon can also attach a suppressor, as it used to be classed as a pistol.
Prior to the Tricks and Treats update in October 2017, the Mozambique was a sidearm rather than a primary weapon, and only had a capacity of 4. The update also increased rate of fire and made the weapon fully automatic.
An unusable fire selector above the trigger is set to full-auto, with markings for semi-automatic fire and safe. The acronym "SA-3" is marked onto the receiver, although its meaning is unknown. The weapon is manufactured in-universe by Altamirano Armory.

Rifles & Carbines
"G2A5 Battle Rifle"
The "G2A5" is the next iteration of the "G2A4" from the first Titanfall. It remains based on the M14 in a JAE-100 G3 or ProMag Archangel chassis, although there are some changes in design, including a general shift in style from the angular A4 to the smoother A5. The rail does not extend fully over the charging handle and ejection port, like in TF1, although the ambidextrous charging handle remains. A tiny unusable bipod is folded up underneath the barrel, which looks too short to reach the ground when deployed, unless it extends when folded out. The muzzle brake is smaller, with less noticeable holes.
The weapon fires a powerful "6.19x97mm" round from a 14 round magazine (X with the "Extra Ammo" modification).
In-universe, it is manufactured by Lastimosa Armoury, the markings appearing below the rear sight, where the "Springfield Armoury" markings would appear on a real M14 rifle. More markings on the receiver and magazine include "G2 series" and "G2A4." It is unlocked at level 35.
"Hemlok BF-R"
The "Hemlok BF-R" returns from the first Titanfall with a completely redesigned appearance. The AR-15 forward assist and the G3-esque magazines are gone from the first version of the rifle, meaning the rifle no longer bears any details from real-world weapons. The Irondot sight is still a stylised Magpul MBUS. The weapon fires 3 round bursts from a X magazine, which increases to X with the "Extra Ammo" modification. Enemy IMC grunts use the "Hemlok" in the campaign.
Notes from Respawn artist Robb Shoberg state that the original design of the "Hemlok" in Titanfall 2 eventually became the "Devotion" LMG, which is reinforced by the "Hemlok's" file name - "LMG_Hemlok." This, along with some visual similarities and the "HEMLOK.MKII" marking on the "Devotion," may suggest that the "Devotion" is part of the same weapon family as the "Hemlok" and the "Volt" SMG, which bears a close resemblance to the concept "Hemlok" rifle. However, this is weakened by the fact that the "Hemlok" is not an energy weapon, and ended up becoming visually different from both the original concept art and the two energy weapons which were based off that concept art.
Later concept art depicted a design very similar to the final design seen in the game, and the weapon is referred to as the "M1A3 Hemlok BF-R" in this artwork. It also describes the weapons onboard CPU, which controls the burst fire mode. While not possible in-game, it is apparently pssible to reconfigure the rifle to fire bursts of however many rounds the user wishes, including a single X burst to empty the magazine with one trigger pull. This was seen in the first Titanfall with the "Starburst" modification, which does not return for TF2.
In-universe, it is manufactured by "Woneyon Defense," a departure from the manufacturer of "TW Ordnance" from the first game, which helps explain the complete redesign. The "BF-R" acronym could stand for "Burst Fire Rifle." It is unlocked at level 13.
"R-101C Carbine"
The "R-101C Carbine" returns from Titanfall in the "Colony Reborn" update. It features a few small visual changes, most notable in the design of the stock and the new Magpul foregrip. The weapon is still inspired by the FN SCAR-L and Bushmaster ACR in the receiver, and features a reciprocating charging handle similar to the SCAR. Additionally, the now-iconic slanted magwell is similar to the KRISS Vector. In gameplay, the "R-101" is equipped with an "Advanced Optical Gunsight (AOG)" by default, while the TF1 version had Irondot sights. The weapon still features a 24 round magazine, which increases to 30 with the "Extra Ammo" mod. It is reported to fire 8.19mm rounds with tungsten penetrators in a copper jacket and a polymer cartridge.
The equip animation depicts the rifle's sliding collapsible forend and barrel. It is manufactured by Lastimosa Armory in-universe, and replaced the "G2A4" in IMC service, before being replaced itself with the updated "R-201."
"R-201 Carbine"
The "R-201 Carbine," or simply "R-201," is one of the most common weapons in the game, found in both IMC and Militia hands. The design bears some resemblance to the FN SCAR-L most notably the position of the reciprocating charging handle and the stock, the ejection port cover remains similar to the one found on the M249 SAW and it sports an angled magwell similar to the KRISS Vector. The weapon is sleeker than the previous R-101 design, and sports a grey finish instead. The R-201 has a new Irondot sight that has a triangular shape. Like the old R-101, it has a collapsible sliding forend and barrel, which is deployed when initially equipping the rifle. The Magpul foregrip has been replaced by a handstop.
The weapon holds 24 rounds of "8.19mm" ammunition, increasing to 30 with the "Extra Ammo" modification. In the campaign, it holds 32 instead.
The R-201 bears close resemblance to both the "R-97 CN" SMG and the "D-101 Longbow" sniper rifle, as in the first Titanfall, the R-series of rifles was originally meant to be a hyper-modular design, able to switch parts quickly. That idea was dropped, but the effect can still be seen in the design of the two aforementioned weapons, as they are all very similar to one another.
Concept art and markings on the rifle refers to the weapon as the "R-201 Special Operations Assault Rifle (SOAR)," a similar acronym to the FN SCAR it takes some design cues from. In-universe, it is manufactured by Lastimosa Armouries.
"V-47 Flatline"
The "V-47 Flatline" is based on the AK-47/AKM, with some influence from the prototype Soviet TKB-408, including the bullpup layout. It also bears some resemblance to the AKM from the movie Elysium, with the device above the barrel looking rather similar to the sighting device seen on the Elysium AKM. The regular AKM handguard is visible (albeit rather morphed) and the barrel is coming out from where the gas tube usually is, which is now above the handguard. The magazine appears to be a Tapco Kalashnikov 7.62x39mm magazine, which holds X or Y rounds.
In the singleplayer, the weapon is used by both IMC and Militia soldiers, with one given to the player at the end of the first mission, which is retained for the beginning of the second mission. It has very strong horizontal recoil (hence the name) and a collapsible frame, presumably intended as a futuristic way to make the rifle more compact for vehicle storage. Due to the weapon's power, enemies flinch much more than other assault rifles when shot at, on a similar level to machine guns or sniper rifles. In universe, it is manufactured by Woneyon Defence.
