Halo is an upcoming streaming military science fiction series based on the iconic video game franchise of the same name. The series follows several personal stories set during a large-scale 26th-century transgalactic war between the human race and a theocratic and militaristic collective of alien races known as the Covenant.
Halo is set to premiere on the streaming service Paramount+ in November of 2021.
The following weapons were used in the television series Halo (TV Series):
In the official trailer, armed villagers are seen aiming AKMs with cloth embellishments and an M4 stock.
M79 grenade launcher
In the official trailer, a villager manning a turret has an M79 grenade launcher slung behind his back.
General Dynamics GAU-17/A (modified)
The armed villagers and the Master Chief are seen using General Dynamics GAU-17/As modified to hslightly resemble the M46 Light Anti-Aircraft Gun from the Halo games.