Sniper Rifles
"D-101 Longbow-DMR"
"D-2 Double Take"
The "Kraber-AP" appears as a powerful, bolt-action armour-piercing/anti-material rifle, equipped by default with a 6x scope. The magazine and bolt design is based on the Mechem NTW-20, with a stock based on competition rifles and a thumbhole grip similar to Accuracy International rifles. It is stated to fire 14.5x114mm rounds, which the NTW-20 can be chambered for and it uses 4 or 6 round magazines, if one selects the extra ammo modification.
It is the most powerful non-explosive infantry weapon in the game, able to take down human targets in one shot and it has the rare Ricochet modification available, which causes bullets to bounce off surfaces. However, despite its name and huge caliber, it fails to pierce Titan armour without hitting the weak spots, which are usually the cockpit glass. The name Kraber comes from Respawn Entertainment's audio lead for Titanfall, Erik Kraber.
Machine Guns
"Spitfire MK2"
The "L-STAR" is another new entry into the series. It is an energy light machine gun, firing balls of red plasma in full-auto. These projectiles fire very fast, but travel slowly compared to regular bullets, requiring shots to be led at even mid-range. Enemies hit by the plasma balls will have red energy swirling around them for a few minutes, and they explode when killed, as if hit by an explosive.
The design features a "cyclic particle accelerator" that generates the plasma ammunition via a "small oscillating field generator". This can be seen spinning while the weapon is idle, encased in see-through plastic inside the receiver. When firing, it spins faster, and some sort of vent hatch opens in front of the particle accelerator to disperse excess heat from the accelerator. Once 35 shots have been fired, the weapon has overheated and the top receiver splits off from the bottom, exposing the accelerator. A, possibly melted, component in the accelerator mechanism must be replaced, along with a battery pack of some sort in the rear, in order to continue firing. The usual ammo counter now displays how close the weapon is to overheating, instead of showing the exact number of shots left in the magazine, displaying an orange caution sign when nearing overheating, and beeping rapidly while displaying a red "DNGR" warning message when it gets too close. If the player stops firing before all 35 rounds have been fired, the weapon takes a few seconds to cool down, ready to fire another 35 shots after it has done so.
"L-STAR" stands for Lastimosa Armoury Assault Rifle, taking the first three letters of the acronym from LaStimosa and the last two from Assault Rifle. "Lastimosa Armoury" is the fictional company that manufacturers the "L-STAR" in-universe. When the L-STAR is amped with a burn card, the word "AMPED" is displayed on the ammo counter.
In development, the weapon was called the "ASW," which stood for Advanced Scattering Weapon, and it was to be a submachine gun. The description of the concept weapon explains how the cyclic particle accelerator works, as well as showing the battery pack in the stock. It also depicted the weapon as having a collapsed state for storage, like the "R-201" or "V-47 Flatline," but this is never depicted in-game.
"X-55 Devotion"
The "X-55 Devotion" is a new energy light machine gun that increases its rate of fire over time. The weapon has few design inspirations from real weapons, but the stock appears similar to the fixed stock of the Bushmaster ACR, and the holes in the forend bear resemblance to the KAC Stoner LMG. An unusable bipod is present, along with a carry handle. The name is most likely derived from the idea of the shooter needing to be "devoted" to holding down the trigger to use the weapon most effectively.
The Devotion fires blue energy projectiles from a 55 round battery, increasing to X with the "Extra Ammo" mod. The battery design is the same as the "Spitfire's" drum magazine.
Notes from Respawn artist Robb Shoberg state that the original design of the "Hemlok" in Titanfall 2 eventually became the "Devotion" LMG. This, along with some visual similarities and the "HEMLOK.MKII" marking on the "Devotion," may suggest that the "Devotion" is part of the same weapon family as the "Hemlok" and the "Volt" SMG, which bears a close resemblance to the concept "Hemlok" rifle. As the manufacturers of the "Devotion" and the "Volt" are unknown, it could be made by "Wonyeon Defence," the same company that made the "Hemlok" in-universe. However, this is weakened by the fact that the "Hemlok" is not an energy weapon, and ended up becoming visually different from both the original concept art and the two energy weapons which were based off that concept art.
"Archer Heavy Rocket"
The Archer is a man-portable fire-and-forget anti-Titan missile launcher, bearing a slight resemblance to the FGM-172 SRAW, whilst the rear end piece resembles the FGM-148 Javelin. The weapon has a similar reloading system to the Mk 153 SMAW, where the missile is housed in the rear of the weapon and is reloaded by detaching the housing and replacing it with a pre-packaged missile and housing (concept art depicts this clearly). Also like the SMAW, it has grips underneath the launcher, but instead of a bipod it has a curved buttstock. The colour scheme is similar to the SRAW, with a green body and a yellow band. However, unlike all of the previous launchers mentioned, the Archer is much shorter and wider, and features a thin flip-out CLU (Command Launch Unit), which displays what the missile is locking on to. Additionally, concept art showcases the weapon fitted with a scope, which is not possible with the Archer in-game.
In multiplayer, the Archer is lock-on only, while Jack Cooper in the campaign can dumb-fire it, compensating for the fact that he never fights anything more dangerous than a Reaper without BT. It is also used in a kind of mortar or top-attack role by Mortar Spectres in Frontier Defence, similar to the Javelin's top-attack mode.
Despite being an anti-Titan weapon, it can still lock on to, and destroy, Crow and Goblin dropships, heavy turrets and Reapers.
"Charge Rifle"
"EM-4 Cold War"
"LG-97 Thunderbolt"
"MGL Magnetic Grenade Launcher"
"R-6P Softball"
"Sidewinder AT-SMR"
Grenades and Explosives
"Arc Grenade"
"Electric Smoke Grenade"
"Frag Grenade"
"Gravity Star"
"Satchel Charge"
Titan Weapons
"40mm Tracker Cannon"
"Plasma Rifle"
"Predator Cannon"
"Quad Rocket"
"Splitter Rifle"
"T-203 Thermite Launcher"
"XO16A2 Chaingun"
Apex Legends
Apex Legends is a free-to-play science-fiction first-person shooter battle royale video game developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. The game was announced on February 3, 2019, and unveiled and released for free on the following day.
The game is a part of the Titanfall universe, taking place 18 years after the events of Titanfall 2.
The following weapons appear in the video game Apex Legends:
Apex Legends features more attachment and modification options than the previous two Titanfall games, with players able to use stocks, magazines, scopes, barrel stabilisers, shotgun bolts and "hop-up" attachments. These alter the performance of the weapon significantly, giving weapons more customisation than ever before, however they do not visually alter the weapons they are attached to, except for barrel stabilisers and optics.
- Barrel Stabiliser - this attachments reduces recoil climb and spread. It resembles an Osprey pistol suppressor. The gold rarity used to hide muzzle flash, but it was removed from the game in Season 8. However, fully-kitted weapons still featured it until Season 11, when it was fully removed.
- Stock - the stock reduces ADS time, weapon switch speed and reload speed. Two types exist - a standard stock, and a sniper stock for marksmen and sniper rifles. Neither of the models used to depict the attachment are based on any of the weapons in the game.
- Shotgun Bolt - these increase rate of fire for shotguns.
- Extended Magazines - these increase the magazine size. The gold rarity automatically reloads weapons if stowed for more than 5 seconds.
- 1x Holo "Classic" - based on the "HCOG (Holographic Combat Optical Gunsight)" from Titanfall 1, with less magnification.
- 1x Holo - based on the Holosight from both previous games, with less magnification.
- 1x Digital Threat - based on the "Threat Scope" from Titanfall 2, which drew influence from the EOTech design. It features an augmented reality overlay that highlights enemies with a red outline, even through smoke.
- 2x HCOG "Bruiser" - based on the "HCOG" from Titanfall 2.
- 1x-2x Variable Holo - a new scope, capable of switching from 1x to 2x. The reticle is similar to an EOTech reticle, with the 2x reticle gaining distance markings below the main circle.
- 3x HCOG "Ranger" - based on the "HCOG Ranger" from Titanfall 2.
- 2x-4x Variable AOG (Advanced Optical Gunsight) - a new scope, taking its name from the AOG scope from the to previous games.
- 6x Sniper - a new design for Apex Legends
- 4x-8x Variable Sniper - another new design.
- 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat - a new design, taking the AR overlay from the 1x Digital Threat and applying it to a variable zoom sniper scope. Only found in care packages.
Additionally the "Kraber" has its own proprietary 6x-10x scope, which cannot be replaced.
Hop-Ups are attachments that alter the way a weapon functions, usually in drastic ways. They are depicted as small electronic components. How these small components alter the weapons behaviour so drastically is not explained, and in some cases they achieve implausible feats, such as adding ammo to magazines that have a set size.
- Anvil Receiver - switch to semi-auto on the "R-301" and "VK-47 Flatline" for a higher damage shot, which uses two rounds instead of 1. It also decreases rate of fire. How this attachments works is unexplained, but the presence of only one tracer eliminates the possibility of it being a hyperburst mode, like the AN-94. It could be Duplex ammo, like the Colt ACR, which would explain why two rounds are fired, but only one tracer is present in the air.
- Boosted Loader - allows faster reloads when the magazine is nearly empty, and adds a small amount to the weapon's magazine. Available for the "Wingman" and the "Hemlok."
- Deadeye's Tempo - speeds up follow-up shots if timed correctly, for the "Bocek" and "Sentinel."
- Disruptor Rounds - increased damage against shields for the "Alternator" and "RE-45 Auto." Only present in S2, but the hop-up was built into the care package version of the "Alternator."
- Double tap Trigger - adds a two-round burst mode to the "EVA-8" and the "G7 Scout." Removed in S8, but built into the care package version of the "G7 Scout."
- Dual Shell - reloads two rounds at once. Valid for the "Mastiff" and the "30-30 Repeater."
- Hammerpoint Rounds - deals more damage to unshielded enemies. Only present in S2 (for the "P2020" and "Mozambique") and S12 (for the "RE-45," as well as the two previous sidearms).
- Kinetic Feeder - added in S12, this hop-up draws ammo from the inventory and adds it to the weapons loaded magazine while sliding. It also speeds up the choke when sliding. Only available for the "Peacekeeper" and the "Triple-Take," both energy weapons, which helps explain the otherwise-unbelievable magazine top-up property of the hop-up.
- Precision Choke - removed in S6 as the functionality of the hop-up was made part of the two weapons it was available for - the "Peacekeeper" and the "Triple Take." The choke greatly reduced the weapon's spread at range, with three stages to charge up while ADS.
- Quickdraw Holster - Removed in S10, this reduced swap speed, ADS speed and hip-fire spread for the "Wingman" and the "RE-45 Auto."
- Selectfire Receiver - Removed in S7, this hop-up allowed the "Prowler PDW" to fire in full-auto, and allowed the "HAVOC" to fire a single hit-scan laser.
- Shatter Caps - splits the weapon's arrow or round into a shotgun pattern. Available for the "Bocek" and "30-30 Repeater."
- Skullpiercer Rifling - Increased the headshot multipler for the "Wingman" and the "Longbow." Removed in S9.
- Turbocharger - Eliminates weapon charge up time ("HAVOC") or increases rate of fire quicker, so the maximum is reacher faster ("Devotion").
Two special hop-ups are also available:
- Graffiti Mod - Available for the "Spitfire" during the "Always Be Closing Evolved" event in S5, this hop-up increased mag size, decreased reload time and added paint-loaded rounds to the weapon, with one of three colours picked at random - green, purple or yellow.
- Splatter Rounds - found on fully-kitted weapons from the "Rampart's Big Maude" POI on the World's Edge map. Decreases reload time and adds paint-loaded rounds, with random colours.
"B3 Wingman"
The "Wingman" returns from Titanfall 2 and it uses heavy ammo, indicating it most likely fires .357 or .44 Magnum, or some futuristic variant thereof. The weapon is the same model from TF2 (the "B3"), keeping the Chiappa Rhino influence, as well as retaining the hexagonal futuristic gas-sealed cylinder that is reloaded as if it were a detachable magazine. The weapon has extended magazines which increase by 1 round each level, increasing up to 9 rounds. The "Wingman" can also take a hop-up, called "Boosted Loader" - it increases the capacity by 2 on top of the extended magazine capacity (if one is equipped) and decreases reload time if the magazine is close to depleted. The weapon is manufactured by "Brockhaurd Manufacturing" in-universe.
One of the weapon's cosmetic models used for legendary skins such as the "Death Ray" skin is inspired by classic depictions of ray gun pistols. Another legendary model, used on the "Precision Caliber" and "Attention to Detail" skins, is the same model seen in Pathfinder's Story from the Outlands, where it is referred to as a ".50 caliber Rampart", the nickname for any weapon created by the character Rampart in-universe. The one in the animation is specifically the "Precision Caliber" version.
"Hammond P2020"
"RE-45 Auto"
Submachine Guns
"Alternator A-2"
"C.A.R. SMG"
The "CAR" (which stands for "Combat Advanced Rounds") returns from Titanfall 2 and was added in Season 11. The weapon is virtually the same as the TF2 version of the weapon, except for the new ability to switch ammo types on the fly, from heavy (the default ammo type the weapon spawns with) to light ammo. Weirdly, this has no effect on the weapon's performance, despite the name and different ammo type indicating it is chambered for a different cartridge type after switching. The weapon can use both heavy and light extended magazines, increasing the base capacity of 20 up to 27 in increments of 2, except for the final level which increases by 3 rounds.
Visual changes includes the new stock, a different folding foregrip and a colour scheme change from white to grey. The weapon is no longer manufactured by Woneyon Defence, instead it is made by Siwhan Industries.
"R-99 SMG"
"Prowler Burst PDW"
The "Prowler PDW" is a select-fire submachine gun visually inspired by the Magpul PDR-C and FN P90, with a charging handle that looks and functions very similarity to the G36's charging handle. The weapon features an ammo counter, like most weapons in the game. Unusually for a submachine gun, the Prowler defaults to 5 round bursts, but can switch to full-auto (previously this was only available with the Selectfire Receiver hop-up, but the ability is now built into the weapon).
Perhaps drawing some influence from the P90's 5.7x28mm AP rounds, it is the only SMG that uses heavy ammo, firing from a 20 round magazine. This increases in increments of 5 until it hits the max of 35 if extended magazines are equipped. From November 4th 2020, the Prowler was a care package-exclusive weapon, equipped with a 1x Digital Threat scope, but it was removed on August 3rd 2021 and included amongst the ground loot pool.
The weapon is named after the alien megafauna featured in the Titanfall universe, which were introduced into Apex Legends as an AI enemy in Season 11 on the "Storm Point" map. The designer of the weapon, Ryan Lastimosa, also states he was inspired by the arms from Seburo, a weapons manufacturer in the anime Ghost in the Shell. In universe, it is manufactured by Lastimosa Armouries.
"Volt SMG"
"EVA-8 Auto"
"M1904 Mastiff"
"SA-3 Mozambique"
The "SA-3 Mozambique" shotgun pistol returns from Titanfall 2. The weapon functions the same as it did in TF2, retaining its spread of 3 shots in a triangle and full-auto capabilities, and the weapon also appears virtually unchanged visually. The weapon is classed as a shotgun, despite firing energy projectiles.
When the weapon launched alongside the game, it only had a capacity of 3 shots, less than the pre-patch TF2 Mozambique. However, the Season 6 update increased the Apex Mozambique's capacity to 4, matching the old TF2 version. A second change came with Season 9, where the capacity was increased again to 6.
The weapon features a new reload animation for an empty reload, where the player will flick the en-bloc clip out via a sharp downward thrust of the hand, rather than a sideways motion.
Attachment options include sights up to 2x, including the 1x Digital Threat, shotgun bolts and one hop-up, Hammerpoint Rounds. Hammerpoints were present from S2 to S9, and were reintroduced in S12. Interestingly, when requesting optics for the Mozambique, your Legend's voicelines will request optics for a pistol rather than a shotgun.
An April Fool's version of the Mozambique exists, only spawning on April 1st. The weapon features higher damage, 9 shots and a higher rate of fire. The exact statistic varied from year to year.
Some markings from TF2 are present, namely the "SA-3" on the receiver. However, the fire selector is absent. The Mozanbique is still manufactured in-universe by Altamirano Armory.
Rifles & Carbines
"30-30 Repeater"
"G7 Scout Battle Rifle"
"HAVOC Rifle"
"Hemlok BF-R"
"R-301 Carbine"
"VK-47 Flatline"
Sniper Rifles
"D-101 Longbow-DMR"
"D-2 Triple Take"
"Kraber .50-Cal"
"Sentinel ESR"
Machine Guns
"M600 Spitfire"
The "L-STAR EMG" was added in Season 2, returning from Titanfall 2. It fires "energy ammo" and pulls directly from the inventory. With careful trigger control, one can fire an entire inventory worth of ammunition without the weapon ever overheating. The weapon can use all types of attachments, including up to 4x scopes, and features no hop-ups. As the weapon does not have a typical magazine, the "Extended Magazine" attachment instead increases the time before the weapon overheats, from 20 to 26 shots, in increments of 2. Rampart's "Modded Loader" passive increases the base mag size to 23, with the "Extended Magazine" attachment increasing this to 26, then 28 and 30 shots.
The weapon functions the same as the "L-STAR" in TF2 following a patch in Season 4, however before that point it had a set magazine size, rather than an unlimited pool of ammo. This magazine held 40 shots and overheated at around 21-22 shots. It required reloading as well as replacing the overheated parts inside the weapon when in use. In development the magazine held 60 rounds.
Before the Season 4 rework, it was a Supply Drop weapon, however it became a floor-loot weapon from Season 4 onwards.
Visually, the design has not altered much, save for a slimmer handguard, a redesigned grip and a small bipod at the front, to be used more effectively as a machine gun. The bipod has no effect on gameplay and the weapon still features high per-shot recoil.
The new "L-STAR EMG" acronym stands for LaSTimosa ARmoury Energy Machine Gun, despite the weapon now being manufactured by "Woneyon Interstellar" in-universe. The "L-STAR's" battery pack is used as the model for the "Extended Energy Magazine," despite it not being a magazine. This model was in the game before the "L-STAR," however the "L-STAR" appeared in the background of the lobby during the preseason. This indicates the developers had included the "L-STAR" among the weapon roster in development, but removed it and added it in later.
"Rampage LMG"
"X-55 Devotion MK.3"
Grenades and Explosives
"Arc Star"
"Frag Grenade"
"Thermite Grenade"
"Bocek Compound Bow"
"Charge Rifle"
Unturned is a zombie survival game developed and published by Smartly Dressed Studios on 7 June, 2017 for PC, and 12 Nov, 2020 for consoles.
The following weapons appear in the video game Unturned:
The weapons in Unturned are one of four grades: Civilian, Police, Ranger or Military. Civilian-grade weapons are usually weak but common, being found in houses or farms. Police-grade weapons are slightly better, found at police stations. Ranger-grade weapons are equivalent to Military-grade weapons. Most maps have very few locations where Ranger-grade weapons spawn in, but on Russia they are very common, due to the majority of them being Russian weapons found in military bases. Finally, military-grade weapons are found at military bases on most maps, except Russia, where they can be found in a few obscure locations.
Airdrops can spawn nearly every gun, including ones that usually would not appear on the map, which means players can use the Colt Canada C8 Carbine in maps other than Prince Edwards Islands if they get it in an airdrop (as the "Maplestrike" only spawns in PEI, a map set in Canada).
Attachments include various optics, laser pointers, flashlights, rangefinders, suppressors, extended barrels, extended magazines, alternate ammo types and various grips.
Guns can be repaired with bits of scrap metal and a blowtorch, as firing them causes their quality to decrease, leading to a decrease in weapon performance.
Due to the low detail of the models in Unturned, it is difficult to pinpoint which version of a weapon the in game gun is based on. For example, the Beretta 96 has many variants, the most common being the FS model, but the "Avenger" is simply listed under Beretta 96, as you cannot tell which version of the 96 it is based on.
Note: Only official weapons created by the developer of the game and/or featured in the official maps (PEI, Washington, Yukon, Germany, Russia) are on this page. Any weapons that came with a limited-time featured Steam workshop map will not be included on this page (example: France, Ireland, Hawaii, Greece).
Beretta 96
The Beretta 96 appears as the "Avenger". It has green illuminated sights and fires Low Caliber Military ammunition. The weapon is meant to be the Beretta M9, evidenced by it only being found at military bases, but it only holds 13 rounds. The Beretta 92 series does not have a 13 round magazine, only the .40 S&W Beretta 96 does.
It inaccurately spawns at military bases on the Germany and Prince Edward Islands maps. Neither country's military uses the Beretta 96 or M9 - Germany's service pistol is the Heckler & Koch P8 and Canada's is the Browning Hi-Power. However, it correctly spawns at military locations in the Washington map.
Colt M1911
The Colt M1911 appears, called the "1911", firing Low Caliber Civilian ammo. It was previously called the "Colt" and the "Oakbear".
Colt Python
The Colt Python appears as the "Ace", firing Low Caliber Civilian ammo. It has red illuminated iron sights. The Ace can accept the Makeshift Muffler attachment, which is inaccurate, as the Python cannot be suppressed in real life.
A special version of the Ace can be obtained after completing a quest on the Russia map, from the Doc Ernie NPC. It has an 8x scope, which normally cannot be attached to the revolver in game.
IMI/Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark XIX
A Desert Eagle Mark XIX appears as the "Desert Falcon". However, it was called the Desert Eagle when it was first added to the game. Is uses High Caliber Military ammo in game, despite not being a service pistol of any military. It also has the same green illuminated iron sights of the Beretta 96.
A special gold-plated version of the Desert Eagle can be obtained after completing a quest on the Hawaii map, from the Major Ekho NPC. It has a vertical grip, a flashlight and a "Military Muzzle" attachment, which appears to be some sort of extended barrel. Another special "Desert Falcon" is available to players of the Gold edition of the game, with golden iron sights and gold plating.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 with an olive drab frame appears as the "Cobra", standing in for the Glock 18. It is fully automatic in game, despite lacking the fire selector of a real Glock 18. It is considered a police weapon and it uses Low Caliber Civilian ammo. The "Cobra" has the ability to use 20 or 40 round box magazines, the latter of which is fictional.
The name is a reference to the Austrian EKO Cobra counter-terrorist unit, who requested a full-auto version of the Glock 17 to be produced, resulting in the Glock 18.
Luger P08
The Luger P08 appears, simply called "Luger". The magazine incorrectly holds 9 rounds instead of the real Luger's 8. It spawns in civilian locations on the Germany map and uses Low Caliber Civilian ammo.
Makarov PM
The Makarov PM appears as the "Kryzkarek", with a longer barrel compared to the real pistol. It has a 12 round magazine from the PMM, which, unlike every other Ranger weapon, uses Low Caliber Civilian ammunition, to reflect the rather weak characteristics of the 9x18mm Makarov round. However, it oddly deals high damage, more than other pistols that fire the Low Grade Civilian ammo.
TEC-9 Mini
The TEC-9 Mini appears as the "Teklowvka". It holds 15 rounds in what appears to be a 20 round magazine, which is not a magazine size available to the real TEC-9. It uses Low Caliber Ranger ammo and is stated to be Swedish in the weapon description. This is half correct, as the TEC-9 was developed by the American subsidiary of Interdynamic, called Intratec.

Submachine Guns
Every submachine gun except the UMP45 and the MP40 is classed as a carbine in game.
The FN P90 TR appears as the "Peacemaker", firing Low Caliber Military ammo. The weapon spawns in military bases on the Washington and Germany maps, as well as the American Spy Base on the Russia map.
The name is a reference to the law enforcement troops seen in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, who are called "Peacekeepers" and use P90's as their primary weapon.
Heckler & Koch MP5A2
The Heckler & Koch MP5A2 appears as the "Viper", firing Low Caliber Civilian ammo from fictional 25 round magazines. It has a slightly shorter stock and barrel compared to the real MP5, with the barrel resembling a MP5K-sized "tropical" wide handguard. The length of barrel that extends out from the end of the handguard is also slightly longer compared to the real MP5. The "Viper" is found at a variety of police and military locations, most notably the Scorpion-7 research laboratories, which implies its status as a standard-issue SMG for the organisation.
The name may be a reference to the Stalker video games, where the MP5 is called the "Viper 5".
Heckler & Koch UMP45
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 appears as the "Empire". It is only found in military locations in Germany and in airdrops. Oddly, it holds 27 rounds instead of the real weapons 25, and it fires Low Caliber Military ammo. The "Empire" correctly has semi-auto, full-auto and 3 round burst modes, the only official gun in the game with this ability. The "Empire" is also one of two SMGs to actually be classed as an SMG in game (the rest are considered PDWs, except the MP40).
KRISS Vector
The KRISS Vector appears as the "Scalar", firing Low Caliber Military ammo from 30 round magazines, which implies the weapon is based on the .45 ACP version. The weapon has a blue lower receiver and buttplate. The "Scalar" appears in Coalition locations on the Germany map, on the Coalition aircraft carrier, called the Liberator, and in airdrops. The blue colour, which matches the Coalition's colour scheme, and the appearance on the Liberator implies the "Scalar" is a standard-issue Coalition weapon.
The name is a play on the Vector name, and its mathematical origin. The term "scalar" is used to define a vector space, with a "vector" being described by multiple scalars.
Mini Uzi
The Mini Uzi appears as the "Bulldog", firing Low Caliber Ranger ammo. It is modelled with 32 round magazines, but they hold 45 rounds, which is not a real magazine option for the Uzi. It is correctly identified as Israeli, and fires with a closed-bolt, which is incorrect. The weapon can be found at some Ranger locations in the Germany map and at military locations on the Russia map, despite Russia not using the Uzi in any form in its any of its military forces.
The MP40 appears as the "Maschinengewehr", with wood furniture. Maschinengewehr" translates to machine gun, while the MP40 is a submachine gun ("machinenpistole" in German). When the weapon was first added, it was called MP40, but this was quickly changed. It fires Low Caliber Ranger ammo. In game, it is a very rare Ranger weapon, only spawning in airdrops and some Ranger locations on the Germany map. The "Maschinengewehr" is also one of two SMGs to actually be classed as an SMG in game (the rest are considered PDWs, except the UMP-45).
PP-19 Bizon-2
The PP-19 Bizon-2 appears as the "Yuri", firing Low Caliber Ranger ammo from 64 round helical magazines, implying it is chambered in 9x18 Makarov. The rear sights are mounted much further back than the real weapon. It can be found in Ranger locations on the PEI, Washington and Germany maps, and in Military locations in the Russia map.
The PPSh-41 appears as the "Calling Card", firing Low Caliber Ranger ammo from its 71 round drum. As the name suggests, the weapon is found at the Krovi Estate in the Russia map, which was owned by the mafia before the zombie virus hit Russia. It can also be found in airdrops.
A calling card is an object criminals leave behind at the scene of a crime to taunt the police.
The AA-12 CQB appears as the "Devil's Bane", with a light grey appearance. The weapon has a 21 shell drum magazine - one shell larger than the real drum magazine. It can only be found in police locations on the Germany map, as a reward from Horde Beacons or in airdrops.
Double Barrel Shotgun
A Double Barrel Shotgun appears as the "Masterkey". The real Masterkey is an underbarrel pump-action, not a double barrel. The weapon is chambered in 20 gauge shells, which the player reloads as if it were a detachable magazine, and can be found in farms and campgrounds in the PEI, Washington and Russia maps.
Sawed Off Double Barrel Shotgun
A Sawed-Off Double Barrel Shotgun appears to be a sawn off version of the "Masterkey", called the "Sawed-off". The weapon is chambered in 20 gauge shells, which the player reloads as if it were a detachable magazine, and can be crafted by using a saw on the "Masterkey".
A variant of the Sawed-Off Double Barrel Shotgun appears as the "Quadbarrel", which can only be crafted on the Russia map, due to it needing a blueprint obtained by completing a quest. It has 4 barrels side-by-side, which somehow allows the shotgun to hold 8 shells. You cannot fire all 8 shells at once, they are fired individually. Unlike the "Sawed-off" it is based off, the "Quadbarrel" is uses 12 gauge shells.
Mossberg 500
The Mossberg 500 appears as the "Bluntforce", with a black synthetic stock and an 8 round tube magazine. It is a police shotgun, found in police stations on every map except Russia.
A sawn-off MTs255 appears as the "Determinater", incorrectly stated to be an American shotgun and incorrectly holding 8 shells in a 6 shell cylinder. It is chambered in 12 gauge shells, and can only be found in the prison and under the mountain in the Germany map, or in airdrops.

The Saiga-12K appears as the "Vonya", with a raised rib sight and a skeleton stock. Like the other AK-based weapons in game, the rear sights are mounted much further back than the real weapon. It uses a fictional 7 shell magazine, the real Saiga-12 does not have this option. The shotgun is semi-auto, but prior to version, the weapon was full auto. The "Vonya" spawns at police locations in the Russia map, or in airdrops in the PEI and Washington maps.
Rifles & Carbines
Ranger magazines and Military magazines appear as the default magazine for many rifles & carbines. The Military magazine is based on STANAG 30 round magazines, while the Ranger magazines are fictional 35 round magazines that can somehow fit into both AKs, G36C and AUGs.
AAC Honey Badger
The AAC Honey Badger appears as the "PDW", despite the real weapon being a carbine. Interestingly it appears to have a combination of the stock from the HK416C and the standard stock, with a very short buffer tube from the HK416C. It fires Low Caliber Military ammo from 30 round Military magazines. It appears on every map, either spawning after completing a horde beacon, killing a Mega Zombie, finding an airdrop or in military locations on the Germany. Washington and Russia maps.
The AKM appears as the "Zubeknakov", firing Low Caliber Ranger ammo from the 35 round Ranger magazines. Like the other AK-based weapons in game, the rear sights are mounted much further back than the real weapon. The weapon can be identified as an AKM by the angle of the stock - it is very straight, unlike the AK-47's stock, which is angled downwards. The handguard is the same as the AS Val, albeit brown wood instead of black polymer.
Oddly, the weapon deals less damage than weapons chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO, like the C8 Carbine seen below. This may imply it is chambered in 5.45x39mm, which has less stopping power than 5.56x45mm NATO, however the high recoil of the "Zubeknakov" and the curvature of the magazine implies the usage of 7.62x39mm.
Colt Canada C8 Carbine
The Colt Canada C8 Carbine appears as the "Maplestrike", incorrectly referred to as an assault rifle. It fires Low Caliber Military ammunition and can only be found at military locations on the PEI map, which is set in Canada, or in airdrops. The name is a reference to the maple leaf on the Canadian flag.
Colt M16A4
The Colt M16A4 appears as the "Eaglefire", a reference to the national bird of America. It fires Low Caliber Military ammo in 3 round bursts and has a Magpul CTR stock and flip-up front and rear sights. The barrel appears to between the length of the M16 and M4 barrels, bearing an appearance very similar to the FN-manufactured M16 rifles It used to be called the "AR32", firing fully automatic, which would have made it an M16A3.
The weapon is implied to be a civilian AR-15, as it is found in civilian gun stores in the Washington map, but it usage of Military ammo and Military magazines, the 3 round burst setting and the chance to spawn at the American Spy Base in the Russia map make it clear it is meant to be the military burst-fire M16A4, rather than the civilian semi-auto AR-15. Albeit illegal in most circumstances, the real AR-15 can be converted to allow for a 3-round burst.
The FAMAS F1 appears as the "Fusilaut", a a portmanteau of the French words "fusillade" and "fusil d'assault", meaning "a series of shots in succession" and "assault rifle" respectively. It fires in 3 round bursts from both Ranger and Military magazines, both of which hold different numbers of rounds compared to the real F1's 25 round straight magazine. The ability to use 30 round STANAG Military magazines is incorrect, as the weapon does not have the magwell of the G2. It is chambered in Low Caliber Ranger ammunition, and can be found in military locations in the Germany and Russia maps, despite neither of these countries using the FAMAS rifle in any of their military forces, as well as in airdrops.
[File:Famas g2.jpg|thumb|none|450px|FAMAS G2 with the charging handle pulled back, for reference - 5.56x45mm]]
The FN SCAR-L appears as the "Heartbreaker", firing Low Caliber Military ammo. It can rarely spawn at military locations in the Washington map, implying the NAVY SEALS were garrisoned in Washington prior to the virus outbreak, as well as at military locations in the Germany map, as part of the special spawn group, due to its use by GSG 9 and SEK. It can also be found in airdrops.
Heckler & Koch G36C
The Heckler & Koch G36C appears as the "Nightraider", firing Low Caliber Ranger ammo. As it is a Ranger weapon, the default magazine is the 35 round Ranger, however it is interchangeable with Military magazines. The weapon can be found at military locations in the Germany and Russia map, despite it not being used by the Russian military in real life. It can also be found in airdrops.
Mosin Nagant M1891/30
The Mosin Nagant M1891/30 appears as the "Schofield", named after the developer's social studies teacher, who said in a livestream that he wanted a weapon named after him. It fires Low Caliber Civilian ammo from generic "Rifle Clips". The weapon was incorrectly called a French battle rifle before a patch changed this to a Russian battle rifle, which is still incorrect as the Mosin has none of the characteristics of a battle rifle. The weapon has a straight-pull bolt, rather than the downturned one seen on the M77, but it reuses the same bolt animation as every other bolt rifle, which has the player pull the bolt up, pull it back, push it forward and push it down. This is the wrong amimation for a straight-pull bolt.
The "Schofield" can be found at farms and campsites on the PEI and Washington maps, and in gun stores on the Germany and Russia maps.
Ruger 10/22
The "Sportshot" rifle appears to be based on the Ruger 10/22, however it has an extended magazine far larger than the .22 LR magazines used in the real gun, which still holds 10 rounds of Low Caliber Civilian ammo. However, the damage model of the rifle implies it is chambered in .22 LR, as it deals less damage than any other bullet weapon in the game. It does more damage against animals than players. The description states it is a target rifle, a reference to its high usage in marksmanship competitions. The weapon can be found at campsites, farms and gun stores on every map except Yukon, where it can only be found at campgrounds.
A special "April Fools" variant of the "Sportshot" was added for the 1st April, 2016. It fired miniature rockets that dealt more damage than the base "Sportshot" in 10 round bursts, meaning the magazine would be emptied with one burst. It was removed the following day.
Ruger Gunsite Scout
The "Hawkhound" rifle appears to be based on the Ruger M77 Gunsite, however it is semi-auto instead of bolt-action, it feeds from a fictional 8 round magazine, it has wood furniture and stock and it is referred to as Canadian in game, while Ruger is an American company. The rifle fires Low Caliber Civilian ammo, which is meant to be either 5.56x45mm or 7.62x51mm NATO, judging by the decently high player damage of the weapon. The "Hawkhound" can be found at farms and campgrounds in the 3 North American maps - PEI, Washington and Yukon.
"Makeshift Rifle"
The "Makeshift Rifle" appears to have the same overall appearance as the "Hawkhound", however it is bolt-action instead of semi auto, making it resemble a Ruger M77 Hawkeye. It also has the exact same damage model as the "Hawkhound", further supporting the idea that the two weapons are part of the same family. The weapon has a straight-pull bolt, rather than the downturned one seen on the M77, but it reuses the same bolt animation as every other bolt rifle, which has the player pull the bolt up, pull it back, push it forward and push it down. This is the wrong amimation for a straight-pull bolt. The body of the rifle can be made out of birch, maple or pine wood, which is held together, rather alarmingly, by bits of duct tape and rope.
SIG SG 553
The SIG SG 553 appears as the "Swissgewehr" (literally "Swiss Rifle"), firing Low Caliber Military ammo from a unique opaque 20 round "Swissgewehr" magazine. The weapon is able to use any other Military magazine alongside its unique 20 rounder, despite the SG 553 not being able to use STANAG or AK magazines in real life. Like the SG 551, it has 3 rectangular vent holes in its green handguard, but these are at the bottom rather than the top. The "Swissgewehr" only spawns at police locations in the Germany map and in airdrops.
Steyr AUG A1
The Steyr AUG A1 appears as the "Augewehr", which is based on the acronym AUG ("Armee Universal Gewehr"). The weapon fires Low Caliber Ranger ammo and is fitted with a 4x Swavorski scope by default, although this can be removed and replaced with other optical attachments. Note that this scope has a higher zoom than the real AUG A1 scope, which is a 1.5x zoom. The "Augewehr" can use both Ranger and Military magazines, although as a Ranger weapon, it spawns with 35 round Ranger magazines. Interestingly, it has a short carbine barrel instead of a full-length barrel. It spawns in military locations on the Germany and Russia maps, as well as in airdrops.
Sniper Rifles
Barrett M82
The original Barrett M82 appears as the "Grizzly", with the muzzle break of the M82A1. It fires High Caliber Military ammo from a 5 round magazine instead of the real rifle's 10. Respecting the power of its cartridge, the .50 BMG, it has the highest player damage of any weapon in the game, save for the "Shadowstalker" railguns. It can be found in military locations in the Germany and Washington maps, as a reward from Horde Beacons and in airdrops in the PEI and Russia maps.
C14 Timberwolf
The C14 Timberwolf appears as the "Timberwolf", with a black chassis and a slightly shorter barrel. After the update, the magazine capacity was reduced from the incorrect 8 rounds to the still incorrect 6 rounds, and the 20x scope that the weapon spawned with was replaced with iron sights. As expected, it uses High Caliber Military ammo. It can be found in military locations on the PEI map, or in airdrops on the Washington and Russia maps.
Cheyenne Tactical M200 Intervention
The Cheyenne Tactical M200 Intervention appears as the "Ekho". It is incorrectly called a Russian sniper rifle and "Ekho" is the transliteration of the Russian word for "echo". It uses a 7 round magazine firing High Caliber Military ammo. The magazine well is on the left side of the receiver, rather than underneath it like the real weapon. The "Ekho" also has a much shorter barrel than the real rifle. It can be found in military locations in the Russia map, as a reward from Horde Beacons and in airdrops.
The name, magazine well position and spawn locations imply the Intervention is a Russian weapon in-universe.
M39 Enhanced Marksman Rifle
The M39 EMR appears as the "Sabretooth", with a tan chassis. The weapon is chambered in Low Caliber Military ammunition - most sniper rifles use High Caliber ammunition. The "Sabretooth" is classified as a "Sharpshooter Rifle" alongside the "Snayperskya", which also uses Low Caliber ammo.
The "Sabretooth" spawns at military locations in the Washington map, and at the American Spy Base in the Russia map.
SVD Dragunov
The SVD Dragunov appears as the "Snayperskya", which is what the "S" in SVD stands for - it translates as "sniper". The weapon has a fictional 7 round magazine and it fires Low Caliber Ranger ammo, like the "Sabretooth". Also like the "Sabretooth", it is classified as a "shartshooter rifle". The rifle has a similar stock design to the synthetic stock used on newer SVDs, however it is still made out of wood. Like the other AK-based weapons in game, the rear sights are mounted much further back than the real weapon.
The "Snayperskya" spawns in Ranger locations in the PEI and Washington maps, and in military locations in the Russia map.
VSS Vintorez
The VSS Vintorez appears as the "Matamorez", incorrectly classed as an assault rifle (which would be the AS Val). It uses 17 or 36 round magazines, both of which are fictional. It fires High Caliber Ranger ammo, despite the real weapon being chambered in 9x39mm, which is roughly the same size as 7.62x39mm (which is more in line with the Low Caliber ammo in-game, which are seen on weapons firing intermediate rifle rounds). Like the other AK-based weapons in game, the ironsights are incorrectly modelled on the receiver, rather than on the barrel. Additionally, the front sight is not on the suppressor, instead it is located where the rear sight would normally be. The handguard appears to be made of wood instead of polymer.
The "Matamorez" can spawn in Ranger locations in the PEI, Washington and Germany maps, in the nuclear missile silo in the Russia map and as a reward from Horde Beacons.
Machine Guns
M134 Minigun
A handheld M134 Minigun appears as the "Hell's Fury". It operates with no power source and no ammo belt, instead it uses a 250 round "Hell's Fury" magazine, which is completely fictional and which fires both Low Caliber Ranger and Low Caliber Military ammo. The weapon has a "Chainsaw grip" and pistol grip, which are used by the player to hold the massive gun. The spool-up time is incorrect as the M134's action is cycled by barrel rotation and would start firing as soon as the cluster rotated and would continue to fire until the cluster stopped, without the need to speed up the rotations before it fires. Brass ejects from the 1 o'clock position sending a stream of shells up and to the right. In reality the links would be ejected from the feeder/delinker where the chute is attached on the right side of the weapon and the brass would eject from the bottom. Likely this was altered for a more cinematic effect while using the gun. It is incorrectly stated to be Russian in origin.
The "Hell's Fury" can be modified with the "Adaptive Chambering" attachment, which nonsensically increases the firerate to a ridiculous level. It can be found at military locations in the Germany map, at the Oil Rig and nuclear missile silo in the Russia map and as a reward from Horde Beacons or in airdrops.
The M249 appears in game, with a very short barrel and a 150 round box belt. It fires High Caliber Military ammo, unlike the other machine guns Low Caliber ammo, although it originally used Low Caliber Military ammo as well. The "Dragonfang" can spawn at the American Spy Base in the Russia map, at military locations in the Washington and Germany maps and it can be one of the rewards from completing a Horde Beacon.
The PKM appears as the "Nykorev". It has a short barrel and a 200 round belt box, firing Low Caliber Ranger ammo. Like the other AK-based weapons in game, the rear sights are mounted much further back than the real weapon.
The "Nykorev" can be found at Ranger locations in the PEI, Germany and Washington maps, at the Oil Rig and nuclear missile silo in the Russia map, as a reward from Horde Beacons or in airdrops.
The RPG-7 appears, simply called "Rocket Launcher".
M18A1 Claymore
A claymore that most closely resembles the M18A1 Claymore appears in game, found at military locations and able to be crafted with various items, none of which make much sense. Before a patch soon after it was added, the front read "Front Towards Enemy". The claymore is a traditional video-game claymore, requiring no manual detonation to function.

M26 Grenade
A grenade that most closely resembles the M26 Hand Grenade appears in game, as the "Fragmentation Grenade". It is found at military locations on every map.

"Sticky Grenade"
A grenade with an additional metal band appears as the "Sticky Grenade", based on the model for the "Fragmentation Grenade" but recoloured tan. As expected, it sticks to surfaces before exploding, and can be found at military locations on every map.

M83 Smoke Grenade
The M83 Smoke Grenade appears in game, as the "Smoke Grenade". The smoke can be one of many different colours; white, black, purple, green, orange, red, blue or yellow. It is found at military locations.
Combat Bow
Various combat bows, made of birch, maple or pine wood, appear in game.
Compound Bow
A metal compound bow appears in game.
A crossbow with a green chassis appears in game, correctly firing bolts instead of arrows. It can be found at campsites and farms.
Fictional Railguns
Two fictional railguns appear in game, called the "Shadowstalker" and the "Shadowstalker Mk. II".
The "Shadowstalker" is fictional, however it highly resembles the "Rorsch Mk-1" from Battlefield 4, with a larger scope and a larger hole in the stock. The "Shadowstalker" takes the railgun name very literally, firing an actual "rail", which appears to be a very sharp pointed metal projectile, rather than the ferromagnetic projectile magnetically propelled via electromagnetic rails real railguns fire. When firing, the player pulls on a nonexistent bolt, due to the "Shadowstalker" reusing the same bolt pull animations as the bolt-action rifles in game. It has no bullet drop, unlike every other weapon in the game. The "rails" explode on impact.
The "Shadowstalker" can be found in the Washington map at the crashed UFO, and at the firing range of the Washington Scorpion-7 laboratory. It is implied through letters that the crashed alien UFO supplied Scorpion-7 with the technology required to manufacutre prototype "railguns", hence its spawn locations.
"Shadowstalker Mk. II"
The "Shadowstalker Mk. II" is an improved version of the original "Shadowstalker", with a 20 round magazine inspired by the M1941 Johnson rifle's magazine. It has a skeletal stock instead of the thumbhole-esque stock of the original "Shadowstalker", and claw-like 'things' at the end of the "barrel". The "barrel" also has bumps and ridges above it and a large handguard below the "barrel", unlike the original.
Instead of firing black "rails" like the original, it fires new red "rails", which are unique to the magazine it spawns with, and cannot be found anywhere else in the game, meaning the magazine cannot be refilled. The Mk. II is the only non-cosmetic item in the game to have the red "Mythical" rarity. It is also the only gun in the game with a 0% chance of wear, meaning you never need to repair the gun in order to bring its quality up. The explosion radius of the Mk. II is larger than that of the original "Shadowstalker".
The "Shadowstalker Mk. II" can only be obtained from the Russia Mk. II puzzle, which involves many tasks around the map related to the lore of the Russia map. Said lore implies Scorpion-7 improved the "Shadowstalker" using soul crystal derived technology, which could explain the red colour of the "rails".
Finding Bigfoot
Glock 17
Glock 17 pistol. 10 round capacity. Fires "9mm ammo".
Remington Model 870
Customised Remington Model 870 shotgun named "R870", with wood handguard, stock and ghost ring iron sights. 5 round tube modelled as 8 round magazine tube. Remington markings on the receiver.
Unidentified bolt-action rifle
Customised bolt-action rifle named "R700" rifle, with 5 round detachable magazine and a low magnification scope, along with wood chassis and a black plastic handguard. Fires "7.62mm ammo".
Arctic Warfare Magnum
The Arctic Warfare Magnum appears in the game. It is known as the "AVM" and fires 7.62mm ammo like the Precision Marksman.
Custom M4A1
The "M4CL" is a customised M4A1, with tan 4th Gen collapsible stock, STANAG magazine and rail covers and flip-up rear sight. Fires "5.56mm ammo" in full-auto from 25 round magazines, modelled after 30 round tan STANAGs. The rarest gun in the game, only obtainable through locked weapon crates.

Orion Flare Gun
Orion Flare Gun. Fires "Signal Flares".